Half a million millenial men are missing from the labor market

In my industry, entry level positions are insanely competitive. Kids out of college are expected to know a ridiculous amount of information that is never taught through courses. You essentially need to dedicate every waking moment to preparing for getting that first job.

It's the same in my industry too. Not only that you're expected to temp or intern at that company. They typically do most of their hiring through referrals. If you dont graduate with a referral already in place .. well you better be the best looking candidate they interview

There's $ out here

It's because of freelance app companies you have more ways to make money..

But if I invests tens of thousands of dollars to ensure my future.. should I have NO other choice but to work for one of these companies to survive.. if I meet the qualifications.

The article is suppose to be a base level description.. A lot of millenials have drug habits, degrees and working min wage jobs to survive or close to min wage jobs having to balance several of those to live on their own..
There are hardly and true entry level work that fits the meaning. You're expected to have experience that you never had the time to grasp.
Reserve army of labor, the capitalists want there to be high unemployment and/or low labor force participation.

We need a Federal jobs guarantee, a public option for employment. If bosses are unwilling to hire people and give out raises, that's fine but they ought not get to hold people's ability to have enough money to survive hostage.
Da millenials where I’m located make bread, but they also spend a lot. $30/week on laundry pickup/delivery service. $500/week on food delivery. $800/month on lyft/uber. Etc.

One of my friends (he’s in sales) said he was in a company meeting of his about how to double their company revenue, he said his team is currently 4 people, so it would take double the headcount (8 total) to double revenue. One of his millenial colleagues said they’d need 15 people total on their sales team to double revenue. :lol:. Sounds like dude aint doing his job. :lol:
If ya wanna be rich, ya better come up with something these millenials “need” and capitalize on it. :nerd:
Some millenial told me he spends like $80/week for maid cleanup service for his little 600 sq ft apartment.
A lot of 25 and unders I meet don't have a car, yet have a thousand dollar cell phone on their parents plan and take trips and care mainly about keeping up social media appearances. Real life Surrogates.

These hotel/dorm style apartments with shops on the bottom cater to these lifestyles. Bunch a kid's living in a city like an extension of a college campus.
A lot of 25 and unders I meet don't have a car, yet have a thousand dollar cell phone on their parents plan and take trips and care mainly about keeping up social media appearances. Real life Surrogates.

These hotel/dorm style apartments with shops on the bottom cater to these lifestyles. Bunch a kid's living in a city like an extension of a college campus.

Not having a car is one thing depending on where people live and work, but I've encountered so many people that don't even have a driver's license. Some cats are damn near 30 and can't even drive a car.

Agree with you about those condos. Mfers don't grocery shop, just eat out all the damn time.
Its rare i encounter a millenial male in my line of work (clinical development), i see more female millenials but even they are rare. Mostly gen x'ers and older. The thing that gets me is there is a shortage of people to fill a lot of jobs, but no entry level jobs to replenish the pool.
When 2008 hit I could simply not get a job. I graduated from a great university and had an excellent resume. I applied to over 400 jobs and the only ones I even got a chance at interviewing for were entry level sales positions.

It truly is a who you know and how you network sort of game if you don’t have a STEM background. It’s taken me 10 years to really recover from that experience and I have access to better resources and support than most.

College leaves most people broke and so unprepared for the real world. Mix that with predatory lending from credit cards etc and it’s not shocking that people get themselves into these situations.
And some people get it misconstrued, thinking every millennial wants to be rich famous, known, etc. or uber wealthy.

Some people just want comfort and stability. That’s where the real issues lay. Everyone ain’t looking for 7 figure income, and a home on acres and exotic cars.

Nowadays, it’s hard just to leave simply. There’s literally no middle ground, no middle class.

It’s either dirt poor, or filthy rich. Can’t even accomplish a decent, ordinary lifestyle it seems
Networking and social skills trumps all.

Savants and glue guys will always have work. Odds are you wont be the best at what you do, but you can easily develop the soft skills that make people FEEL like you’re integral and worth paying.

After typing that, i just realized that social skills are probably what millennials lack the most. So yea, we screwed.
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