47,787,393 YouTube Views in 17 days........... she's taking the world by storm

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

You don't have to keep updating the views B.

We know the video is wildly popular.
I'll do whatever I want, thanks for bumping it though
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

"I didn't think it was great, because I didn't judge her from the beginning."

I didn't judge her from the beginning, either. My wife showed it to me because she lives on the internet. When she asked me about Susan Boyle, I was clueless, and she was like "OMGzorzzzz, you have to see this! Watch." And she played it.

When I saw the beginning of the clip, talking about her living with cats and never been kissed and singing karaoke, I thought to myself "None of this has to do with singing. How does she sing?"

Then when she sang, my jaw dropped. THAT... is an amazing voice. The reason it's amazing is not because it's a surprise coming from an unlikely source; it's an amazing voice simply because of the sound.

Props to her.

No props to you for trying to sound like you weren't amazed because you didn't pre-judge. All you've accomplished is that you've let everyone know that you don't know a solid singing voice when you hear one.

Just not as good a voice as everyone is making it seem. That's all.

But I guess we just have different standards for "amazing" singing ability.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

She's wracking up hundreds of thousands of views at a crazy pace!


lol It's called exponential growth! Okay, not quite.. but friends sending to friends sending to friends.. and people like me literally watching it 200times!
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

"I didn't think it was great, because I didn't judge her from the beginning."

I didn't judge her from the beginning, either. My wife showed it to me because she lives on the internet. When she asked me about Susan Boyle I was clueless, and she was like "OMGzorzzzz, you have to see this! Watch." And she played it.

When I saw the beginning of the clip, talking about her living with cats and never been kissed and sining karaoke, I thought to myself "None of this has to do with singing. How does she sing?"

Then when she sang, my jaw dropped. THAT... is an amazing voice. The reason it's amazing is not because it's a surprise coming from an unlikely source; it's an amazing voice simply because of the sound.

Props to her.

No props to you for trying to sound like you weren't amazed because you didnt pre-judge. All you've accomplished is that you've let everyone know that you dn't know a solid singing voice when you hear one.
Just so we're clear: First of all I said MAYBE it's because I didn't prejudge. Regardless of the reason, I just wasn't amazed.Secondly, nothing I say or do will ever be because I'm looking for props from you, or anyone for that matter (but definitely not you). I didn't thinkit was great because I didn't think it was great, period. It was a good performance. I wasn't floored.Too bad if that offends you. I added the prejudgment part because that is what the segment was ALL about. Why else would the hosts turn to the camera and say"I bet you weren't expecting that"? So you can ride the wave of hype like everyone else and stare in awewhen you hear her voice. I'll just simply enjoy it and move on. I don't know a solid voice? That's exactly what her voice was: solid. Notawe-inspiring. I'm sorry that I was able to keep control of my bowels during the performance. But like all hype, this will fade away and she'll beforgotten in a few months or so.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

But like all hype, this will fade away and she'll be forgotten in a few months or so.
I'll bet you $1000 that you'll be wrong about this. In a few months, she might be on Oprah singing her 1st single. There'shype and there's 20 million hits (and 1900+ related articles on Google news) and counting hype. She's thetruth. And the truth is that people love her, her story, whatever. Whether it's because people pre-judged her ornot, that still remains the case. Just saying, you're wrong.
@ 'Definitely not from you.' Who said you were looking for props from anyone? No one. Who said you were looking for props from me? No one. Whythe need to make clear something that wasn't even brought up?
I simply said 'Props to her, no props to you.' I guess that offended you to thepoint where you felt insulted, and couldn't leave the conversation without retaliation, so you felt the need to make sure to throw an insult in return. Andyour return was 'Definitely not from you.' Awesome. I guess.
Now we're all clear; you're not seeking any props from anyone, and definitelynot from me. I don't think there was any confusion on that one, but apparently you did and you wanted to clear that right up. Cool.

#2. Too bad if it offends me that you didn't think it was great, that you weren't floored? I... wasn't offended to begin with.

#3. How am I riding a wave of hype when I had literally never heard the name and never seen the clip and never heard any of the hypebeast stuff before hearingthe clip the first time? All I heard was my wife telling me I had to see it, and then I watched it. Didn't read any of the youtube comments. Didn'thear about this crazy cat lady on the news. Nothing. I heard nothing of here, then I watched her, and I was impressed.

#4. I did exactly what you did, apparently: form an opinion, then move on, feeling like she'll be forgotten in a short amount of time. Looks like we'rein agreement on this one (not that you would be searching to be in agreement with anyone, and definitely not with me). Only key difference is that you simplythought her voice was solid; I found it amazing, especially considering the song she chose (a very difficult song with a very broad range). But I'm notgoing to say she's a great, amazing singer; I'm not going to go any further than 'She put on an amazing performance.' Let me hear another songor 2 before I dub her Celine Dion v. 2.0.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

@ 'Definitely not from you.' Who said you were looking for props from anyone? No one. Who said you were looking for props from me? No one. Why the need to make clear something that wasn't even brought up?
I simply said 'Props to her, no props to you.' I guess that offended you to the point where you felt insulted, and couldn't leave the conversation without retaliation, so you felt the need to make sure to throw an insult in return. And your return was 'Definitely not from you.' Awesome. I guess.
Now we're all clear; you're not seeking any props from anyone, and definitely not from me. I don't think there was any confusion on that one, but apparently you did and you wanted to clear that right up. Cool.

#2. Too bad if it offends me that you didn't think it was great, that you weren't floored? I... wasn't offended to begin with.

#3. How am I riding a wave of hype when I had literally never heard the name and never seen the clip and never heard any of the hypebeast stuff before hearing the clip the first time? All I heard was my wife telling me I had to see it, and then I watched it. Didn't read any of the youtube comments. Didn't hear about this crazy cat lady on the news. Nothing. I heard nothing of here, then I watched her, and I was impressed.

#4. I did exactly what you did, apparently: form the opinion that the voice was solid, then move on, feeling like she'll be forgotten in a short amount of time. Looks like we're in agreement on this one (not that you would be searching to be in agreement with anyone, and definitely not with me).

I never thought I would have to type these words on NT, but: hop off. You've added nothing that hasn't already been said byothers way before you in this thread.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

@ 'Definitely not from you.' Who said you were looking for props from anyone? No one. Who said you were looking for props from me? No one. Why the need to make clear something that wasn't even brought up?
I simply said 'Props to her, no props to you.' I guess that offended you to the point where you felt insulted, and couldn't leave the conversation without retaliation, so you felt the need to make sure to throw an insult in return. And your return was 'Definitely not from you.' Awesome. I guess.
Now we're all clear; you're not seeking any props from anyone, and definitely not from me. I don't think there was any confusion on that one, but apparently you did and you wanted to clear that right up. Cool.

#2. Too bad if it offends me that you didn't think it was great, that you weren't floored? I... wasn't offended to begin with.

#3. How am I riding a wave of hype when I had literally never heard the name and never seen the clip and never heard any of the hypebeast stuff before hearing the clip the first time? All I heard was my wife telling me I had to see it, and then I watched it. Didn't read any of the youtube comments. Didn't hear about this crazy cat lady on the news. Nothing. I heard nothing of here, then I watched her, and I was impressed.

#4. I did exactly what you did, apparently: form the opinion that the voice was solid, then move on, feeling like she'll be forgotten in a short amount of time. Looks like we're in agreement on this one (not that you would be searching to be in agreement with anyone, and definitely not with me).
I never thought I would have to type these words on NT, but: hop off. You've added nothing that hasn't already been said by others way before you in this thread.

Dude is STILL in here trying to cause trouble?

Dude.... 1. get a life 2. stop trying to be so cynical for once.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

@ 'Definitely not from you.' Who said you were looking for props from anyone? No one. Who said you were looking for props from me? No one. Why the need to make clear something that wasn't even brought up?
I simply said 'Props to her, no props to you.' I guess that offended you to the point where you felt insulted, and couldn't leave the conversation without retaliation, so you felt the need to make sure to throw an insult in return. And your return was 'Definitely not from you.' Awesome. I guess.
Now we're all clear; you're not seeking any props from anyone, and definitely not from me. I don't think there was any confusion on that one, but apparently you did and you wanted to clear that right up. Cool.

#2. Too bad if it offends me that you didn't think it was great, that you weren't floored? I... wasn't offended to begin with.

#3. How am I riding a wave of hype when I had literally never heard the name and never seen the clip and never heard any of the hypebeast stuff before hearing the clip the first time? All I heard was my wife telling me I had to see it, and then I watched it. Didn't read any of the youtube comments. Didn't hear about this crazy cat lady on the news. Nothing. I heard nothing of here, then I watched her, and I was impressed.

#4. I did exactly what you did, apparently: form the opinion that the voice was solid, then move on, feeling like she'll be forgotten in a short amount of time. Looks like we're in agreement on this one (not that you would be searching to be in agreement with anyone, and definitely not with me).
I never thought I would have to type these words on NT, but: hop off. You've added nothing that hasn't already been said by others way before you in this thread.
My bad. I didn't know people were speaking about me in the thread. I was simply giving my reply to what you said... to me. I didn't knowpeople had already said what my reply would be. I didn't know people had already pointed out that my wife showed me the clip with me having no priorknowledge of it or of Boyle or even the show Britain's Got Talent. I didn't know people had already pointed out that you and I think that she'sjust another passing fad. I mean, that's awesome that people had already said that, but I didn't know.
People are really going for that internet "gold". Iwouldn't feel the need to say anything in retaliation if people weren't attacking my opinion. I never said anyone was"wrong" for being amazed. I never called anyone out of their name for being amazed (Not saying Ska or TBone called me out of my name, but someonedid). But I'm the one causing trouble? I guess... Anyway, I'll leave you guys to it.

And TBONE, I plead guilty to the charge of being cynical. I have no need to deny that. I'll put it like this for you: This woman is like my 'BarackObama'. I just don't get the hype.

And you're welcome for the bump.
And TBONE, I plead guilty to the charge of being cynical. I have no need to deny that.
Marking the second commonality we apparently share. Offline, my friends criticize me all the time for being too cynical.
great voice. i didnt expect a 47 year old to be able to sing like that. i always thought that the older a singer gets, the worse singing voice becomes weaker.i guess thats just ignorance on my part. on a side note, this video shows the colors of people. everyone in that room in the video thought the lady was goingto be a complete joke.

i'm going to say that there are a lot of people that are sheep. straight following the herd. now that they see this video they are trying not to pre-judgepeople. i'm seeing it throughout this thread. people like this are the worst. they start acting like they are going to change or something but we all knowthat within a month you will be doing the same thing you did before you saw this video. it's our human nature to prejudge others. everyone wants to be thebest
Watching her is so humbling. She embodies how hopes and dreams can be found in the most unlikely places and people. All we have to do is believe.

Ant and Dec (the hosts) are still doing stuff together????They are still corny and cheesy as ever!
Anyways, maybe I'm just fully on board this hype because I love Les Mis and I love this song.
How fitting is this song though? It's both sad and beautiful.

I Dreamed a Dream

There was a time when men were kind,
And their voices were soft,
And their words inviting.
There was a time when love was blind,
And the world was a song,
And the song was exciting.
There was a time when it all went wrong...

I dreamed a dream in time gone by,
When hope was high and life, worth living.
I dreamed that love would never die,
I dreamed that God would be forgiving.
Then I was young and unafraid,
And dreams were made and used and wasted.
There was no ransom to be paid,
No song unsung, no wine, untasted.

But the tigers come at night,
With their voices soft as thunder,
As they tear your hope apart,
And they turn your dream to shame.

He slept a summer by my side,
He filled my days with endless wonder...
He took my childhood in his stride,
But he was gone when autumn came!

And still I dream he'll come to me,
That we will live the years together,
But there are dreams that cannot be,
And there are storms we cannot weather!

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living,
So different now from what it seemed...
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed...
Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

in sports terms it would be like greg paulus somehow making a nba team, then leading the league in points, rebounds, assist, steals, blocks, winning mvp, roy, defensive palyer of the year and 6th man all while coming off the bench....
wow, i was really drunk when i wrote this WTH
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