Ring Side News' write up of the HOF ceremony..

Mr. T's had me in tears..
Mr. T says it's an honor to stand with the best in wrestling and to be honored. He stops and says a prayer, thanking God for making everything in his life possible. T asks for a few minutes to pay tribute to his mother. He thanks us in advance for his patience and understanding because it means a lot to him. He promises he won't go too long and hopes he won't bore us. T talks about his mother raising him and his 7 siblings with the help of God. T is the 8th son, the 10th child. He says they grew up in poverty with crime and drugs all around. He says they never did crime and drugs because they loved their mother. T goes on for several minutes and talks about the song he recorded about treating your mother right. T actually gets a "yes!" chant started after he names off all the different holidays he loves his mother on. He's just trying to tell us how he feels about his mother, he says. A "this is awesome" chant starts next. T talks more about being poor but says they were rich spiritually because their mother taught them values. T talks more about his mother. His whole speech has been about his mother so far. T says all he ever wanted to do was be a good son to his mother. T says he drew a picture of a house when he was 9 and grew up to buy her that house and pretty dresses. He goes on until he starts thanking all 7 of his big brothers. T praises all of his brothers for what they did in life. T thanks his daughter but says she can't be here because she's studying for a degree. T goes on to thank his son. All of a sudden, Kane's music hits. They stare at each other. T extends his hand and Kane shakes it. Kane says something and walks back out. T says he's sorry and they've told him his time is up. Kane says he's sorry a few times and leaves. Very awkward.
It's a 3+ hour show of people talking and doing nothing else....what did everyone expect exactly?
Just got back from watchin my Wildcats.

Gonna fire up the HOF in a few. Can't wait to see Jake and Razor's speeches.
Triple H vs Daniel Bryan Set To Be Longest Match At Wrestlemania XXX

- The matches that WWE is planing to give a lot of time to include Triple H vs Daniel Bryan, John Cena vs Bray Wyatt and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship main event. Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker should also get a decent amount of time. The latest draft of the script indicates that Bryan/HHH will go longer than any other match.

Of course this match will be the longest
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I'm watching Flair on Legends of Wrestling talking about his retirement match with HBK and he is tearing up. He has me choking up a little.
Triple H vs Daniel Bryan Set To Be Longest Match At Wrestlemania XXX

- The matches that WWE is planing to give a lot of time to include Triple H vs Daniel Bryan, John Cena vs Bray Wyatt and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship main event. Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker should also get a decent amount of time. The latest draft of the script indicates that Bryan/HHH will go longer than any other match.

Of course this match will be the longest

This basically just said all the main matches are getting a decent amount of time. Not surprising since apparently HHH is taking a bigger role in the production of the event and he would focus more on the wrestling.
Everytime I try to play it on the PS3, it only gives me about on hours worth of footage. Wanted to see Razor but the stream I was given started with Linda and ended somewhere during Lita's speech.
Jake had a dude tearing up, knowing how bad he was doing before DDP and him taking us thru it. Honestly one of the best HOF speaches.

I got to say I'm legit mad at how they did Mr T, they could have had some one walk up and do it discretely. They didn't have to play Kane's music. :smh:
I was laughing at T's speech the whole night but that Kane move was kinda messed up. He for a long time didn't want to be inducted into the HOF and when he finally says yes, they completely cut 'em off. :lol:

Dude was unintentionally HILARIOUS though.
They really played Kane's music it end Mr. T's speech??? That's lame
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I got to say I'm legit mad at how they did Mr T, they could have had some one walk up and do it discretely. They didn't have to play Kane's music. :smh:

Not only that, but Kane was staring at Mr. T like he was sitting in the front of the bus till Mr. T extended his hand :smh:.
:smh: @ Peep hatin on Totino's.

Then again, this is the same guy who bought Murphy Lee's album.
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