7 Fighting 1: Chicago/Bridgeport NTer's

Originally Posted by SDTEKKEN

Seen plenty of fight vids etc but this was definitely tough to watch. Thank goodness these little punks were weak.

I know right. 7 vs 1 and still can't render him unconscious, then getting outrun by him when he's wounded.
If any of you guys remember the kid that got bullied (where he shared his story, ended up going on The View and meeting with DeSean Jackson)....I really hope this guy comes out and shares his story and gets his voice heard.
The fact that it was +@%%%*' 7 dudes on 1 and homie still had the strength to get up and run off after a 3 minute beating means that he's a real *#+ N'...
...hat tipped, respect given.

EDIT: This'll be on WSHH in T-minus...
Originally Posted by EuGeNiLe GTS

this b defending those guys..�
This b**** rambled for 5 minutes when you really could've said what she said in 20 secs.

It was wrong what these clowns did, but if she's tellin the truth and it was out of retaliation.. I dont have much sympathy for the kid.

Why do these idiots keep snitching on themselves for some E-fame tho?
Originally Posted by EuGeNiLe GTS

this b defending those guys..�

Wasted 4 minutes and 36 seconds of my life listening to this dumb *$**$ ramble. Could of said what she said in one minute tops.
This made me feel sorry for the asian kid.
He was getting beat. I am surprised he was able to get up.

Why is that chick standing up for dude? She said that what they did was wrong.
He was beat badly. He could have died with some of them hits.

Crazy kids.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Originally Posted by mases apprentice

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

wait... what?

Thats what im saying, no one read that??? Oh yea no one on NT reads....

*Waits for Monstar to give his illogical response about how the victim is soft and how he'll mollywhop all 7 of the attackers at the same time*

So you guys never heard the expression "you picked the wrong one"?  In this case they picked a dude who doesn't carry a knife, isn't really big, and wasn't really fighting back.  Of course he was outnumbered and was in a no win situation but I know there's another group of people in this world that would go
 hulk mode and at least got off some good punches, kicks, elbows while getting beat down. That was my point.  Stop reaching.  But instead of reading what I said somebody will twist these words too.
That broad cannot be serious.
She said "umm" as many times as dude got kicked in the head and has the gall to try and defend those criminals' motive?
Ummmm.....Not really ......ummmm....buying........ummmm so yeah, not reallly.........um.......buying the.........um....... little girls.......ummm errrr......story.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

That broad cannot be serious.
She said "umm" as many times as dude got kicked in the head and has the gall to try and defend those criminals' motive?

No joke, "umm" and "like."  It really pisses me off how she's trying to make her friends seem innocent in this whole thing.  You mean to tell me, the dude that got beat up was acting like he was about that life with 19 other people and the dudes that were dropping the "n-word" didn't provoke anything?  Get outta here #%$!*.  Hopefully, the real story comes out.  If the victim in the video really did jump 2 kids with 19 other people then he deserved an @!+-whooping, but it's not very smart of them to continue the beef because they're still outnumbered and now face charges...
That girl is harder to listen to than the beating is to watch. That kid took some serious blows to the face.
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