Half a million millenial men are missing from the labor market

either this the most bums ever or the most self succificient ever

prolly both
Explains my dude. All I’m saying is waking in green with a degree isn’t the end all be all in getting a job.

you dont see the circular problem of not being able to get a job because you havent had enough jobs lol

admittedly i guess this comes down to whether or not its a specialized high priority/consequence job where prior working your way up is necessary

but for the standard ******** desk type jobs where you’re just handling information...the unwritten rule is or at least used to be, outside of whatever specialization you got, that degree was another barometer of your competence to get you into basic post college jobs above minimum wage/retail/mall jobs/etc.
you dont see the circular problem of not being able to get a job because you havent had enough jobs lol

admittedly i guess this comes down to whether or not its a specialized high priority/consequence job where prior working your way up is necessary

but for the standard bull**** desk type jobs where you’re just handling information...the unwritten rule is or at least used to be, outside of whatever specialization you got, that degree was another barometer of your competence to get you into basic post college jobs above minimum wage/retail/mall jobs/etc.
No no I competly get the broken nature of what’s wanted by employers. Never denied that. I’m just saying it contributes to the “crisis”. I’ll go out and say it’s broken by design. Jobs want “their own” in the office. Not a race thing either before someone jumps on that (at least that’s not what I’m talking about now). People want to keep things “in the family” above all.
you dont see the circular problem of not being able to get a job because you havent had enough jobs lol

admittedly i guess this comes down to whether or not its a specialized high priority/consequence job where prior working your way up is necessary

but for the standard bull**** desk type jobs where you’re just handling information...the unwritten rule is or at least used to be, outside of whatever specialization you got, that degree was another barometer of your competence to get you into basic post college jobs above minimum wage/retail/mall jobs/etc.

IF the only way to have the knowledge necessary for a certain position is to have previously held the position then you will never hold that position..
Then it comes down to connections and referrals.. once again WHO you know and not what you know..

Far too many positions have parallel qualifications worded different for them to seem different... Which is what a college education is supposed to make you understand.. For instance I'm about to submit a paper on a term that in the industry I work in is referred to in a different manner.. where if you're not able to "translate" you wouldn't know this is exactly what you've been doing while calling it something different

Ask yourself this: If its this bad for a certain section of society, what about minorities? What about minorities with a degree and experience? You'll probably claim it's their own fault or they're so rare that their situation shouldn't be address.

Which is what the article is suppose to make you think about.. What you need to start telling yourself is any job that requires X basic qualifications, for a minority candidate they will need X+Y to even get an interview.

So if this many members who are not part of the minority group is unemployed what about minorities.. you think they're getting those jobs instead.. or what about minorities with the same backgrounds as them.

The answer is minority WOMEN have been getting these jobs.. at the end of the day who cares about the broke baby daddy
Getting a job is not hard, it’s just that a lot of these people feel entitled to getting a perfect job in the perfect industry
This is true
My experience as a millenial is that companies want to pay us **** and expect us to do at least 2x the work as everyone else.
This is true too

I feel like once you’re in the amount they’ve “streamlined”, aka made 4 jobs into 1, is un reasonable
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Old folks not retiring

Cost of living is out of reach for majority of wages offered

Alot of companies have combined 3 entry level positions as one job.

Most middle managers are maniacs.

The internet is still an untapped market for jobs and tech companies continue to lock the accessibility up and sell and manipulate users.

Student loan debt is f'n rediculous. No reason to owe a house worth of debt before earning a dollar.

Job experience and skills aren't a focus in education. That's a real problem.
Who cares how good your grades are if you don't have practical skills.
Getting a job is not hard, it’s just that a lot of these people feel entitled to getting a perfect job in the perfect industry




In this article

Nathan Butcher is 25 and, like many men his age, he isn’t working.


Nathan Butcher

Source: Handout
Weary of long days earning minimum wage, he quit his job in a pizzeria in June. He wants new employment but won’t take a gig he’ll hate. So for now, the Pittsburgh native and father to young children is living with his mother and training to become an emergency medical technician, hoping to get on the ladder toward a better life.

sounds about entitled to me...look at duke's face.

"cant get paid in a Earth this big, u worthless kid, dont even deserve to live"
My experience as a millenial is that companies want to pay us **** and expect us to do at least 2x the work as everyone else.
This is just what any entry level job has been since forever though. You gotta get though that phase and earn the ability to get a better job or position. It’s really not that there are no entry level positions in these industries. It’s that people want jobs that require experience because obviously the pay is higher without wanting to put in the work to get to that point. If the job you want requires job experience, get job experience in a job you might not like to eventually get a job that you do like.
Butcher, for one, hopes EMT training at The Community College of Allegheny County will be a first step toward a career in health care. He wants to earn enough to provide security for his son and daughter, who live with their mother

dude popped out 2 kids with no college degree or job... epitome of iresponsible.
This is just what any entry level job has been since forever though. You gotta get though that phase and earn the ability to get a better job or position. It’s really not that there are no entry level positions in these industries. It’s that people want jobs that require experience because obviously the pay is higher without wanting to put in the work to get to that point. If the job you want requires job experience, get job experience in a job you might not like to eventually get a job that you do like.
I agree that this has been the case since forever, but what I don't think you're taking into consideration is how much wages have stagnated.
Getting a job can be hard for some. I've applied and applied and couldn't get hired for **** during my late teens and early 20s.

Also, quality jobs seem to be hard to come by these days.
In my industry, entry level positions are insanely competitive. Kids out of college are expected to know a ridiculous amount of information that is never taught through courses. You essentially need to dedicate every waking moment to preparing for getting that first job.
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