4CHAN votes for Taylor Swift to attend Deaf School

Man, Alaska gets everything. First they get a Taco Bell truck then they get a Pit Bull concert
So nobody thinks this is cold blooded?

The troll level is sickening fambs....

And we all know i'm Steve-o positivo... But this

So nobody thinks this is cold blooded?

The troll level is sickening fambs....

And we all know i'm Steve-o positivo... But this

that's exactly what i thought..

ya'll act like these fools did this with good intent

what they did is about as malicious as you can get.
Am I missing something? Where is the good in this? Someone please enlighten me cause this just looks like a cruel joke from where I'm sitting

Someone tell me where is the good in sending a musician to a school of deaf kids. If I was a parent of one of those kids I wouldnt even let them attend. I dont think you guys are grasping the severity of putting a musician in front of deaf kids. 

"Hey come sit here and watch this person flaunt this gift that you will never get to experience, something that is a integral part of living that for some reason you were denied of having". How is a deaf kid supposed to feel whilst sitting there?

Cant cosign this at all.
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You guys that think this was a nice gesture are ******ed....these dudes sent a MUSICIAN to a deaf school!...a MUSICIAN!!...this is sick beyond words.
okay well... deaf does not always mean you can't hear anything at all. I see you guys have never read or heard anything about how partially and mostly deaf people enjoy concerts.

theres also supposedly a $10k donation to the school's music program.
okay well... deaf does not always mean you can't hear anything at all. I see you guys have never read or heard anything about how partially and mostly deaf people enjoy concerts.
theres also supposedly a $10k donation to the school's music program.

I'm sure that was 4Chan's intent

okay well... deaf does not always mean you can't hear anything at all. I see you guys have never read or heard anything about how partially and mostly deaf people enjoy concerts.
theres also supposedly a $10k donation to the school's music program.

I'm sure that was 4Chan's intent


did you read the thread on 4ch or the one on Reddit? or are you just assuming cuz of your perception of what 4ch is?

twilight/blind kids comparison was dead on. I wouldnt wanna see that **** either.
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