A Nine year old kid got tossed off 5 story roof by teen.

According to the NYP, the grandma was home when the boy was dragged outta his apartment. No one heard a struggle or if he cried out for help? Not just in his apartment, but on other floors as well before he made it to the roof?

SAD story.
I remember when cats were thrown from roof tops regularly..

U gotta be a basket case to take another human being & chuck em

Over a building.
I remember when cats were thrown from roof tops regularly..

U gotta be a basket case to take another human being & chuck em

Over a building.

I'm still trying to figure out how he was dragged outta his apartment with no one hearing or seeing anything. How did the 17 year old get in? I'm just going off of what I read in the NYP article and it didn't mention the relationship between the 17 year old and the 9 year old.

But yea...u gotta be on some next level crazy to toss someone off a building. I don't care what this dude's mental state is, he needs the death penalty. Can't rehabilitate everyone.
Story not fully adding up...

Were they playing first ? How did he get dragged out? The family had to have known the kid.

Playing on a roof is common in the hood.

Either way I hope the kid survives. I don't even want to know his injuries. Not something anyone needs to experience.
Story not fully adding up...

Were they playing first ? How did he get dragged out? The family had to have known the kid.

Playing on a roof is common in the hood.

Either way I hope the kid survives. I don't even want to know his injuries. Not something anyone needs to experience.

Another thing...unless the 17 year old was babysitting or was a family friend, I don't get why he'd be in the apartment in the first place.
to be honest, i'd be surprised if this was the first time something like this happened.

in my opinion, it's a terrible idea to let kids play on the roof of a 5 story building. i don't care if that's how it is "in the hood".
to be honest, i'd be surprised if this was the first time something like this happened.

in my opinion, it's a terrible idea to let kids play on the roof of a 5 story building. i don't care if that's how it is "in the hood".

not knocking your opinion, I thoroughly agree, but the article has it like this

The teenage brute then dragged the child to the roof of the building, where he threw him over the ledge, the sources said.

Son knew what he was doing
to be honest, i'd be surprised if this was the first time something like this happened.

in my opinion, it's a terrible idea to let kids play on the roof of a 5 story building. i don't care if that's how it is "in the hood".
there was no playing, supposedly the kid was dragged up there, possibly from his apartment
Hopefully this kid pulls through.

I hope that 17 year old get's whats coming to him in prison.
The world isn't coming to anything. SInce we do we expect 9 year old children to make sound decisions? Cut it out with the, "The world is doomed" talk. Not like this is the first time something like this has happened.

SAD situation but it was a 9 year old that did this. 9 year olds can't even ration things in their minds.

i really agree with this. i don't see the need to post every bad thing that you come across the internet. worst **** happens everyday. history has showed us that kids can be just as ridiculous as adults. only thing you should take from this is that when you have kids of your own, know who the **** your kids are hanging around. kids who are in good company fare better than those who are in the company of degenerates, in life generally speaking.
Then they wouldn't be any better than the 17yr old who tossed the 9yr old off of the building.But what should happen is that he should be charged and go to prison for awhile and depending on the outcome of the 9yr boy if he should happen to parish from his injuries then he should be charged with the murder of the 9yr boy.I hope he makes it out ok but I'm more thankful that he was able to tell the police what happened.

Damn, you have a lot of faith in the criminal justice system huh? Thing rarely work out like that, the way you describe. He'll go to prison, become stigmatized, turn into a more efficient criminal, be released and commit more serious crimes.

As good as that sounds death is too easy in these situations. Why put them to death? I always say throw them in jail for the rest of their pitiful miserable life

Yeah let the taxpayers eat the cost of this motherless ****'s incarceration for the rest of his life. Great idea :smh:
Damn. That is one hell of a fall son. I really hope lil dude pulls through. That 17 year old is gonna get f***** up in the pen. They ain't gonna like that.

The media pushes so much violence out there that it's numbing. The value of a life is decreasing by the year. I'm praying for everybody and everything. 
It's crazy he's still alive, and I hope he pulls through. Crazy things goin on right now - this teen is definitely not gonna forget this if he makes it through his time served

I had dream about this thread about woke up like Tom Sheppard. 
I hope he makes a full recovery .. we need for a bad thing to turn out good for once.
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