Sharing food

Dec 3, 2013
how do you feel about sharing food? I just got in a huge fight with my chick cuz I bought these wraps asked her if she wanted the same thing she gets something different and then wants to try mine. I proceeded to get angry and she got mad that I was getting angry.

I don’t want nobody touching my food ever. I don’t care who it is. It’s not like pizza or eating dinner at a restaurant where sharing is appropriate

Then I catch her looking at me as I eat sometimes and I’m like what the ****!!!? I’m like a dog when I eat stay the **** away from me and don’t touch me
To each his own, I like sharing, especially if we get different ****. Why be so territorial and selfish? Seems like a weird and institutionalized mentality.

I’m selfish cuz I wanna eat my own food and not share it with another person who already has their own food? So be it
What did you say to her

I gave the :stoneface: then said “I just asked you if you wanted one of these and you said na”

I was moreso mad at the fact that she declined getting what I got as if it was a trash choice and then proceeded to ask for a bite before even touching her food.

Amazon got it for cheap.
IDK if that's something to get in a fight with your girl about OP. Seems relatively minor in the grand scheme of things to get mad about
Sounds like you bought more than one wrap. Why not let her have a bite from one of them? I thought sharing was customary when couples eat at a restaurant. Sometimes you wanna sample. Guarantee she'd let you have a bite of hers.
Sounds like you bought more than one wrap. Why not let her have a bite from one of them? I thought sharing was customary when couples eat at a restaurant. Sometimes you wanna sample. Guarantee she'd let you have a bite of hers.
You’re right, sharing is customary when eating at a restaurant. I believe I mentioned that in my original post. We both got fries and a wrap. To go.
I check my girl, time & time again she’ll say something along the line of “Baked Hot Cheetos are gross!” I’ll catch her devouring my chips when I’m not there. I straight up called her out on that BS. When to Big Shucks earlier (Restraunt in Dallas), while ordering I’m thinking about getting a 8 or 10 piece wing combo and I’m leaning towards the 8 piece she tells me to get the 10 so she can get some smh...
Anyways, I let it go.
We sit down, & I really enjoy their fries. I tell my girl how good they are, but she hits me back with “They’re so nasty!”
5 minutes after my food gets there she’s like “Babe, can I have some of your fries?” I’m like “Bihhhhhh, you said they were nasty remember?” Didn’t give her any, F that bro.
Gotta’ Check ‘Em. They be wildin’.
I thought this thread was going to be about who do we feel it's okay to share our food with
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