5th teen charged with killing Pa. boy for sneakers

Originally Posted by Ruxxx


I thought this kind of +%!! was dead.

Fake or not,  no one should lose their life over some shoes.
I guarantee that if this happened in Cleveland, we would all laugh at this grief and say Ohio takes an L.

So with that said, PA will take a L and it will be noted.
I guarantee that if this happened in Cleveland, we would all laugh at this grief and say Ohio takes an L.

So with that said, PA will take a L and it will be noted.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I guarantee that if this happened in Cleveland, we would all laugh at this grief and say Ohio takes an L.

So with that said, PA will take a L and it will be noted.

Damn guy, a kid lost his life. Can you get the chip off your shoulder for a minute and not try to make it about you? Grow up.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I guarantee that if this happened in Cleveland, we would all laugh at this grief and say Ohio takes an L.

So with that said, PA will take a L and it will be noted.

Damn guy, a kid lost his life. Can you get the chip off your shoulder for a minute and not try to make it about you? Grow up.
^Maybe a bunch of knuckleheads would say "Ohio takes another L" or whatever,but I don't think there would be any kind of laughter over a kid losing his life (over a pair of fugazi kicks at that).
There's NOTHING remotely funny about this %$@$.
^Maybe a bunch of knuckleheads would say "Ohio takes another L" or whatever,but I don't think there would be any kind of laughter over a kid losing his life (over a pair of fugazi kicks at that).
There's NOTHING remotely funny about this %$@$.
Sounds like there is more to the story. Doesn't seem as though the attack was motivated by the sneakers...just htat they decided to take the sneakers after murdering him. Was it just a thrill killing? Gang related? Revenge killing? I don't think the motive was the sneakers. Horrible crime nonetheless. God be with our youth today.
Sounds like there is more to the story. Doesn't seem as though the attack was motivated by the sneakers...just htat they decided to take the sneakers after murdering him. Was it just a thrill killing? Gang related? Revenge killing? I don't think the motive was the sneakers. Horrible crime nonetheless. God be with our youth today.
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