Site updated?


Same thing for me on the read threads. Not seeing any red dots, but have all kinds of flags and other red markings on the right side of the title. Got switched off my OG black and had to go back in and switch it.
Same thing for me on the read threads. Not seeing any red dots, but have all kinds of flags and other red markings on the right side of the title. Got switched off my OG black and had to go back in and switch it.
I switched back to og but still don't have the red dots for new posts
for whatever reason this is only on my "Watched Threads" page. if I go into the forum itself the red dot "new posts" notifications are there.
Opted to the OG color ways of black background since wayyy back and first thing I see is grey as well as this thread.
I appreciate everyone who’s respectfully helped us identify any lingering issues from today’s update.

We still have some work to do, but we’ve already tackled some of the items on this list.

Most people are understanding about this, but for whatever reason we always get some sideways comments from people who choose to believe that we set out under cover of darkness to make the site worse.

To avoid repeating myself, let me just start by quoting an earlier post on this subject to provide an overview of this update before getting into individual concerns:

NikeTalk has always relied on third-party forum software. You registered in 2005. You remember what Yuku was like towards the end, in a state of neglect.

We’re going to install software updates. Otherwise, we’re leaving security vulnerabilities unpatched and essentially allowing the site to rot.

We're not forum platform developers. We don't get to choose everything that goes into a given patch.

There are a lot of moving parts in any software update, so sometimes there are minor setbacks, but the choice is to either move forward and navigate any bumps in the road or stand still. We're going to keep moving forward. If we hadn't made that commitment, we'd still be on whatever is left of Yuku.

In addition to security updates, which are essential, this update does include some new features. NikeTalk now supports passkeys and hardware security keys, which you can add here:
We also gained a new type of spoiler, known as an inline spoiler.

As more and more posts in a given thread contain embedded content from external sites, our page load times are impacted. In addition to security fixes, this update included multiple optimizations to improve speed. Some of the JavaScript changes, like the removal of jquery support, required our developer to rewrite a lot of the custom code that we added to carry over features from the previous platform, like the thread image gallery. It took a lot of work, but the thread image gallery now runs considerably faster. You can swipe through it without opening the full gallery and tap on any image to view it in full size.

Making note of any glitches or issues can be useful. We want to get everything running as well as we can. But keep in mind that this site is maintained by human beings and frame your concerns accordingly.

We install these updates off peak to minimize the impact on community members, which means working at 3 - 5 am on the weekend.

The path of least resistance for me isn't "just neglect it and stop installing updates so nobody will complain - they'll just slowly filter out." The path of least resistance to me would be accepting an offer to sell the site and retiring so I don't have to deal with the headaches, trolls, and entitlement.
We're not doing all this work to make your life worse. We're doing it to protect and properly maintain the community we've put nearly a quarter of a century of our lives into.

It may take a week or so to smooth out any rough edges, but the end result will be a safer and more capable website. The team and I appreciate your patience.

I thought I was going crazy.. mine switch to the greyed out back ground instead of OG/black. I've been switching preferences thinkin something got toggled. Something definitely switch for mobile though.
Multiple theme options weren’t part of the base software, and anything that isn’t stock can potentially be broken when the base code is changed.

In this case, anyone who was using the OG theme (black background) option just needs to select it again. It’s a one second fix.

You can do so from the bottom of the page:

Or the very first option under preferences:

Search feature not working for anyone else?
The site’s search engine was also updated, and that requires nearly 25 years of posts to be re-indexed. To avoid a prolonged outage, we have this running as a background process.

It’ll take some time, but you’ll see more and more results as pages are re-indexed.

for whatever reason this is only on my "Watched Threads" page. if I go into the forum itself the red dot "new posts" notifications are there.
Thanks for specifying that this is an issue on “watched pages.” I was otherwise unable to replicate it.

This should be fixed now.

Super OP resorting to "Apple Throttling" tactics to get those membership dollars. :smh:
Given what we’ve all seen of your social media feed, I can’t say that I’m surprised that you’re making up conspiracy theories.

The “membership dollars” to which you’re referring are donated to charity. Ad revenues are currently still sufficient to cover our site expenses, but we understand that some people would prefer an ad free experience and we wanted to give them a legitimate way to do that without resorting to ad blocking.

We’ll be releasing everything that’s currently in the membership account to charity soon, to help celebrate the site’s 25th anniversary.

If the “Apple throttling” of which you speak involves your phone being unable to render that diagonal line on the Cool Grey theme, maybe you should be more concerned about what’s in your own pocket than in watching mine.

smh. I had to touch grass earlier because of the change and I felt dirty going outside.
Only problem I seem to be having is trying to bring up emoji’s when I use my iPad keyboard. Have to actually touch the screen instead of using trackpad.

Not a big deal though.
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