9 year old letter to santa leads to arrest SMH

Y'all never thought about rape for just one second? lmao
Some if these girls be asking for it!
Originally Posted by derryj3

Y'all never thought about rape for just one second? lmao
Some if these girls be asking for it!

Mods you can edit this if you want but I think its well deserved... *****HELLNAW! The hell you talkin about b? My-T.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Originally Posted by derryj3

Y'all never thought about rape for just one second? lmao
Some if these girls be asking for it!

Mods you can edit this if you want but I think its well deserved... *****HELLNAW! The hell you talkin about b? My-T.

real talk no one ever deserves to be rape
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Originally Posted by derryj3

Y'all never thought about rape for just one second? lmao
Some if these girls be asking for it!

Mods you can edit this if you want but I think its well deserved... *****HELLNAW! The hell you talkin about b? My-T.

lmao y'all taking it the wrong way. I'm not the raping type, Im just saying I can see how dudes get to that point Damn I sound crazy dont I? I'mjust being honest,
Dude's just thinkin' to himself, [
]"When believing in Santa goes wrong." [/

I'm picturing hit now, him repeating it over and over in his head and then throws a tantrum.
I am against raping.

The way i see it, every man is suppressing his inner rapist. I think it goes back to the original part of human nature, alpha males and all that.
Society has create laws through out the centuries so we can live together in a society like we have now with the laws that we have come to accept as normal.
These laws are not natural laws, and I think that's where the difference comes between the people that can be part of society and suppress all the naturalurges (killing, raping, hunting..), and the 'psychos' can't.

That said, I am against raping, rapist need to be jailed, and raping children is horrible and should never happen.
Originally Posted by faithlesshox

I am against raping.

The way i see it, every man is suppressing his inner rapist. I think it goes back to the original part of human nature, alpha males and all that.
Society has create laws through out the centuries so we can live together in a society like we have now with the laws that we have come to accept as normal.
These laws are not natural laws, and I think that's where the difference comes between the people that can be part of society and suppress all the natural urges (killing, raping, hunting..), and the 'psychos' can't.

That said, I am against raping, rapist need to be jailed, and raping children is horrible and should never happen.

Yeah see that's what I'm saying LOL naw wraith unfortunately not tonight
Originally Posted by derryj3

Y'all never thought about rape for just one second? lmao
Some if these girls be asking for it!

you get no respect from me dude. imo rapists and molesters are worse than murderers. these dudes deserve to be tortured for the rest of their life.
Originally Posted by nick0lis

Originally Posted by derryj3

Y'all never thought about rape for just one second? lmao
Some if these girls be asking for it!

you get no respect from me dude. imo rapists and molesters are worse than murderers. these dudes deserve to be tortured for the rest of their life.
yea no & i dont think that its even that close

people that are victims of rape & molestation are still alive.
people that are victims of murder & manslaughter are dead.

being alive>being dead
yea no & i dont think that its even that close

people that are victims of rape & molestation are still alive.
people that are victims of murder & manslaughter are dead.

being alive>being dead

i LOL'd
^^ Being alive and having to remember and deal with that is a lot more painful then the immediate release of death imo
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