48÷2(9+3) = ???

Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

48 * (1/(2*(9+3))) = 2
But that isn't the problem. There are no parentheses around the 2(9+3). You can't just assume that. If it was 48 divided by (2(9+3)) then 2 would be the right answer. But it isn't.
Yeah, i'm just wondering if you group 2(9+3) automatically ....if that's the case then yeah, but if not then it's 288
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
No the problem is not grouped like (2(9+3)) which why the answer is 288. That's the mistake that they are making.
If its was grouped together you would approach the problem differently and the answer would be 2.

I'm not sure if people are just saying the answer is 2 just to troll or they really sucked at math.
There is absolutely no way it is anything but 2.

UCLA math major
Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

a lot of people are forgetting the left to right rule.

since division comes first, you divide first.


theres no need to rewrite the equation, add extra numbers, parenthesis, etc.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
The problem lies in the fact people think a parentheses symbol is equivalent to a multiplication symbol. It's not. Like someone said earlier, people are just tossing in an X and calling it a day. That's not how it works. If there's no symbol separating the 2 and the parenthetical, then they are attached and must be resolved together. Even in math class we were taught to envision an imaginary bracket around such combinations.
Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

a lot of people are forgetting the left to right rule.

since division comes first, you divide first.


theres no need to rewrite the equation, add extra numbers, parenthesis, etc.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
The problem lies in the fact people think a parentheses symbol is equivalent to a multiplication symbol. It's not. Like someone said earlier, people are just tossing in an X and calling it a day. That's not how it works. If there's no symbol separating the 2 and the parenthetical, then they are attached and must be resolved together. Even in math class we were taught to envision an imaginary bracket around such combinations.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

The answer is 2.

BB was going wild with this, Neogaf is also.

Also- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110408055505AA0F9In
[h2]Best Answer - Chosen by Asker[/h2]
Distributive property of multiplication over addition. Early Algebra problem.

The distributive property of multiplication CLEARLY states that the 2(9+3) is an entire statement and CANNOT be broken up. 2(9+3) follows the distributive property which can be rewritten as (2*9+2*3). Let me repeat the 2 outside of the parenthesis follows the distributive property of multiplication and must be factored and simplified before performing any other operations on it. You do NOT compute this expression from left to right until you use Algebra to simplify the statement 2(9+3).

So this can be rewritten as:
48 / (2*9 + 2*3)

Which leaves us with

48 / 24 = 2

Answer = 2.

Lastly for those using Google or any other online calculator. These do not understand many theorems or properties so you must explicitly explain what you mean. There is a difference between 48 / 2 * (9+3) and 48 / 2(9+3). The first notation reads 48 / 2 * 1(9+3) while the second reads 48 / (2*9+2*3). Be very careful with your signs.
  • Edited 5 hours ago


this right here sums up everything. I suggest those that keep saying 288 to read this.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

The answer is 2.

BB was going wild with this, Neogaf is also.

Also- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110408055505AA0F9In
[h2]Best Answer - Chosen by Asker[/h2]
Distributive property of multiplication over addition. Early Algebra problem.

The distributive property of multiplication CLEARLY states that the 2(9+3) is an entire statement and CANNOT be broken up. 2(9+3) follows the distributive property which can be rewritten as (2*9+2*3). Let me repeat the 2 outside of the parenthesis follows the distributive property of multiplication and must be factored and simplified before performing any other operations on it. You do NOT compute this expression from left to right until you use Algebra to simplify the statement 2(9+3).

So this can be rewritten as:
48 / (2*9 + 2*3)

Which leaves us with

48 / 24 = 2

Answer = 2.

Lastly for those using Google or any other online calculator. These do not understand many theorems or properties so you must explicitly explain what you mean. There is a difference between 48 / 2 * (9+3) and 48 / 2(9+3). The first notation reads 48 / 2 * 1(9+3) while the second reads 48 / (2*9+2*3). Be very careful with your signs.
  • Edited 5 hours ago


this right here sums up everything. I suggest those that keep saying 288 to read this.
Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by unique8587


Well. Parentheses are first so its (9+3) which leaves (12). The equation now becomes 48/2 x 12
Because this is a math equation, you will start from left to right. So that means you divide first THEN multiple. The answer is 288.

You guys are doing distribution when you should be dividing first.

PEMDAS It's Multiple or Divide which ever precedes first.
 No it doesn't. You literally just added a symbol that was not part of the equation. The 2 is tied to the parentheses. You must solve everything related to the parenthetical before doing anything else.
You solve what is INSIDE the parentheses first. Everything that is related to it? Nah. The parentheses show that you have to solve that first so you get the 12. After that, the problem is in fact 48/2*12. You don't need parentheses anymore, and it does mean to multiply the 12 times 2. With what is left, you follow PEMDAS and the M and D are of the same importance so you do what comes first. Therefore the 48/2 = 24. Then the 24*12 = 288.
Distributive property.
Originally Posted by snakeyes17

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by unique8587


Well. Parentheses are first so its (9+3) which leaves (12). The equation now becomes 48/2 x 12
Because this is a math equation, you will start from left to right. So that means you divide first THEN multiple. The answer is 288.

You guys are doing distribution when you should be dividing first.

PEMDAS It's Multiple or Divide which ever precedes first.
 No it doesn't. You literally just added a symbol that was not part of the equation. The 2 is tied to the parentheses. You must solve everything related to the parenthetical before doing anything else.
You solve what is INSIDE the parentheses first. Everything that is related to it? Nah. The parentheses show that you have to solve that first so you get the 12. After that, the problem is in fact 48/2*12. You don't need parentheses anymore, and it does mean to multiply the 12 times 2. With what is left, you follow PEMDAS and the M and D are of the same importance so you do what comes first. Therefore the 48/2 = 24. Then the 24*12 = 288.
Distributive property.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Originally Posted by OptimusADL

You arent making sense. 0.5 is 1/2 just different forms of the same number.
1/2x = 1/2(x) = 0.5x

1/2x != 1/(2x)

This is why parentheses are important.
Can't you just re-write that
[h3]÷2[/h3]at the start as (1/2) with no repercussions?

If I'm wrong in saying so then my logic is flawed.
No you can't do that, because doing so would change what's written.

48÷2(9+3) =/= 48÷2 x (9+3)

Those equations are the same. You just cant add imaginary parentheses.
Originally Posted by unique8587

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
No the problem is not grouped like (2(9+3)) which why the answer is 288. That's the mistake that they are making.
If its was grouped together you would approach the problem differently and the answer would be 2.

I'm not sure if people are just saying the answer is 2 just to troll or they really sucked at math.
You know what's up. People seriously think that just because there is a division symbol, everything after it is in the denominator? It would be if it was indicated by parentheses but it isn't. You can have a problem that is 48 over 2 as the division part, and then MULTIPLY that by (9+3).
Originally Posted by unique8587

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
No the problem is not grouped like (2(9+3)) which why the answer is 288. That's the mistake that they are making.
If its was grouped together you would approach the problem differently and the answer would be 2.

I'm not sure if people are just saying the answer is 2 just to troll or they really sucked at math.
You know what's up. People seriously think that just because there is a division symbol, everything after it is in the denominator? It would be if it was indicated by parentheses but it isn't. You can have a problem that is 48 over 2 as the division part, and then MULTIPLY that by (9+3).
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
The problem lies in the fact people think a parentheses symbol is equivalent to a multiplication symbol. It's not. Like someone said earlier, people are just tossing in an X and calling it a day. That's not how it works. If there's no symbol separating the 2 and the parenthetical, then they are attached and must be resolved together. Even in math class we were taught to envision an imaginary bracket around such combinations.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.
The problem lies in the fact people think a parentheses symbol is equivalent to a multiplication symbol. It's not. Like someone said earlier, people are just tossing in an X and calling it a day. That's not how it works. If there's no symbol separating the 2 and the parenthetical, then they are attached and must be resolved together. Even in math class we were taught to envision an imaginary bracket around such combinations.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Originally Posted by OptimusADL

You arent making sense. 0.5 is 1/2 just different forms of the same number.
1/2x = 1/2(x) = 0.5x

1/2x != 1/(2x)

This is why parentheses are important.
Can't you just re-write that
[h3]÷2[/h3]at the start as (1/2) with no repercussions?

If I'm wrong in saying so then my logic is flawed.
No you can't do that, because doing so would change what's written.

48÷2(9+3) =/= 48÷2 x (9+3)

Those equations are the same. You just cant add imaginary parentheses.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

Do you automatically group 2(9+3) ? Like (2(9+3))???

Yes. The question is not poorly written, some of you are just trying to create new math.

no, it is very poorly written. its unclear whether the problem reads
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