7 Fighting 1: Chicago/Bridgeport NTer's

That made me sick. How did no one see this? i see multiple houses in the background. Any Chi-town NT'ers please try to get some names out..
Originally Posted by KrazyChino

Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Originally Posted by KrazyChino

I really hope that won't hurt a case in court. These dudes have got to have something coming to them for this.  Absolutely sickening.

This is America, they'll most likely get away with it with our joke of a court system.
Welp, I guess it all comes down to the identifiable kid to rat out his "boys".
Hopefully he does rat, these kids need to rot in prison.
Originally Posted by dakid23

Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Originally Posted by KrazyChino
Hopefully he does rat, these kids need to rot in prison.

We pay $ 30,000 a year per person in prison. 

That's more than what college students from the lowest income range get in financial aid.
Whats even more sad is the suspects parents probably went through the same predicament as the victim did, being new to a country and going through struggles just to live a better life, and here they are treatin dude just as their parents were treated. Dumb bastards.
horrible....i'm tired of these punks making Chicago look bad and being put on the map for all the wrong reasons....
Got this from one of my FB friends:

James Ward Elementary School, 2731 South Shields Avenue, Chicago, IL, United States.
Todd Ramos grey+black hoodie
Ray Long white boy no mask.
Wesley Wu who deleted his facebook - grey hoodie, the main dude that kept hitting him
easley Wu little junior here, the big puffy jacket with fur hood + blue striped adias pants
Johnny Li, blue hoodie + blue snap back on,
Danny Hui dressed all black, northface jacket, black shoes.
TODD RAMOUS - Grey/ Black Hoodie
RAY LONG - White boy
Wesley Wu - Grey Hoodie - MAIN PUNK
Easley Wu - Puffy jacket / Adidas pants
Johnny Li - Blue hoodie / Blue snap back on,
Danny Hui - Dressed black / Black shoes
Wesley Wu - 1-(­773­) 82­2 3­41­8
Get so tired of white/asian ppl aggressively saying the n word when they wanna act tough.

Kid should've ran from the jump instead of going to the fetal position. Fight or flight.
Kids nowadays ain't %+#+! G-life on mines! If you're a civilian then u u coo ain't.noone touching you.
It doesn't matter what race those animals were. They deserve whatever is coming to them. Just absolutely disgusting...dude did a great job getting away from those punks.
Disgusting. 7 dudes & the dude that got jump was still getting up. They're weak af
Some people don't understand this can push some people over the edge, leading to suicide. It's absolutely disgusting.

These bunch of punks acting up once being in a group, wouldn't do jack had they been alone.

Was it because the victim did not speak English?
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Some people don't understand this can push some people over the edge, leading to suicide. It's absolutely disgusting.

These bunch of punks acting up once being in a group, wouldn't do jack had they been alone.

Was it because the victim did not speak English?

I was thinking this too but, what other motive could theses guys have? Is it really all for the fun of it? On some Clockwork Orange *$%% man...I'll be keeping up with this as the week goes on because I want to see justice SERVED!!!
Originally Posted by heatpinoyboy

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Some people don't understand this can push some people over the edge, leading to suicide. It's absolutely disgusting.

These bunch of punks acting up once being in a group, wouldn't do jack had they been alone.

Was it because the victim did not speak English?

I was thinking this too but, what other motive could theses guys have? Is it really all for the fun of it? On some Clockwork Orange *$%% man...I'll be keeping up with this as the week goes on because I want to see justice SERVED!!!

I thought it was just a gang of kids simply looking for trouble. 
Seen plenty of fight vids etc but this was definitely tough to watch. Thank goodness these little punks were weak.
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