48÷2(9+3) = ???

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.

no, it is very poorly written. its unclear whether the problem reads
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by The R0yal Family

The answer is 2. Some of y'all were in the slow classes growing up.

1: 48/ 2(9+3)
2: 48/ (2*9)+(2*3)
3: 48/ (18)+(6)
4: 48/ (24) or 24
5: 2


1: 48/ 2(9+3)
2: 48/ 2(12)
3: 48/ 24
4: 2

I see where the confusion is coming from

Step 2 in bold. These other people are saying well, lets just write it 48/ 2*12..... If thats the case, then yes, go left to right and you get 288. But you gotta dead that parenthesis first. and step 3 above does that.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by The R0yal Family

The answer is 2. Some of y'all were in the slow classes growing up.

1: 48/ 2(9+3)
2: 48/ (2*9)+(2*3)
3: 48/ (18)+(6)
4: 48/ (24) or 24
5: 2


1: 48/ 2(9+3)
2: 48/ 2(12)
3: 48/ 24
4: 2

I see where the confusion is coming from

Step 2 in bold. These other people are saying well, lets just write it 48/ 2*12..... If thats the case, then yes, go left to right and you get 288. But you gotta dead that parenthesis first. and step 3 above does that.
Originally Posted by unique8587

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
No the problem is not grouped like (2(9+3)) which why the answer is 288. That's the mistake that they are making.
If its was grouped together you would approach the problem differently and the answer would be 2.

I'm not sure if people are just saying the answer is 2 just to troll or they really sucked at math.

Are you tolling me, or do you not know how to distribute? You must distribute before anything else.
Originally Posted by unique8587

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
No the problem is not grouped like (2(9+3)) which why the answer is 288. That's the mistake that they are making.
If its was grouped together you would approach the problem differently and the answer would be 2.

I'm not sure if people are just saying the answer is 2 just to troll or they really sucked at math.

Are you tolling me, or do you not know how to distribute? You must distribute before anything else.
Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by unique8587


Well. Parentheses are first so its (9+3) which leaves (12). The equation now becomes 48/2 x 12
Because this is a math equation, you will start from left to right. So that means you divide first THEN multiple. The answer is 288.

You guys are doing distribution when you should be dividing first.

PEMDAS It's Multiple or Divide which ever precedes first.
 No it doesn't. You literally just added a symbol that was not part of the equation. The 2 is tied to the parentheses. You must solve everything related to the parenthetical before doing anything else.
You solve what is INSIDE the parentheses first. Everything that is related to it? Nah. The parentheses show that you have to solve that first so you get the 12. After that, the problem is in fact 48/2*12. You don't need parentheses anymore, and it does mean to multiply the 12 times 2. With what is left, you follow PEMDAS and the M and D are of the same importance so you do what comes first. Therefore the 48/2 = 24. Then the 24*12 = 288.
Oh dear christ....this is insane. You can't just add a symbol that doesn't exist in the original equation. The parentheses don't magically turn into an X. It is a multiplier for a brief moment to solve the 2 that is attached.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

48/2 (9+3) =
48/2 (12) =

48/24 =


Exactly how I did it in my head. No idea where 288 came from. Some people forgot their order of operations? 
Exactly. I'm still trying to figure out how they got 288.
288 because if its just multiplication and division you work left to right after you finish whats in the parenthesis

Originally Posted by HankMoody

There is absolutely no way it is anything but 2.

UCLA math major

Jakes on you son.

Its 288.

Good luck paying off your loans though.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

There is absolutely no way it is anything but 2.

UCLA math major

Jakes on you son.

Its 288.

Good luck paying off your loans though.
Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
The problem lies in the fact people think a parentheses symbol is equivalent to a multiplication symbol. It's not. Like someone said earlier, people are just tossing in an X and calling it a day. That's not how it works. If there's no symbol separating the 2 and the parenthetical, then they are attached and must be resolved together. Even in math class we were taught to envision an imaginary bracket around such combinations.
2 * (9 + 3) is not the same as 2(9 + 3)

2 * (9 + 3) is the same as 2 * 1(9 +3)

See where you guys are going wrong? The 2(9 + 3) has to be resolved together.
Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by unique8587


Well. Parentheses are first so its (9+3) which leaves (12). The equation now becomes 48/2 x 12
Because this is a math equation, you will start from left to right. So that means you divide first THEN multiple. The answer is 288.

You guys are doing distribution when you should be dividing first.

PEMDAS It's Multiple or Divide which ever precedes first.
 No it doesn't. You literally just added a symbol that was not part of the equation. The 2 is tied to the parentheses. You must solve everything related to the parenthetical before doing anything else.
You solve what is INSIDE the parentheses first. Everything that is related to it? Nah. The parentheses show that you have to solve that first so you get the 12. After that, the problem is in fact 48/2*12. You don't need parentheses anymore, and it does mean to multiply the 12 times 2. With what is left, you follow PEMDAS and the M and D are of the same importance so you do what comes first. Therefore the 48/2 = 24. Then the 24*12 = 288.
Oh dear christ....this is insane. You can't just add a symbol that doesn't exist in the original equation. The parentheses don't magically turn into an X. It is a multiplier for a brief moment to solve the 2 that is attached.
Originally Posted by 13ROWNIE

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
The problem lies in the fact people think a parentheses symbol is equivalent to a multiplication symbol. It's not. Like someone said earlier, people are just tossing in an X and calling it a day. That's not how it works. If there's no symbol separating the 2 and the parenthetical, then they are attached and must be resolved together. Even in math class we were taught to envision an imaginary bracket around such combinations.
2 * (9 + 3) is not the same as 2(9 + 3)

2 * (9 + 3) is the same as 2 * 1(9 +3)

See where you guys are going wrong? The 2(9 + 3) has to be resolved together.
Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

48/2 (9+3) =
48/2 (12) =

48/24 =


Exactly how I did it in my head. No idea where 288 came from. Some people forgot their order of operations? 
Exactly. I'm still trying to figure out how they got 288.
288 because if its just multiplication and division you work left to right after you finish whats in the parenthesis

Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Originally Posted by OptimusADL

You arent making sense. 0.5 is 1/2 just different forms of the same number.
1/2x = 1/2(x) = 0.5x

1/2x != 1/(2x)

This is why parentheses are important.
Can't you just re-write that
[h3]÷2[/h3]at the start as (1/2) with no repercussions?

If I'm wrong in saying so then my logic is flawed.
No you can't do that, because doing so would change what's written.

48÷2(9+3) =/= 48÷2 x (9+3)

Those equations are the same. You just cant add imaginary parentheses.
No, they are not the same.
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