Sharing food

Don’t see why it’s such a big deal, she only wanted a bite. You should have let her and then taken a bite out of her wrap and just keep it moving.
I’m selfish cuz I wanna eat my own food and not share it with another person who already has their own food? So be it

Not only are you selfish, you are short sighted. In your efforts to get everything you get less.

By you sharing your food you now have access to everybody meal you shared it with.
I’m tryna get a taste of everything on the menu.
I don’t think it’s sharing that’s the issue. It’s the clowning your choice as bad/disgusting, then asking for some. Like wut?

If you say before hand that you’re interested but want to try your own thing then it makes sense.

Should this cause an argument? No, but it’s super annoying.

Reminds of this dude I used hang out with who NEVER order anything and then want a piece of everyone’s stuff when the food came. Like bruh..
You’re right, sharing is customary when eating at a restaurant. I believe I mentioned that in my original post. We both got fries and a wrap. To go.
It's just food, man. No matter how hungry you are or how good the food is, there will be many more meals after that. Food is overrated in that regard. You could be starving and eating your favorite meal, but in 10 min that **** will be an afterthought in your stomach. It's better to share it and make up the loss the next meal than to be "the guy who didn't share his food". Worst tombstone heading ever.
I'm greedy . Im not selfish. But it does urk my nerves when I order food and be like babes what you want? She say oh nothing
3 minutes later she putting her fork in my plate
Like wtf I didn't eat all day.
Now you taking half my food .
My stomach was prepared to eat that whole plate. Now it's disappointed
I'm greedy . Im not selfish. But it does urk my nerves when I order food and be like babes what you want? She say oh nothing
3 minutes later she putting her fork in my plate
Like wtf I didn't eat all day.
Now you taking half my food .
My stomach was prepared to eat that whole plate. Now it's disappointed

This! This man gets it!
how do you feel about sharing food? I just got in a huge fight with my chick cuz I bought these wraps asked her if she wanted the same thing she gets something different and then wants to try mine. I proceeded to get angry and she got mad that I was getting angry.

I don’t want nobody touching my food ever. I don’t care who it is. It’s not like pizza or eating dinner at a restaurant where sharing is appropriate

Then I catch her looking at me as I eat sometimes and I’m like what the ****!!!? I’m like a dog when I eat stay the **** away from me and don’t touch me

I don't mind sharing, but I HATE when somebody stares at me when I'm eating
If i’m eating, then we eating.

This as well. I’m never gonna eat in the company of others who are hungry. A lot people in here not understanding the situation acting all holier than thou. Miss me with the fake ****
This your first gf or something? First female friend?

I end up having to share with a chick all the time. Its the game. I ask if they want some before I order, they say no, and when I get it then they want to try.

No big deal to me. I try their food as well.
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This your first gf or something? First female friend?

I end up having to share with a chick all the time. Its the game. I ask if they want some before I order, they say no, and when I get it then they want to try.

No big deal to me. I try their food as well.

Not my first relationship. I share food with this woman all the time. Bring her food all the time. Cook for her all the time.

Let me break this down cuz a lot of you are making assumptions and don’t seem to understand.

I pick her up from work, ask her “hey have you eaten yet? I’m starving let’s stop for something?”

She’s like “I had something earlier but I’m down to stop”

I proceeded to order, “u good with the same thing?”

She rolls her eyes as if my order is trash and gets some bs eggplant wrap. So I’m like cool, get the food hop in the whip start going in on mine cuz I’m mad hungry. She eating fries out the bag then hits me with “lemme have a bite of yours”.

In short I was basically like hell naw.

Guess I’m selfish. So be it. NT got a lot of Prince Charmings and romeos who cupcake 24/7 it seems. Me and my girl get into Spats. Sometimes over stupid ****. But y’all got it
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