6/10 TNA Slammiversary PPV - Roode v Sting, Joseph Park v Bully Ray, Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, WWE...

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

The thing about Hunico is he is great in ring, but his character has become Chavo/Konann esque. If WWE wants him to take over for the Latino demos, they should add more dimensions. Like with Eddie, he had great promos because he wasn't just a stereotypem he had good charisma.
Isn't ADR's bro w/ wwe

Completely agree about Hunico, but this same thing goes for a ton of guys in WWE.  WWE either refuses or is too stupid to push/create new stars.  If they just let guys go out there and be themselves instead of scripting everything, the company would be in so much better shape.  Basically, if they were a wrestling company instead of an entertainment company.
I hate how they give you a pinch of leeway, then never do anything after that. I had read awhile back about a house show a few weeks before Survivor Series where 
Vince had somebody just hand Hunico a mic at the spur of the moment to see what he could do, and Vince was really impressed. But as you can probably tell, not much

has come of that. Even Hunico's commentary during that Ted Dibiase/Drew McIntyre match was hilarious.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 4w, i'll talk to u about anything WWE related. Discussing any other company with u falls on deaf ears. You remind me of Bill Alfonso (he was on ECW) who would carry a WWF flag everywhere.

The WWE HOF is a wrestling Hall Of Fame, u dont have to be vince's creation to be in it, its just that vince hates the word wrestling. <

I know who Bill Alfonso is 
Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Great article on Triple H training for wrestlemania. I found this because I used to do some of DeFranco's training programs so I just happened to see it on his website when looking for a new one. More workout based than wrestling based but still a great read. There's also a part two on there if anyone's interested.


Full article in spoilers:

Spoiler [+]

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[h2]Changing 'THE GAME' - Triple H's New Training Regimen[/h2]

During the past 2 years, Triple H has added 125 pounds to his bench press, 220 pounds to his box squat, 22 inches to his box jump...and he's become healthier and more athletic during the process. Learn how he did it in this exclusive, 2-Part article series!

~Two years ago, I was training a group of NFL & college football players when I received a message to call back a man by the name of Paul Levesque. "I couldn't really hear the message because it's so damn loud in here; but I think he's supposed to be a WWE wrestler or something", Ashley explained to me.

"Just put his number by my gym bag and I'll call him back if I have time tomorrow...I doubt the guy is actually in the WWE", I replied. 

Then, one of my college athletes interrupted the conversation..."WAIT! What did you say his name was?! Did you say Paul Levesque? If so, that's Triple H! Go call him back right now! We can finish the workout on our own!" 

The rest, as they say, is history... 

Nothing "fake" about it...

One of the main reasons that Triple H contacted me was because he knew he needed to make a change in his training. He had just turned 40  and the injuries he sustained during the course of his legendary career were really starting to take their toll on his body.

There is a very interesting dilemma that most WWE superstars face: It's very important for them to have "the look" -- but if they sacrifice "function" just to look good -- their bodies become a ticking time bomb and injury is inevitable. 

Many people reading this may be saying, "Why do these guys have to worry about training for 'function' and preventing injury; isn't wrestling fake?" After working with Triple H for almost two years now, I can tell you with confidence that the physical demands and injuries that WWE superstars deal with are as real as it gets! I've been training professional athletes for over 15 years and I can guarantee you that I've never come across an athlete whose body has been through more abuse than Triple H. 

Here's just a "few" of the injuries Triple H has sustained in the ring: 
  • Completely torn quadriceps muscles/tendons in BOTH legs that required major surgery and rehab. (FYI, both injuries happened in the ring and Triple H continued to wrestle and finish both matches on one leg!)
  • Torn biceps tendon (shoulder surgery)
  • Two elbow surgeries to remove 9 bone spurs that the surgeon said were the size of "human teeth". One of the spurs was lodged in the joint, preventing any movement in the elbow.
  • Torn adductor muscle
  • Torn Piriformis muscle
  • Knee surgery (Thermal Heat Probe) to track the Patella: This is when the surgeon cuts the tendon on one side (to create some slack) and burns the tendon on the other side (to shrink/tighten it) in order to track the knee cap better
  • Over a dozen high ankle sprains
  • Torn calf muscle sustained when 'Cactus Jack' suplexed Triple H through a wood pallet and a piece of the pallet broke off and pierced right through his calf muscle - all the way to the bone! (Triple H pulled the piece of wood out and finished the match with his boot drenched in blood.) 

"I can say, from an athlete's standpoint, I wish I would have met Joe 20 years ago."

-Triple H 

(When asked about injuries suffered early in his career and what he wished he had done differently...)


I can tell you first-hand that the surgeries and scars on Triple H's body are real. The travel schedule, physical demands in the ring, and the fact that there's no off-season in the WWE, make it imperative for WWE superstars to take care of their bodies and train for function.  

After my initial meeting with Triple H, I had a new-found respect for the "Sports Entertainment" business. These guys are basically a combination of football players, Hollywood stunt men, gymnasts and bodybuilders all rolled into one! I was very excited to take on this challenge and help Triple H go from "injured bodybuilder" to "healthy athlete" -- all while enhancing "the look" he's become famous for! 

Note: It would be impossible for me to cover every single aspect of Triple H's training during the past two years...nor am I willing to give away all that information anyway
So I decided to provide some bullet-points of the most important changes I made to his former training style. According to Triple H, the changes listed below have had the biggest impact on his strength, health, performance and appearance during the last two years.

  • Improving the quality of his soft tissue by incorporating SMR (Self-Myofascial Release) with the foam roller & lacrosse ball on a daily basis. 
  • Placing an emphasis on building & strengthening the smaller, stabilizer muscles
Example: When I first started training Triple H, his "newest" injury was the surgically repaired biceps tendon of his left shoulder. I spent the first three months of training focussing on his external rotators, rear delts, mid-traps, rhomboids, etc. I don't think I had him touch a weight when training his 'upper back' during the first three months we trained together. I had him doing tons of strict isometric holds, bodyweight exercises and band resistance to target these muscles. I knew if I could strengthen these often-overlooked muscles, Triple H would eventually be much more likely to throw a punch, execute a body slam - as well as lift heavy weights again - with much less chance of an inhibitory response from the Golgi Tendon Organ. (Simply put, when your smaller, stabilizer muscles are not strong/stable enough to support a heavy weight or stabilize during a difficult activity; your Golgi Tendon Organ will "shut off" your bigger (prime mover) muscles in order to prevent injury to the weak link(s) in the chain. This is called the "tension effect"). Reducing the likelihood of this inhibitory response (by strengthening the 'weak links') drastically reduces Triple H's potential for future injuries, while increasing his performance. Much to Triple H's surprise, these "less sexy" exercises ("Y-Handcuffs", Band Face Pull+External Rotation, Band Pull-aparts, etc.) actually made his upper back/rear delts more muscular than when he was performing traditional bodybuilding movements! We basically "filled in the holes" of his upper back by getting the smaller, "deeper" muscles to hypertrophy. These "rehab-type" movements ended up giving Triple H what bodybuilders refer to as a "three-dimensional" look (due to the thickness/density that was built.) And when we finally started incorporating heavy rows and other compound movements into his program, he was able to handle heavier weights due to the "structural balance" that was created.


Triple H has performed over 30,000 band pull-aparts during the past 2 years.

  • Switching from a Linear Periodization model to a Conjugated Method of Periodization. The main advantage of Conjugated Periodization is that multiple abilities (example: hypertrophy, maximal strength, power) are developed at the same time, without any drop in any one of them. This makes it ideal for a WWE superstar, due to the fact that there is no off-season and their wrestling schedule can be unpredictable. With this periodization model, Triple H is never far off from getting in peak physical condition for a big event. (FYI, it is a myth that you must train "balls out" for 52 weeks of the year with this type of periodization model. Even though Triple H trains multiple abilities year-round, we cycle the volume, intensity and incorporate deload weeks to prevent over-training and burnout.) 
  • Failure is no longer an option! Like many bodybuilders, Triple H used to perform a lot of forced reps, assisted reps, etc. The problem is that training to failure fries your CNS and kills your ability to recover...especially for a guy in his 40's. Because of this; I always have Triple H leave 1 to 2 reps "in the tank". In fact, in the 2 years I've been training him, he has not missed one single rep! Yes, you read that right; he's never failed on a rep, nor have I laid a finger on the bar to help him perform a forced rep, ever! Keep in mind that we train heavy and hard...I just make sure to choose the weights/percentages accordingly in order to prevent failure. This mentality and attention to detail has resulted in 2 years of constant progress.
  • Box-squatting. Triple H is yet another real-world example of someone who can now squat pain-free, thanks to learning how to box squat properly.  Here's what he had to say regarding the topic: "I always thought that sore knees and joint pain went hand in hand with squatting. I thought it was just something everyone dealt with. Ever since switching to box squats, my knees and low back feel better than they have in 15 years." This statement speaks volumes coming from a guy with Triple H's storied injury history. 
  • Variety. Although the training system and philosophy I've been utilizing with Triple H has remained pretty consistent during the past two years; I'm constantly adding variety 'within the system'. In other words, I design Triple H's yearly plan in 2-3 week "mini-cycles". This means, every 2-3 weeks, I change his workouts based on his progress, feedback, strengths, weaknesses, goals, etc. Triple H has expressed that the "variety" is probably the thing he enjoys the most about my programming. I'm proud of the fact that the variety of my workouts keep him motivated and fresh. In fact, during the past two years, I have incorporated over 75 exercises that Triple H hadn't previously seen or performed during his 30 years in the gym!    NOTE: In my opinion, variety is the #1 training factor affecting hypertrophy. I feel that - even though Triple H is now training like an "athlete" - his physique has also improved due to all the exercise variety within this training system. When your body has to constantly adapt to different angles, resistances, set/rep schemes and tempos...you're bound to respond by "growing"! 
  • Address the "Strength Infrastructure"! This "game changer" has definitely made one of the biggest impacts on Triple H's health and performance. When I refer to the "strength infrastructure", I'm referring to the feet, core and hands. (To me, this is the foundation for any athlete.) Take a moment and think about a WWE wrestling match, or any other sporting event for that matter. You now probably have a visual of athletes running, jumping, punching, throwing, kicking, grabbing, etc. Most of us are aware that our "core" is our 'power center' as it transfers power through our body; this power is then displayed through our arms (applied through the hands) or our legs (applied through the feet). Addressing this "infrastructure" is of utmost importance to reach your full power potential, while drastically reducing your chances of injury. Below I have listed the three foundational ways that Triple H increased the strength of his "infrastructure". I say these are "foundational" because they are things every athlete can immediately apply to their training, regardless of what program they're on, or the sport they play, etc. 
Farmers Walks are one of THE best exercises an athlete can do to improve overall body strength (especially in the hands/forearms, core and feet/ankles)

-Barefoot training. The very first day I met Triple H and he told me about his quad tears, knee pain, torn hip muscles and multiple ankle sprains; I immediately recommended he start training in Vibram FiveFingers. (These are specially designed "shoes" that are essentially the same as being barefoot.) 

The human foot has over 100 muscles and tendons that run through it. Wearing cushioned sneakers is like wearing a cast all day, so the muscles and tendons in your feet become weaker over time. This increases your chances of ankle, knee, hip and low back injury -- or in Triple H's case -- a poor sneaker choice will prevent old injuries from healing properly. Training in Vibrams has essentially "uncasted" his feet and helped restore strength, balance and range of motion in his joints. As an added benefit, he added some size to his calves as well! 

-No more lifting straps. Lifting straps act as a "cast" to your hands and forearms (similar to the example of cushioned sneakers and your feet.) Straps may help you 'lift more weight' while you're in the gym, but then your grip won't be up to the task during 'real-world' activities or on the athletic field.

Taking it a step further, I regularly have Triple H perform exercises with thick-handled dumbells and barbells. The larger diameter of thick barbells and dumbells increases motor unit recruitment, which accelerates strength & hypertrophy gains. On average, I've noticed about a 10% increase in Triple H's strength once we resume training with regular-diameter barbells and dumbells. 

-Your core is your new weightlifting belt. Triple H has not worn a weightlifting belt since we started training. I'm not opposed to the use of belts during max-effort sets of squats and deadlifts, but most people wear them way too much. This is a huge mistake; it's also one of the reasons so many gym rats can display their strength while in the gym, yet they are worthless when it comes to real-life activities outside of the gym (such as moving a couch). This is because they don't have the core strength to "transfer" the strength of their limbs! The most functional way to strengthen your core is to learn how to brace when lifting without a belt. This will do more for your "abdominal strength" than all the crunches in the world! 



Triple H's Wrestlemania 28 Walk-out... Primed & Ready!!

In PART 2 of "Changing THE GAME", I will reveal exactly how Triple H trained during his final week of preparation for Wrestlemania 28! You don't want to miss this day-by-day, behind-the-scenes look at how a WWE legend prepared his body for one of the most physically demanding matches of his life! 

-Joe D. 

P.S. - Drop me a comment below and let me know what you thought of Part 1 of this exclusive article series! 

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[h3]45 Comments[/h3]Feed

  1. rob tracymakes this comment

    Friday, 01 June 2012

    absolutely incredible article joe. like a good book i couldn't stop reading. i would love to come there one day and just watch the training you put him thru. it would really help get a fire under my *@% to get into better shape. HHH looked awesome at wm28. i always thought "the game" looked great but he looked awesome at mania. keep posting. thank you.

  2. Laurelmakes this comment

    Thursday, 31 May 2012

    Triple H looks great in these pictures. His training regiment is awesome. I can't believe what he does. Thanks Joe for bringing us Triple H he is fantastic.

  3. Mikemakes this comment

    Saturday, 26 May 2012

    One of the best, most informative and straight to the point articles I've read! Thank you!

  4. Rorymakes this comment

    Wednesday, 23 May 2012

    Fantastic article, I think about 99% of all people could use your techniques to change their body around from inside out, but sadly most people lack the knowledge you have. Triple H was really lucky to have you as a coach. What is your take on supplements such as this one www.aminothree.com

  5. Ronniemakes this comment

    Tuesday, 22 May 2012

    Best training article I've read in quite some time. Super cool to read about Triple H although most of the advice given can be applied to anyones training. Lots of gems in this piece. Looking fwd to part II

  6. jessemakes this comment

    Tuesday, 22 May 2012

    Very cool that defranco was willing to share this info. most high profile trainers are very private with their celeb clients. i guess i should also give props to hhh for allowing this. defranco + hhh = 2 badass mofos hehe. please post part 2 i been checking back 10x a day i cant wait any longer!!!!!!!

  7. keenmakes this comment

    Monday, 21 May 2012

    great article Joe. when is the 2nd part coming?

  8. Malik Bielmakes this comment

    Friday, 18 May 2012

    This was very informative and I'm sure I will use some of the techniques. Having a degree in Exercise Science and attempting to take the CSCS exam soon, this can be helpful in my future goals. Thank you for sharing this information.

  9. reubenmakes this comment

    Friday, 18 May 2012

    nice article joe, i am a big fan of triple H , and after watching wwe for so many years i came to know today from your article that triple's real name is Paul Levesque. To be honest i watch wwe only if triple h is in the ring fighting or speaking .

  10. Evanmakes this comment

    Friday, 18 May 2012

    Been a wrestling fan since I was a kid and always loved training as well. This is the first interesting article I ever read on a wrestler's workout routine. Finally a wrestler that doesn't perform the same old boring bodybuilding routine! HHH is the man! Cant wait for part II

  11. Doug Fioranellimakes this comment

    Wednesday, 16 May 2012

    Great Article Joe.It is one thing to take young athletes with potential and make them great and it is a completely different task to take a great athlete who has had many injuries and make them better later in their career.Big props to you and also big props to Triple H. It is tough for athletes who are set in their ways to completely trust in a trainer and a whole new system and take a step back to progress forward.Awesome work!

  12. Dougmakes this comment

    Wednesday, 16 May 2012

    I am very impressed with how well written this article is. Mr. Defranco appears to be an extremely intelligent man. I can now see why Hunter hired him. Fascinating stuff. Looking forward to Part 2. -Douglas

  13. Audreymakes this comment

    Tuesday, 15 May 2012

    That was a really interesting read. Can't wait for part 2.

  14. kevin nashmakes this comment

    Monday, 14 May 2012

    where the @!*% were you during my run.Paul talked about the improvements he's made with you.would love to pick your brain on a few rotator cuff issues I have.Thanks for taking care of my boy.....Nash

  15. Christopher Franco IImakes this comment

    Monday, 14 May 2012

    Amazing article. Really good to see the age issue in bodybuilding

  16. Conleymakes this comment

    Monday, 14 May 2012

    Great article! Some say the small muscle are often over looked , that is true in a way but the also neglect the antagonist and the stabilizer muscle's also which it sounds like you focused on with HHH

  17. Fahmi Ahmedmakes this comment

    Monday, 14 May 2012

    Amazing workouts. I like to know how every wwe superstars and legends workout with an exclusive like this. Can't wait for part 2. And please do part 3 "how I will prepare hhh to face Brock Lesnar"

  18. C.A.makes this comment

    Sunday, 13 May 2012

    Holy $%+% at that injury list. Goes to show you how much these guys risk for our entertainment -especially HHH. The Game has always been passionate about his matches. Can't wait for part 2. And Joe Defranco knows his *%!#%#% $%+% lol.

  19. Girardmakes this comment

    Sunday, 13 May 2012

    You must be amazing coach for triple h to hire you! How do I go about booking coaching session with you, I will come from Canada to learn from triple h coach any day. Can you tell me cost and booking info. Thank you sir.

  20. Davidmakes this comment

    Sunday, 13 May 2012

    WWE twitter page brought me here. Just spent 3hrs going through your info and videos. Amazing workout info here!!! Just curious are you just a trainer or will we see you escorting HHH to the ring any time in the future,,
[h3]http://www.defrancostraining.com/as...triple-hs-intense-training-regimen.html?scf=1/www.defrancostraining.com/">http://www.defrancostraining.com/','thread_id':'139'}">Add Comment[/h3]

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  1. roo.angel: love u H
  2. Joseph: Can you just do 2 on 1 off and not rest 2 days...
  3. rob tracy: absolutely incredible article joe. like a good...


prior to blog

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 4w, i'll talk to u about anything WWE related. Discussing any other company with u falls on deaf ears. You remind me of Bill Alfonso (he was on ECW) who would carry a WWF flag everywhere.

The WWE HOF is a wrestling Hall Of Fame, u dont have to be vince's creation to be in it, its just that vince hates the word wrestling. <

I know who Bill Alfonso is 


Preview Thursday's IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast LIVE on SpikeTV at 8/7c

- The road to the June 10 "Slammiversary" epic event continues

- Thursday's LIVE broadcast will feature a huge six-man main event, just days before Slammiversary: World Heavyweight Bobby Roode, Daniels and Kazarian vs. Sting, AJ Styles and Kurt Angle

- More on the controversy involving AJ Styles and TNA President Dixie Carter

- Four-way #1 Contender Knockouts Match to determine who will face Knockouts Champion Gail Kim at Slammiversary.

- A contract signing between Bully Ray and Joseph Park for their match at Slammiversary

All this and much more on Thursday's IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast LIVE at 8/7c on SpikeTV 
horrible opening segment.

aj overselling that "punch" by serge.

i see another under 1.0 rating this week.
- WWE will be treating the July 23rd 1,000th RAW as a major pay-per-view with all hands on deck. They have reached out to the usual Legends like Jim Duggan, Gene Okerlund, Sgt. Slaughter, Roddy Piper, Jimmy Hart and Dusty Rhodes but are looking to use other stars we don’t always see on nostalgia shows. Bobby Heenan’s name was brought up but his bad health would likely play a factor.

The idea going around is to have both an old school and a new school production vibe to the show. They want to lock The Undertaker’s return in and start advertising his appearance in hopes that it will help ratings. The plan is to promote the show hard with a three week TV build, including announcing a pay-per-view quality line-up. They are also looking to introduce new talents on the three-hour show.

- WWE creative is currently being pushed to come up with a “knock your socks off
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