Why is the Olde English 40oz. mount liquor so looked down upon?

Sep 16, 2010
When i ask people if they drink it, people look at me like i'm crazy, so i'm curious as to why it is looked down upon so much.. It does make me laugh that it is only $2.50, tho..
OE and any type of malt liquor is for bums. In 2012-2013 it made a slight comeback because of ASAP Rocky, but that's it. It's the bottom of the barrel stuff. That dirt ****. Drink Heiniken
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My go to in high school was a 6-pack of Schlitz Red Bull 16oz'ers. 

1 6'er of that and I was GONE. I used to cop from this liquor store called Cedar Riverside Liquor when I was 16. Was like a high school reunion every time I went in there. Whole school was copping from that place. Then some rookie at University of MN copped from there and fell out of his bunk and died and they started getting strict(er). 
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low key all malt liquor get a bad rap even tho it will get u gone quick lol. i remember i took a sip outta my homie 211 and felt buzzed instantly 
Ain't touch a 40 since college. You'll be pissin it out a half hour later.
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people drink olde english because they have a lot of regrets
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