Just saw Mr. T's speech, very foul how they did him. Felt sad for dude, cold how Kane did him too.

After hearing about ppl complaining about him on Legends of Wrestling and WM Rewind, I was surprised they even inducted him, but damn why do him dirty like that even if he was a pain in the *** to work with.
He was basically giving his speech, literally all about his mom, when Kane's music hits, Kane walks out and just gives Mr. T a blank stare. Mr T extends his hand to shake his hand, Kane stares and then extends his hand after about 5 seconds of awkward. During this handshake, Mr T. asks him on some lowkey ****, "is that my time?", Kane continues to stare at him, then leaves.

Mr. T is flustered for a second and goes back to his speech and mumbles a little, then says sorry I guess it was my time. He says sorry about 6 or 7 times while the crowd is kinda confused looking around while getting up clapping. Mr T backs away looking like a sad old man.

Depressing ****, I wish I didn't watch it.
I just finished up all that I'm going to watch of the HOF. Jake gave me the feels man, especially when he brought his grandson up on stage. Mr. t's speech was completely irrelevant but they did him dirty bringing Kane out. I wish Razor was given more time. He didn't get to talk about any of his comeback story. I could listen to Nash and Hall tell stories all day, they're two pretty intelligent dudes.
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I wish the audience would be muted during the speeches.  Watching Jake's speech and these fools are always yelling out s*** when he's trying to be serious
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I wish the audience would be muted during the speeches.  Watching Jake's speech and these fools are always yelling out s*** when he's trying to be serious :smh: .

Yeah seriously. I hate how the crowd feel they can control the shows. Like stop chanting non sense during a serious speech. The you still got it or whatever chants were unnecessary. Show some respect.
I wish the audience would be muted during the speeches.  Watching Jake's speech and these fools are always yelling out s*** when he's trying to be serious :smh: .

Swear I was gonna say the same thing. His speech was great though, gained so much respect for Jake listening to him. Didn't hold back and I can tell he's really learned some hard lessons in life. When he said "it hurts because I can't play anymore..." You can tell he has a lot of regret from his career. Congrats to him and I hope many can learn from his story.
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