$69k for a 2015 Tahoe LTZ... Smh!

The point im making is that BMW, MB, Audi > Caddy in terms of appeal. How many Caddys do you see vs 5 series and E classes? Over 3 series, A4's and C300's?

Its not even close. Ive HONESTLY only seen a handful of 30 and younger looking people in Caddys. Maybe its my area (Bronx, NYC, Queens a lot) but hey im just calling it how I see it.

Are you really gonna try to battle that statement? Thats all it is at the end, a statement based on observations.

Apparently I'm one of these pink elephants you've never seen. From NYC... under 30... and drive a CTS Coupe which is my 3rd Cadillac. I love the fact that it IS NOT the car everyone from the block aspires to buy as soon as they get some money. People for the most part are lemmings and just cop whatever they see the next man with.

On a side note, the amount of BMW drivers that are constantly dipping thru traffic to just pull up to my blind spot and look over is annoying already.. regret your purchase much?
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S-class and 7-series depreciate like no other. That is a given and why they're usually leased and not bought.

I can find V8 crown Victoria's, town cars and impalas for dirt cheap on Craigslist all day long. Same for v8 Cadillacs like the deville

Nothing depreciates faster than a german luxury car.

Most V8 American vehicles hold their value well.

Nothing compares to Japanese though.
hell yea

but at the same time, those dirt cheap crown vics, lacs (idk if impalas come with a v8) and town cars have like 100k+ miles on em

and them crown vics be the throw away cop cars lol, you gotta buy back seats for them mfs or else you gon lose any friends that dont call shotgun
The point im making is that BMW, MB, Audi > Caddy in terms of appeal. How many Caddys do you see vs 5 series and E classes? Over 3 series, A4's and C300's?

Its not even close. Ive HONESTLY only seen a handful of 30 and younger looking people in Caddys. Maybe its my area (Bronx, NYC, Queens a lot) but hey im just calling it how I see it.

Are you really gonna try to battle that statement? Thats all it is at the end, a statement based on observations.
Apparently I'm one of these pink elephants you've never seen. From NYC... under 30... and drive a CTS Coupe which is my 3rd Cadillac. I love the fact that it IS NOT the car everyone from the block aspires to buy as soon as they get some money. People for the most part are lemmings and just cop whatever they see the next man with.

On a side note, the amount of BMW drivers that are constantly dipping thru traffic to just pull up to my blind spot and look over is annoying already.. regret your purchase much?
off topic, but is that whole lemming story even true?

my hs chemistry teacher showed us a video of them leaping to their death, but they were obviously getting pushed off of a cliff (which is sick because that was def animal cruelty)
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Not sure what it retailed for, but I saw a 2012 Cadillac CTS Coupe w/ 17k miles and navigation, etc. for $24K.

Clean whip.
I never
Apparently I'm one of these pink elephants you've never seen. From NYC... under 30... and drive a CTS Coupe which is my 3rd Cadillac. I love the fact that it IS NOT the car everyone from the block aspires to buy as soon as they get some money. People for the most part are lemmings and just cop whatever they see the next man with.

On a side note, the amount of BMW drivers that are constantly dipping thru traffic to just pull up to my blind spot and look over is annoying already.. regret your purchase much?
Thats cool and all but why is this the reasoning that comes to light every time a topic like this is brought up?

You like your Caddy, cool, its different. But you really have to subtly knock BMW/Benz/Audi owners for "copping what the next man cops".

You dont need any justification for buying a car you GENUINELY like.
Because to the masses thats what matters. The badge. Whats appealing? That black and blue circle, the 4 rings, that bigass star.

Enthusiasts account for a small part of the whole, and even then, the big 3 have a cult like following. You know how much enthusiasts, the average joe look up to M and AMG? Just the damn badge, not even knowing a rats *** about the performance.

Caddy been up on BMW since when? Im not talking performance, you can quit that talk. This back and forth was never about performance.

How am I subtly knocking anyone? I'm commenting on a mentality YOU said exists.

Your talking about the "average joe" looking up to BMW & AMG and not even knowing what its about. What would you call that? Thats the "Mr. Me Too" mentality people have when purchasing a vehicle based off emblem recognition. The same kind of ignorant ish like making assumptions that a CTS-V is a car thats "settled for" when you can't afford its european counterpart.

CTS-V IMO seems to be a car you "settle" for when you cant get the M5, E63, S6 etc etc.

If you're buying a car new and paying sticker price you're losing.

That 70K Tahoe will be like 45K at most 2 yrs from now. And even then that's still pushing it.
Base Tahoe has always been around 50k. I'm confused.
yes you are confused because hey are comparing them to the models before them not the year before. 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 The base model in 2002 cost like $28,000 and the highest priced one was like $45000

Here is some info off of Edmunds
[h1]2013 Chevrolet Tahoe SUV[/h1]

For Sale Near You Build and Price Read Review Features and Specs

Get instant, no-haggle pricing with Edmunds ****ZgwB1woph68VWdYgybl9m36XPg3HZHdZN6vI4L+DJgeobaKPVc9xaJIqU9jAFBhsyP0Bfz68GcA98H8FfwjZQOCNyK+NNkrxeL8NeT9kA4B/AasJxq3gNyGvwjcVKNMZhxgXIl8A7xt0VgFnBn9abNpKRF5Bvgn/+6AroK9ENhq4CboJeBhIUfnmXIBD8Xo91lV21M/XIw62GLpGDXX78LTCtfdmECYIpvbFG+CPBd+Jzi0EuRmbhS5MIkNZ4JBQ9d4vh9cZ/GZsdTNLWr2r8216mxvL7x6m62SlfSxKkhtlCuvB72fF52G63/rdIMYp+G/D53g6rfZ6019gQVqKfAry55Ev5PZZyRzM5bpFFSxxJbe3kCSjgLvHwOvhl0I/if0p8GXgx6PWIHdC94b/Pj5z/d/2lcpvTQRpM/x6gnQcfDtKK9FNEJwSxEe8k0pkrfFlhY7iXaOjKlSRNIae69wj2ADcJMteD/D5lrxqcEU0QHUF/TPq20dAtjI0eQcZVJGrxUnagrAcSEW7LvD0QvwhBDeqfq3UyaFNhOSEPllrTfukzVVjk5210spk+7GTdvzfg8nJcSOAH4SLS2StXvboXoBOA/xnkGvytTV8H/i5VlBwqabybwaCN5UgHBVXcF2UWkAzmGmgT+e9FhKs/UR4ZIhcjWPtNCkfLUyP+urogpONKEyA1r40EjytG3YFF1P22v4CfHrhxeVzZeDo/WF+2oQLd8cV0KXw2XhoI7pBgio9bZMp85U0+yJLhsslNbsOCsbrCdOWNBhGcdTX3ThsdqF7xPr+7SHJ4jkp7hr4u6KXjAU2+zLK9eAyq+Biq8y4b8T71JdEkz0N4nikWWPSO6peZA28EdBVNsUgQv0hNmsx2YS/UeiXoFMa+rHIO7hu0rJPSCaOYVE4YsJRzM6bf+R8sU1cZLQe3+Ugk8KLRjw92N0N1H68AR/XmeMic1Zs/uKiKsm2AuVFO9PF9LDLlfbm1ulzy/gb9DLH1wvoroE+gN19rPkXeEsKknWOCl6F8kV6HOyI555dntvdybJwHLxv9C77nl3vo36EjWgr2Ivt8MjEPYfua8Gfh+fkafQHW1qf1UsxLS2ZbSXlUl3aBW6LOtwdEiX+q1xVxW/csOBvI7ne0iHqmVDpXrRFjEHeHXoR+Mv6EoTWW14v1j1Rqwg3f3cCctCcV0GnQmKc6Nv1Y9R+Bn5qiR7HT++D78LrI6wvvCr+jF4f0gv4LjazwU+2eSdb/P4RYAARx7xw20O3SAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

Build and Price Your Car
MSRP $41,400 - $57,725
Your argument holds no weight. You can't compare a base 4 cylinder 3 series with the cars you listed. The V8 in those cars is not standard except the challenger. Of course the 8 cylinder will hold more value when compared to a 4 cylinder
A new 328i starts at 40K, three years later its worth 22K

Roughly the same for an entry level C class.

A new V8 Camaro, Challenger, Charger, or Mustang all start around 30-31K

Three years later every model is worth more than either the 328 or the c300.

I pulled these numbers from KBB.com and used the base models with the same miles for all.

I've got into this argument more than I can count so I don't want to do it now, I'm just pointing this out.
The cts-v is the truth, probably the fastest and most durable sedan on the road...even out do the M class on the road.
Word, Although I really hope that GM doesn't continue the LT4 anytime soon.
The LT4 isn't out yet...it's designated for the next gen Z06 (along w/CTS-V) it's basically the lT1 (found in the stingray)...but supercharged. In short...the next CTS-V will humiliate the German. GM isn't playin when it comes to performance ex: camaro Z28 beating the latest GTR track edition

You're right. The LT1 is in the current Vette.

What I meant was, I hope Chevrolet doesn't continue on with the LT. I'm a firm believer in the LS engines and think that an LS7 with a supercharger would be ideal.
the new LTs are just slightly modified LSs, theyre not the LT engines that were in the c4s if thats what youre thinking

GM is way to lazy to actually build a brand spankin new v8, especially since the LSx line was solid af

and i dont think the ls7 was made to be compatible with any form of forced induction, which is why the ls9 was engineered and other lsx engines

Correct, which is why it shocks me that they even named it an LT1. Doesn't even resemble an LT.

The LS7 is definitely compatible with forced induction. The reason Chevy didn't want to do it is because the cylinders are bored out too much to get to that displacement. They didn't want to to have to worry about financial problems of a supercharger on an aluminum block, with the cylinders bored out so much.

Mark Stielow, a GM engineer actually did it to his own Camaro, and it's a MONSTER.
Word, Although I really hope that GM doesn't continue the LT4 anytime soon.
The LT4 isn't out yet...it's designated for the next gen Z06 (along w/CTS-V) it's basically the lT1 (found in the stingray)...but supercharged. In short...the next CTS-V will humiliate the German. GM isn't playin when it comes to performance ex: camaro Z28 beating the latest GTR track edition

You're right. The LT1 is in the current Vette.

What I meant was, I hope Chevrolet doesn't continue on with the LT. I'm a firm believer in the LS engines and think that an LS7 with a supercharger would be ideal.
the new LTs are just slightly modified LSs, theyre not the LT engines that were in the c4s if thats what youre thinking

GM is way to lazy to actually build a brand spankin new v8, especially since the LSx line was solid af

and i dont think the ls7 was made to be compatible with any form of forced induction, which is why the ls9 was engineered and other lsx engines

Correct, which is why it shocks me that they even named it an LT1. Doesn't even resemble an LT.

The LS7 is definitely compatible with forced induction. The reason Chevy didn't want to do it is because the cylinders are bored out too much to get to that displacement. They didn't want to to have to worry about financial problems of a supercharger on an aluminum block, with the cylinders bored out so much.

Mark Stielow, a GM engineer actually did it to his own Camaro, and it's a MONSTER.

The LT1 name is a throwback to the smallblock GM produced in the early 70s.
How am I subtly knocking anyone? I'm commenting on a mentality YOU said exists.

Your talking about the "average joe" looking up to BMW & AMG and not even knowing what its about. What would you call that? Thats the "Mr. Me Too" mentality people have when purchasing a vehicle based off emblem recognition. The same kind of ignorant ish like making assumptions that a CTS-V is a car thats "settled for" when you can't afford its european counterpart.
It was in context to the posts before. 

Word, Although I really hope that GM doesn't continue the LT4 anytime soon.
The LT4 isn't out yet...it's designated for the next gen Z06 (along w/CTS-V) it's basically the lT1 (found in the stingray)...but supercharged. In short...the next CTS-V will humiliate the German. GM isn't playin when it comes to performance ex: camaro Z28 beating the latest GTR track edition

You're right. The LT1 is in the current Vette.

What I meant was, I hope Chevrolet doesn't continue on with the LT. I'm a firm believer in the LS engines and think that an LS7 with a supercharger would be ideal.
the new LTs are just slightly modified LSs, theyre not the LT engines that were in the c4s if thats what youre thinking

GM is way to lazy to actually build a brand spankin new v8, especially since the LSx line was solid af

and i dont think the ls7 was made to be compatible with any form of forced induction, which is why the ls9 was engineered and other lsx engines
Correct, which is why it shocks me that they even named it an LT1. Doesn't even resemble an LT.

The LS7 is definitely compatible with forced induction. The reason Chevy didn't want to do it is because the cylinders are bored out too much to get to that displacement. They didn't want to to have to worry about financial problems of a supercharger on an aluminum block, with the cylinders bored out so much.

Mark Stielow, a GM engineer actually did it to his own Camaro, and it's a MONSTER.
the only maro that has an ls7 is the z28

i wouldnt even want to do anything to that, im a big NA fan

although i did drive a few cts-v coupes and i do like the fact that supercharged engines get up there faster 
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