5th teen charged with killing Pa. boy for sneakers

 My God man
smh I looked at the boy's facebook and his status is talking about "free blah blah blah and blah"; how does he write that when he was apart of it too? I couldn't do no *%#% like that
smh I looked at the boy's facebook and his status is talking about "free blah blah blah and blah"; how does he write that when he was apart of it too? I couldn't do no *%#% like that
that all happened right down the road from my store. it's unbelievable and extremely depressing hearing about this crap going on. also a lady from the same town has been charged for a couple murders i'm trying to find the article. everything is at readingeagle.com
that all happened right down the road from my store. it's unbelievable and extremely depressing hearing about this crap going on. also a lady from the same town has been charged for a couple murders i'm trying to find the article. everything is at readingeagle.com
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