52 Week Money Challenge ... week 26 of 52. halfway there...

Well damn been forgetting about this thread for way too long. I was putting in $52 a week. Havent touched the money but now Im going to have to go back and add up all the weeks I havent contributed then just multiply it and transfer that money into savings.
Failed. My money woes (like many other people) are deep-seeded in denial. I probably could have completed this challenge if I had a separate bank account for this challenge. I hate opening bills that come in the mail and looking at my bank account and seeing the money that I dont have. :smh: Both depressing and frightening

It's not a good feeling to hit week 24 and be mentally ready to transfer $24 to the savings account, only to be hit with the reality that I really can't afford to make that move.

Respect to those who are staying the course :smokin |I
Failed. My money woes (like many other people) are deep-seeded in denial. I probably could have completed this challenge if I had a separate bank account for this challenge. I hate opening bills that come in the mail and looking at my bank account and seeing the money that I dont have. :smh: Both depressing and frightening

It's not a good feeling to hit week 24 and be mentally ready to transfer $24 to the savings account, only to be hit with the reality that I really can't afford to make that move.

Respect to those who are staying the course :smokin |I

Bruh I feel you! I dipped into it a few times only to be like "What am I doing??" I put it all back and stayed on track. There is always next year guys!

Wish i would have seen this earlier. But Im starting this today to have extra money for xmas 2014
Bumping... how did everyone do with just a couple weeks left?

Me... :lol: I stopped quarter of the way.. but I went backwards (52+51+50, etc..) so I believed I saved around $600! Now what to do with that cash!?!?
This is one of the things I'm doing for next year, I want to save everything online though instead of use cash. I started a plan this year with 3 savings accounts where I make deposits with each clothing purchase & other things I decided to "tax myself" for. I'm adding to those types of accounts & doing this next year so I'm down.
I'm starting again for 2014 . . . who's in?

At the end of the year, I still have about $400 left in the account. I had to withdraw $900 for an emergency car repair, BUT I was so glad that I even had that cash standing by in a pinch.
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