A Nine year old kid got tossed off 5 story roof by teen.

Hope he pulls through


Man I remember having to go to school with these stupid *** kinda kids when I was in public school. I remember in the 1st grade another 1st grader from another class just ran up behind me and pushed me down a flight of stairs....and this was an nyc public school...those stairs were solid almost like metal. It's a matter of how you were brought up and who was around you to influence why certain kids think these things are "funny" and don't even have a good sense of theory of mind.

Hope kid comes out okay.
The same thing that was wrong with kids when you were 9.
The same thing that is going to be wrong with kids in 20 years.
The same that is going to be wrong with kids forever.

Can you read? Or are you implying a 17yr has the same judgement as a 9 yr old.
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The same thing that was wrong with kids when you were 9.
The same thing that is going to be wrong with kids in 20 years.
The same that is going to be wrong with kids forever.
i swear fools dont even read anymore.


i hope DCAllAmer has no kids cuz they are doomeddd.
Son, Let someone throw your kid off a damn building.  The OUTCOME has already been determined. He threw a child off a damn BUILDING, not a sliding board, not a jungle gym, a 5 story building. You dont have to watch Looney toons a million times to realize that when you throw someone off a building they die.

It would serve that teenager right if he was tortured to death.

As good as that sounds death is too easy in these situations. Why put them to death? I always say throw them in jail for the rest of their pitiful miserable life
IDK how I feel about this story. Sad, I hope the kid falls through, but after living in Chicago so long I know a lot teens are victims of their environment. Bet the 17 year olds life would be a lot different if he lived in manhattan so I really do not believe in America's justice system. They said he had 4 priors. You can't fix your life with a crime record following you around no matter how hard you try.

But a 17 year old doing that type of **** to a 9 year definitely deserves severe punishment, because that has nothing to do with being a product of his environment.
Man, that was hard to read. I hope the victim survives, but his life will be forever changed. Sad situation. As for the suspect, I have no remorse for whatever consequences he will suffer.
Wow, I really hope the kid makes it.  Can't believe he was just thrown off the roof.  I hope the teen gets life in prison
.  What can you even do at this point, dudes don't want these bullies dealt with until they're old enough to do serious damage...
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