9/18 WWE Night of Champions 8pm ET PPV - Punk vs HHH, Del Rio vs Cena, Orton vs Henry | Contest p23

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Booker talks like ninjahood types.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] sure didn't wanna pick HHH big as- up tho. got that knee brace on?[/color]
This match is on some straight TNA X Vince Russo collabo statues .... So random & why dis miz n R-truth come out?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]russo jokes were already taken......[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]what in the hell did i just watch?[/color]
Horrible match, even before all the run-ins.

I'm completely shocked by the outcome too.

ADR and CM Punk getting buried in one night and WWE wonders why people can't get over.
WWE sucks how da hail a man who hasnt wrestled in amst 6 months beats a man who was just WWE champ and has been wrestling 5 star matches in the past 2 PPV?!?!?

this is pathetic
good match, didn't really like all the interferences, but I guess it sets up for that major tag team match talked about at SS.

Punk from the top ropes onto HHH on the table was awesome.

Glad they brought the hammer back, F Nash.

It wasn't an epic match but best one of the PPV
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