7 Fighting 1: Chicago/Bridgeport NTer's

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

He should've just gave them what ever the #!!$ they wanted though

Hopefully they go to prison and get rape and assaulted EVERYDAY

Do you really think they were just beating him up to rob him? They were jumping him, had nothing to do with trying to take his stuff.
Hope they get the same treatment, stuff like this makes me absolutely sick.  I especially hope the dude behind the camera gets it just as bad if not worse
i heard on the news that they were jumping him because he didnt let them cheat off of him on a test
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

That broad cannot be serious.
She said "umm" as many times as dude got kicked in the head and has the gall to try and defend those criminals' motive?
Pay attention to 1:20 when the victim says "My little cousin" and then attacker tells him "you F_'d up" " don't F_ with me, you think it's funny huh?" It might be true that he along with 19 other gang members attacked him before.

By Rosemary Sobol and Will Lee Tribune reporters
10:20 a.m. CST, January 17, 2012

Police were questioning six youths this morning about the beating and kicking of a 17-year-old boy in a Bridgeport alley that was captured on video and posted on the Internet.

In a brief statement, police said the attack did not appear to be racially motivated and that no charges have been filed.

The video shows the 17-year-old victim coiled on the ground in the alley, pleading in vain for the youths to stop.

In the attack, which lasted for several minutes Sunday afternoon, the boy covers his face as the other youths surround him and push him into the snow while kicking and punching his head, his legs, his back.

The attackers yell that the boy had "(expletive) up."

"Hold on," the teen says as he pulls himself to his feet and tries to talk them into stopping.

But one of the attackers, wearing gray sweats, asks:  "Do you (expletive) understand?" He then punches the boy in the face and knocks him to the ground, then kicks him in the face, sending the boy sprawling on the snow-covered ground.

One of the youths took shoes out of the victim's backpack, dangling one of them in front of his face in a taunt. They also took his wallet and $180 in cash, police said.

The boy was taken to Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, where he was treated for a laceration to his lip, bruises and abrasions, police said.

The fight was caught on video, which was posted on YouTube. "It's become a big deal because of the video,'' said police News Affairs Officer Daniel O'Brien.

Tribune reporter Jeremy Gorner contributed.

most i had on me in hs was $20 
I can't believe they kept callin him the 'n word.

Their butts will feel his pain, real talk.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Surprised this hasn't devolved into a black/asian gang mentality pseudo-deb(h)ate.

Vid made me sick to my stomach. None of those kids could even fight. I was over a minute into the vid and still thinking dude was gonna get up and get out of there with minimal damage. I hope those kids get what's coming to them.
Supposedly none of them were black. 2 were either Caucasian or Latino, the rest were Asian.
Supposedly? None of them look at all black to me.

That said I'm missing Ravage's point. Why would this turn into a black/asian debate?
Clearly none of them were black lol. I was just commenting on how NT loves to act like blacks are the only ones who can exhibit a gang mentality. Anytime its a black group doing the jumping you always hear someone comment about it. I figured someone would've pointed that out by now and the thread would've devolved into something else. All it would've took was a "I'm glad for once its not black people doing the jumping" comment and boom, race war lol.
But anyways, if its true that that kid was part of a group that jumped someone else before maybe he got what he deserved. The youth of today are really lost out there.
Originally Posted by quik1987

Why did the 20 kids originally jump the 2 though?

they counted the agressors as they were gettin pummeled... there was definately exactly 20 of "them" that jumped "them. i have 0 doubts
A lot of the Chinese gangs that popped up in California during the '70s were the result of foreign born Chinese being picked up by American born Chinese.
Yes & no. Most of them were formed because foreign born Chinese that immigrated to the US were getting harassed by whites & other minority groups that had been here longer.
This %!%% was foul.. i'm glad that this beating wasn't racially charged but just watching our youth do stuff like this makes me crazy.

When I was in HS if you were gonna beat someone up you beat em up real quick and that's that. What's worse is this kid was begging them to stop...%!%% lasted like 4 minutes!
as terrible as it is, i doubt this is the first time !%!# like this has happened...all my asian friends have been spamming this on fb all day, but as far as i know, wshh has been posting this nonsense for YEARS. i doubt this is special in anyway shape or form.
the funniest thing to me was the N word being thrown around like it was compton....
and what happened to not liking someone, taking a beating, then still playing ball together that same day?

These chumps (even if they were jumped earlier) need to get a real whoopin'....
where is shinya aoki when you need him....mess with that guy and see how your arm feels after...

kids these days are a bunch of punks.
Bunch of punks. And I bet they think they are "tough" too. Yeah so tough it takes 7 of them to beat up 1.

man 4chan trolling with that 20 on 2 !@@@...yall dumb

this dude doesn't even know whats going on, if he attacked someone else don't you think he would have gotten a few punches off cause he did have a few chances
In regards to their use of the N word...if you spend any time in any city you hear kids of all races calling each other the term.
Not justifying it at all, but no one should be shocked. It sounds and looks so dumb when you hear Asians, Indian, Hispanics, etc all using it within their circles.
So theirs claims of the dude getting jumped was part of the 20 man crew that jumped two of the attackers in this vid. I'm not in a gang nor do i condone any gang activities but if the victim was part of one do y'all really think he wouldn't throw a punch. Most dudes who are part of a gang i assume would at least try to fight back even if they get stomped out. Just doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

man 4chan trolling with that 20 on 2 !@@@...yall dumb

this dude doesn't even know whats going on, if he attacked someone else don't you think he would have gotten a few punches off cause he did have a few chances
If he was apart of a 20 on 2 beat down it's pretty clear he's too much of a coward to do anything on his own. So the only way he's getting punches in is if he hits and runs. 7 on 1 and you fighting back just draws out the beating unless you're a really good fighter.
Damn none of you guys ever got jumped before? I agree it sucks, but it happens. Boy should have put his hands up and defended himself. I agree the over use of the N word is annoying but these kids shouldnt get 25 years in jail. Some probation and some community service would suffice. He obviously wasnt hurt badly he was able to run away.
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