A question for Christians? VOL:not a debate.

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Organized religion is irrelevant right now and is responsible for the modern explosion of atheism. Most people who discredit religion are consciously identifying religion with the major denominations. Any person who falsely subscribes to a hard faith does so out of need of personal, material gain.

The true essence of all religion is finding your real self in a chaotic, unpredictable universe. We are the most unstable agents of the biosphere (nature) because our behavior can be unpredictable and unnatural due to our power of reason.

The reason why all of you keep debating these tired %%% topics on NT is because your subconscious body is begging you to make the connection. Study yourself and you'll solve universal problems we all share.
Your post + avy = connection???
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Organized religion is irrelevant right now and is responsible for the modern explosion of atheism. Most people who discredit religion are consciously identifying religion with the major denominations. Any person who falsely subscribes to a hard faith does so out of need of personal, material gain.

The true essence of all religion is finding your real self in a chaotic, unpredictable universe. We are the most unstable agents of the biosphere (nature) because our behavior can be unpredictable and unnatural due to our power of reason.

The reason why all of you keep debating these tired %%% topics on NT is because your subconscious body is begging you to make the connection. Study yourself and you'll solve universal problems we all share.
good post
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Organized religion is irrelevant right now and is responsible for the modern explosion of atheism. Most people who discredit religion are consciously identifying religion with the major denominations. Any person who falsely subscribes to a hard faith does so out of need of personal, material gain.

The true essence of all religion is finding your real self in a chaotic, unpredictable universe. We are the most unstable agents of the biosphere (nature) because our behavior can be unpredictable and unnatural due to our power of reason.

The reason why all of you keep debating these tired %%% topics on NT is because your subconscious body is begging you to make the connection. Study yourself and you'll solve universal problems we all share.
good post
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I've had some spiritual experiences from when my Grandma died. When she was alive she was the most spiritual person I've ever known. I don't mean like going to church and stuff but she was always reading books about the afterlife,peoples experiences with the dead,God and she was always praying. She was ready to leave Earth and go to the afterlife and she would always say that when she goes,we shouldn't be sad,in fact we should be happy for her because she's in a much better place and is happy. I always thought thought that she was kind of going crazy because of old age even though I am religious myself. When she died I became really depressed and sad and one day while I was asleep,I had a sort of dream/vision or experience. I was lying in bed and out of nowhere she comes into the room and asks me why I'm sad and I said cause she's gone. She reassured me that she is doing well and not to be sad. I was in absolute shock because this was real. She got back up and told me to go eat and get ready because I had to leave soon and I actually did have to go somewhere and I had no idea how she knew. The crazy thing is that when I told her goodbye,she was walking to the door and actually walked right through my roommate and left and My roommate woke me up to go get ready because we were leaving soon....

I can't explain it,it was just an incredible experience and I got to see my Grandma one last time.

Ever since,I always feel her presence whenever I'm feeling down and I just know that she's looking down on me. She isn't really dead,she's just gone from her physical body and has left Earth but she's still very much alive. Probably in the afterlife.

I've also heard crazy stories from my friends and some of them who don't believe in god that have had crazy experiences and have seen supernatural things at funerals,experiences with dead loved ones and near death moments where it's an absolute miracle that the person didn't die.

Some of them have even started believing in a higher being and religion after their experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I still think you were dreaming.
Dreams have the potential to be magnificent but they are only the product of the intense emotions and memories that you have. It could very well be that they are a result of your memories. 

To me it honestly sounds like your subconscious reminded you of your pressing details in life and yet used your mind as a vehicle to remind you of it. Its just the brain at work. I know you miss your grandmother but in all reality its just your intense feelings and memories that you had. 
Maybe but the thing that I don't get is how the heck did she know that I was about to eat and go somewhere. Also how was I able see my roommate walking up to my bed as she was passed through him and left only to actually wake up and see him in the exact same place that I saw him in the dream? Also how did my Grandma tell me the same thing in the dream that my roommate told me in real life before he told me while I was asleep?

I don't think that my subconscious can cause something in my dream to predict what is gonna happen in real life.
There have been many times when I've had VIVID dreams to the point where I felt I was just there. Its super intense. I've had feelings like I was in a war-zone only to know I'm not even in the damn military or been shot at but I live these ultra real dreams. Most of it HAS to come from things that I've seen on TV or heard from others. Your brain just combines these experiences and builds these realities around you. 
In much of the same way your "grandma" might have SEEMED to know what you had to do, but it was really YOU knowing what you had to do. You knew what you needed to do but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Thats what depression often does. You know you have $++@ to do or that you should be doing something else but you can't move to do it cause you're so out of wack mentally. I would know. I've been really depressed at times and just laid in bed knowing I should get up but its the mentality that you need to get up and get out and make your way that makes me overcome it. 

The notion of Deja Vu is very interesting and i'm not denying it, i'm just not willing to accept it because I know that there are explanations for so many other things. I'm just waiting until a reasonable one comes along as yet, there currently are none. 
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I've had some spiritual experiences from when my Grandma died. When she was alive she was the most spiritual person I've ever known. I don't mean like going to church and stuff but she was always reading books about the afterlife,peoples experiences with the dead,God and she was always praying. She was ready to leave Earth and go to the afterlife and she would always say that when she goes,we shouldn't be sad,in fact we should be happy for her because she's in a much better place and is happy. I always thought thought that she was kind of going crazy because of old age even though I am religious myself. When she died I became really depressed and sad and one day while I was asleep,I had a sort of dream/vision or experience. I was lying in bed and out of nowhere she comes into the room and asks me why I'm sad and I said cause she's gone. She reassured me that she is doing well and not to be sad. I was in absolute shock because this was real. She got back up and told me to go eat and get ready because I had to leave soon and I actually did have to go somewhere and I had no idea how she knew. The crazy thing is that when I told her goodbye,she was walking to the door and actually walked right through my roommate and left and My roommate woke me up to go get ready because we were leaving soon....

I can't explain it,it was just an incredible experience and I got to see my Grandma one last time.

Ever since,I always feel her presence whenever I'm feeling down and I just know that she's looking down on me. She isn't really dead,she's just gone from her physical body and has left Earth but she's still very much alive. Probably in the afterlife.

I've also heard crazy stories from my friends and some of them who don't believe in god that have had crazy experiences and have seen supernatural things at funerals,experiences with dead loved ones and near death moments where it's an absolute miracle that the person didn't die.

Some of them have even started believing in a higher being and religion after their experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I still think you were dreaming.
Dreams have the potential to be magnificent but they are only the product of the intense emotions and memories that you have. It could very well be that they are a result of your memories. 

To me it honestly sounds like your subconscious reminded you of your pressing details in life and yet used your mind as a vehicle to remind you of it. Its just the brain at work. I know you miss your grandmother but in all reality its just your intense feelings and memories that you had. 
Maybe but the thing that I don't get is how the heck did she know that I was about to eat and go somewhere. Also how was I able see my roommate walking up to my bed as she was passed through him and left only to actually wake up and see him in the exact same place that I saw him in the dream? Also how did my Grandma tell me the same thing in the dream that my roommate told me in real life before he told me while I was asleep?

I don't think that my subconscious can cause something in my dream to predict what is gonna happen in real life.
There have been many times when I've had VIVID dreams to the point where I felt I was just there. Its super intense. I've had feelings like I was in a war-zone only to know I'm not even in the damn military or been shot at but I live these ultra real dreams. Most of it HAS to come from things that I've seen on TV or heard from others. Your brain just combines these experiences and builds these realities around you. 
In much of the same way your "grandma" might have SEEMED to know what you had to do, but it was really YOU knowing what you had to do. You knew what you needed to do but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Thats what depression often does. You know you have $++@ to do or that you should be doing something else but you can't move to do it cause you're so out of wack mentally. I would know. I've been really depressed at times and just laid in bed knowing I should get up but its the mentality that you need to get up and get out and make your way that makes me overcome it. 

The notion of Deja Vu is very interesting and i'm not denying it, i'm just not willing to accept it because I know that there are explanations for so many other things. I'm just waiting until a reasonable one comes along as yet, there currently are none. 
People that say things like this:

As if that is a more respectable implication.

...should be hanged.

If you can't at least respect the fact that people see the world in various ways, you don't deserve life. Why? Because Hitler killed Jews and we hate him for that, right? Eggs-actly. And you ain't that much different if you actually think in this way. You really ain't... You may not be a murderer but you're wishing away someone's existence. People will always have variation, be it religious or genetic. Accept it. At least Hitler had the "balls" to stand up in front of the world and actively hate on Jews, homosexuals, Catholics, blacks, and whoever else. Not you, not the closet hater. You're a hater AND a coward
. You just log onto the Internet and post sarcastic insults about the very core beliefs of people, but don't act on all that hate in the slightest way in real life.. How....weak.

Note: I removed the screen name cuz it ain't important. I'm not picking on dude OR singling him out. But what he posted IS the problem in a nutshell. The fact is that the guy that said this comment is just one of many that don't realize how ignorant !#%* like this really is. It's sad, but it's typical of a lot of people across various belief systems - not just Atheism. But with atheist, unlike most other religious groups, they claim to have a high level of modern intelligence and perspective whereas most religions value tradition and history. And yet, these atheists still cling to hate and intolerance as if this were the Neo-Crusades. They're so progressive, and yet they still act immature and medieval with the cynicism, sarcasm, disrespect, and bashing.  How hypocritical. We really have to get better as a planet or we won't have one left. Whether you believe in God and the End Times or man and WW3, either one could arise from thinking and saying things like what I've quoted.


But this is the internet...
.... where racists, pedophiles, chauvinists, and the religiously intolerant can all get together and "harmlessly" add more and more negativity to the world. Because of course no one is held accountable behind an avatar and S/N. And who's gonna clean up all this negative energy. Not a soul
. Will civilization erupt because of Internet intolerance? Quite possibly. Who's gonna be the first to stop attacking and start embracing other cultures? I TRY.

I REALLY, REALLY TRY..... to show ya'll the way.

But no one but itsgettinhot hears me talking.

Para ejemplo, outside of NT, Anton is much less of a troll. But amongst some of you other Atheists, I don't even recognize dude no more. And after reaching out to dude over a year ago to ASK him what he believed in, I found a lot of common ground actually. Occasionally we catch up with each other and have these same threads one on one. And usually they end with a "I hear you.. I can see how that could make sense, but I think differently". AND THAT'S FINE!! But in THESE threads, like the rest of you, he focuses on the differences and skips over the likenesses because it's easier to be sarcastic and humorous if you ignore the holes in your arguments and only play your strengths. But isn't that what kids do? Aren't we more mature than that by now? My God

It's that herd mentality we ALL have, myself included. Everyone lusts validation.... but at some point, you gotta grow up. It's gotta be about being fair and tolerant. You can't change people. Plus, being "right" is overrated. It's not like it's a Christian tax on goods and life would be cheaper as a Jew. I've never heard the lady at the DMV say this line is for atheists and this express line is for muslims. Come on ya'll... let.it...go.  I'm not gonna tread on other people's toes in this lifetime over what I believe happens (or doesn't happen) afterward.


In all seriousness... if you're mature and reading what I just wrote.... how could you disagree?
People that say things like this:

As if that is a more respectable implication.

...should be hanged.

If you can't at least respect the fact that people see the world in various ways, you don't deserve life. Why? Because Hitler killed Jews and we hate him for that, right? Eggs-actly. And you ain't that much different if you actually think in this way. You really ain't... You may not be a murderer but you're wishing away someone's existence. People will always have variation, be it religious or genetic. Accept it. At least Hitler had the "balls" to stand up in front of the world and actively hate on Jews, homosexuals, Catholics, blacks, and whoever else. Not you, not the closet hater. You're a hater AND a coward
. You just log onto the Internet and post sarcastic insults about the very core beliefs of people, but don't act on all that hate in the slightest way in real life.. How....weak.

Note: I removed the screen name cuz it ain't important. I'm not picking on dude OR singling him out. But what he posted IS the problem in a nutshell. The fact is that the guy that said this comment is just one of many that don't realize how ignorant !#%* like this really is. It's sad, but it's typical of a lot of people across various belief systems - not just Atheism. But with atheist, unlike most other religious groups, they claim to have a high level of modern intelligence and perspective whereas most religions value tradition and history. And yet, these atheists still cling to hate and intolerance as if this were the Neo-Crusades. They're so progressive, and yet they still act immature and medieval with the cynicism, sarcasm, disrespect, and bashing.  How hypocritical. We really have to get better as a planet or we won't have one left. Whether you believe in God and the End Times or man and WW3, either one could arise from thinking and saying things like what I've quoted.


But this is the internet...
.... where racists, pedophiles, chauvinists, and the religiously intolerant can all get together and "harmlessly" add more and more negativity to the world. Because of course no one is held accountable behind an avatar and S/N. And who's gonna clean up all this negative energy. Not a soul
. Will civilization erupt because of Internet intolerance? Quite possibly. Who's gonna be the first to stop attacking and start embracing other cultures? I TRY.

I REALLY, REALLY TRY..... to show ya'll the way.

But no one but itsgettinhot hears me talking.

Para ejemplo, outside of NT, Anton is much less of a troll. But amongst some of you other Atheists, I don't even recognize dude no more. And after reaching out to dude over a year ago to ASK him what he believed in, I found a lot of common ground actually. Occasionally we catch up with each other and have these same threads one on one. And usually they end with a "I hear you.. I can see how that could make sense, but I think differently". AND THAT'S FINE!! But in THESE threads, like the rest of you, he focuses on the differences and skips over the likenesses because it's easier to be sarcastic and humorous if you ignore the holes in your arguments and only play your strengths. But isn't that what kids do? Aren't we more mature than that by now? My God

It's that herd mentality we ALL have, myself included. Everyone lusts validation.... but at some point, you gotta grow up. It's gotta be about being fair and tolerant. You can't change people. Plus, being "right" is overrated. It's not like it's a Christian tax on goods and life would be cheaper as a Jew. I've never heard the lady at the DMV say this line is for atheists and this express line is for muslims. Come on ya'll... let.it...go.  I'm not gonna tread on other people's toes in this lifetime over what I believe happens (or doesn't happen) afterward.


In all seriousness... if you're mature and reading what I just wrote.... how could you disagree?
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I've had some spiritual experiences from when my Grandma died. When she was alive she was the most spiritual person I've ever known. I don't mean like going to church and stuff but she was always reading books about the afterlife,peoples experiences with the dead,God and she was always praying. She was ready to leave Earth and go to the afterlife and she would always say that when she goes,we shouldn't be sad,in fact we should be happy for her because she's in a much better place and is happy. I always thought thought that she was kind of going crazy because of old age even though I am religious myself. When she died I became really depressed and sad and one day while I was asleep,I had a sort of dream/vision or experience. I was lying in bed and out of nowhere she comes into the room and asks me why I'm sad and I said cause she's gone. She reassured me that she is doing well and not to be sad. I was in absolute shock because this was real. She got back up and told me to go eat and get ready because I had to leave soon and I actually did have to go somewhere and I had no idea how she knew. The crazy thing is that when I told her goodbye,she was walking to the door and actually walked right through my roommate and left and My roommate woke me up to go get ready because we were leaving soon....

I can't explain it,it was just an incredible experience and I got to see my Grandma one last time.

Ever since,I always feel her presence whenever I'm feeling down and I just know that she's looking down on me. She isn't really dead,she's just gone from her physical body and has left Earth but she's still very much alive. Probably in the afterlife.

I've also heard crazy stories from my friends and some of them who don't believe in god that have had crazy experiences and have seen supernatural things at funerals,experiences with dead loved ones and near death moments where it's an absolute miracle that the person didn't die.

Some of them have even started believing in a higher being and religion after their experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I still think you were dreaming.
Dreams have the potential to be magnificent but they are only the product of the intense emotions and memories that you have. It could very well be that they are a result of your memories. 

To me it honestly sounds like your subconscious reminded you of your pressing details in life and yet used your mind as a vehicle to remind you of it. Its just the brain at work. I know you miss your grandmother but in all reality its just your intense feelings and memories that you had. 
Maybe but the thing that I don't get is how the heck did she know that I was about to eat and go somewhere. Also how was I able see my roommate walking up to my bed as she was passed through him and left only to actually wake up and see him in the exact same place that I saw him in the dream? Also how did my Grandma tell me the same thing in the dream that my roommate told me in real life before he told me while I was asleep?

I don't think that my subconscious can cause something in my dream to predict what is gonna happen in real life.
There have been many times when I've had VIVID dreams to the point where I felt I was just there. Its super intense. I've had feelings like I was in a war-zone only to know I'm not even in the damn military or been shot at but I live these ultra real dreams. Most of it HAS to come from things that I've seen on TV or heard from others. Your brain just combines these experiences and builds these realities around you. 
In much of the same way your "grandma" might have SEEMED to know what you had to do, but it was really YOU knowing what you had to do. You knew what you needed to do but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Thats what depression often does. You know you have $++@ to do or that you should be doing something else but you can't move to do it cause you're so out of wack mentally. I would know. I've been really depressed at times and just laid in bed knowing I should get up but its the mentality that you need to get up and get out and make your way that makes me overcome it. 

The notion of Deja Vu is very interesting and i'm not denying it, i'm just not willing to accept it because I know that there are explanations for so many other things. I'm just waiting until a reasonable one comes along as yet, there currently are none. 
Your grandma very well could have been a projection of your subconscious mind. You know what you needed to do and that you had to leave, so the projection your mind gave you (holographic lucid dream of Grandma) of your mind just telling your Self what you already knew.


Their is a paranormal world out there where spirits live on and voluntary come into our dreams or reality to comfort/scare the bejesus out of us.
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I've had some spiritual experiences from when my Grandma died. When she was alive she was the most spiritual person I've ever known. I don't mean like going to church and stuff but she was always reading books about the afterlife,peoples experiences with the dead,God and she was always praying. She was ready to leave Earth and go to the afterlife and she would always say that when she goes,we shouldn't be sad,in fact we should be happy for her because she's in a much better place and is happy. I always thought thought that she was kind of going crazy because of old age even though I am religious myself. When she died I became really depressed and sad and one day while I was asleep,I had a sort of dream/vision or experience. I was lying in bed and out of nowhere she comes into the room and asks me why I'm sad and I said cause she's gone. She reassured me that she is doing well and not to be sad. I was in absolute shock because this was real. She got back up and told me to go eat and get ready because I had to leave soon and I actually did have to go somewhere and I had no idea how she knew. The crazy thing is that when I told her goodbye,she was walking to the door and actually walked right through my roommate and left and My roommate woke me up to go get ready because we were leaving soon....

I can't explain it,it was just an incredible experience and I got to see my Grandma one last time.

Ever since,I always feel her presence whenever I'm feeling down and I just know that she's looking down on me. She isn't really dead,she's just gone from her physical body and has left Earth but she's still very much alive. Probably in the afterlife.

I've also heard crazy stories from my friends and some of them who don't believe in god that have had crazy experiences and have seen supernatural things at funerals,experiences with dead loved ones and near death moments where it's an absolute miracle that the person didn't die.

Some of them have even started believing in a higher being and religion after their experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I still think you were dreaming.
Dreams have the potential to be magnificent but they are only the product of the intense emotions and memories that you have. It could very well be that they are a result of your memories. 

To me it honestly sounds like your subconscious reminded you of your pressing details in life and yet used your mind as a vehicle to remind you of it. Its just the brain at work. I know you miss your grandmother but in all reality its just your intense feelings and memories that you had. 
Maybe but the thing that I don't get is how the heck did she know that I was about to eat and go somewhere. Also how was I able see my roommate walking up to my bed as she was passed through him and left only to actually wake up and see him in the exact same place that I saw him in the dream? Also how did my Grandma tell me the same thing in the dream that my roommate told me in real life before he told me while I was asleep?

I don't think that my subconscious can cause something in my dream to predict what is gonna happen in real life.
There have been many times when I've had VIVID dreams to the point where I felt I was just there. Its super intense. I've had feelings like I was in a war-zone only to know I'm not even in the damn military or been shot at but I live these ultra real dreams. Most of it HAS to come from things that I've seen on TV or heard from others. Your brain just combines these experiences and builds these realities around you. 
In much of the same way your "grandma" might have SEEMED to know what you had to do, but it was really YOU knowing what you had to do. You knew what you needed to do but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Thats what depression often does. You know you have $++@ to do or that you should be doing something else but you can't move to do it cause you're so out of wack mentally. I would know. I've been really depressed at times and just laid in bed knowing I should get up but its the mentality that you need to get up and get out and make your way that makes me overcome it. 

The notion of Deja Vu is very interesting and i'm not denying it, i'm just not willing to accept it because I know that there are explanations for so many other things. I'm just waiting until a reasonable one comes along as yet, there currently are none. 
Your grandma very well could have been a projection of your subconscious mind. You know what you needed to do and that you had to leave, so the projection your mind gave you (holographic lucid dream of Grandma) of your mind just telling your Self what you already knew.


Their is a paranormal world out there where spirits live on and voluntary come into our dreams or reality to comfort/scare the bejesus out of us.
My question is to DameTheory and Anton and other atheist. (no I am not trying to be hurtful/rude)
What exact pleasure/benefits do you get out of telling everyone these science facts.
In the last few days I have seen you all go in and out of threads insulting people and TRYING to make people look like complete idiots.
What do yall get out of this. I could argue with you all with facts vs truth until my finger fall off. But what am I accomplishing? Nothing.
You all will just hate Christians more and more. Is there some form of enjoyment that you all have from this?
My question is to DameTheory and Anton and other atheist. (no I am not trying to be hurtful/rude)
What exact pleasure/benefits do you get out of telling everyone these science facts.
In the last few days I have seen you all go in and out of threads insulting people and TRYING to make people look like complete idiots.
What do yall get out of this. I could argue with you all with facts vs truth until my finger fall off. But what am I accomplishing? Nothing.
You all will just hate Christians more and more. Is there some form of enjoyment that you all have from this?
Originally Posted by Releventmuzik

My question is to DameTheory and Anton and other atheist. (no I am not trying to be hurtful/rude)
What exact pleasure/benefits do you get out of telling everyone these science facts.
In the last few days I have seen you all go in and out of threads insulting people and TRYING to make people look like complete idiots.
What do yall get out of this. I could argue with you all with facts vs truth until my finger fall off. But what am I accomplishing? Nothing.
You all will just hate Christians more and more. Is there some form of enjoyment that you all have from this?
Informing someone is NOT insulting them. It's actually often seen as constructive.
Originally Posted by Releventmuzik

My question is to DameTheory and Anton and other atheist. (no I am not trying to be hurtful/rude)
What exact pleasure/benefits do you get out of telling everyone these science facts.
In the last few days I have seen you all go in and out of threads insulting people and TRYING to make people look like complete idiots.
What do yall get out of this. I could argue with you all with facts vs truth until my finger fall off. But what am I accomplishing? Nothing.
You all will just hate Christians more and more. Is there some form of enjoyment that you all have from this?
Informing someone is NOT insulting them. It's actually often seen as constructive.
Originally Posted by Murda He

People that say things like this:

As if that is a more respectable implication.

...should be hanged.

If you can't at least respect the fact that people see the world in various ways, you don't deserve life. Why? Because Hitler killed Jews and we hate him for that, right? Eggs-actly. And you ain't that much different if you actually think in this way. You really ain't... You may not be a murderer but you're wishing away someone's existence. People will always have variation, be it religious or genetic. Accept it. At least Hitler had the "balls" to stand up in front of the world and actively hate on Jews, homosexuals, Catholics, blacks, and whoever else. Not you, not the closet hater. You're a hater AND a coward
. You just log onto the Internet and post sarcastic insults about the very core beliefs of people, but don't act on all that hate in the slightest way in real life.. How....weak.

Note: I removed the screen name cuz it ain't important. I'm not picking on dude OR singling him out. But what he posted IS the problem in a nutshell. The fact is that the guy that said this comment is just one of many that don't realize how ignorant !#%* like this really is. It's sad, but it's typical of a lot of people across various belief systems - not just Atheism. But with atheist, unlike most other religious groups, they claim to have a high level of modern intelligence and perspective whereas most religions value tradition and history. And yet, these atheists still cling to hate and intolerance as if this were the Neo-Crusades. They're so progressive, and yet they still act immature and medieval with the cynicism, sarcasm, disrespect, and bashing.  How hypocritical. We really have to get better as a planet or we won't have one left. Whether you believe in God and the End Times or man and WW3, either one could arise from thinking and saying things like what I've quoted.

In all seriousness... if you're mature and reading what I just wrote.... how could you disagree?

Wow, this marks the first time someone has called for my head on the internet.  And you want to call me a coward?  You said people that say things like I did should be hung....and you said this where? Oh yeah, on the internet.  How does that hypocrisy fit you?  Calling for people to be hanged because they refuse to believe that a nation can be punished by the mighty hand of god is immature and medieval with the cynicism.  Hanging is fairly medieval, innit?

I said it's unacceptable to blame a catastrophe on God's vengeance. That is what was meant by saying 'respectable implication.' Why is it wrong? Because that's what hateful people do.  That is what Pat Robertson does, and he is a very hateful, stupid, person. I am sorry, I refuse to think the tragedy in Haiti was because they made a pact with the devil. Why don't I believe that? Because I am not a child. I will go out on a limb and say that god being pissy had nothing to do with the earthquake.  Now I will go on the record and say that I only believe it wasn't due to god because of something called facts.  I don't know what in the hell is wrong with your belief system where you can praise Hitler for having the 'balls' to have such strong convictions in front of people but you don't think it is wrong to think that +$!+$$* god caused the deaths of masses. Your values are #+@+!% up beyond belief.  Not only that, you come across as a moron.

Oh and Hitler only had one ball.  But you didn't hear that from this intellectual.

EDIT:  The irony of you appealing to the 'mature' is astounding.
Originally Posted by Murda He

People that say things like this:

As if that is a more respectable implication.

...should be hanged.

If you can't at least respect the fact that people see the world in various ways, you don't deserve life. Why? Because Hitler killed Jews and we hate him for that, right? Eggs-actly. And you ain't that much different if you actually think in this way. You really ain't... You may not be a murderer but you're wishing away someone's existence. People will always have variation, be it religious or genetic. Accept it. At least Hitler had the "balls" to stand up in front of the world and actively hate on Jews, homosexuals, Catholics, blacks, and whoever else. Not you, not the closet hater. You're a hater AND a coward
. You just log onto the Internet and post sarcastic insults about the very core beliefs of people, but don't act on all that hate in the slightest way in real life.. How....weak.

Note: I removed the screen name cuz it ain't important. I'm not picking on dude OR singling him out. But what he posted IS the problem in a nutshell. The fact is that the guy that said this comment is just one of many that don't realize how ignorant !#%* like this really is. It's sad, but it's typical of a lot of people across various belief systems - not just Atheism. But with atheist, unlike most other religious groups, they claim to have a high level of modern intelligence and perspective whereas most religions value tradition and history. And yet, these atheists still cling to hate and intolerance as if this were the Neo-Crusades. They're so progressive, and yet they still act immature and medieval with the cynicism, sarcasm, disrespect, and bashing.  How hypocritical. We really have to get better as a planet or we won't have one left. Whether you believe in God and the End Times or man and WW3, either one could arise from thinking and saying things like what I've quoted.

In all seriousness... if you're mature and reading what I just wrote.... how could you disagree?

Wow, this marks the first time someone has called for my head on the internet.  And you want to call me a coward?  You said people that say things like I did should be hung....and you said this where? Oh yeah, on the internet.  How does that hypocrisy fit you?  Calling for people to be hanged because they refuse to believe that a nation can be punished by the mighty hand of god is immature and medieval with the cynicism.  Hanging is fairly medieval, innit?

I said it's unacceptable to blame a catastrophe on God's vengeance. That is what was meant by saying 'respectable implication.' Why is it wrong? Because that's what hateful people do.  That is what Pat Robertson does, and he is a very hateful, stupid, person. I am sorry, I refuse to think the tragedy in Haiti was because they made a pact with the devil. Why don't I believe that? Because I am not a child. I will go out on a limb and say that god being pissy had nothing to do with the earthquake.  Now I will go on the record and say that I only believe it wasn't due to god because of something called facts.  I don't know what in the hell is wrong with your belief system where you can praise Hitler for having the 'balls' to have such strong convictions in front of people but you don't think it is wrong to think that +$!+$$* god caused the deaths of masses. Your values are #+@+!% up beyond belief.  Not only that, you come across as a moron.

Oh and Hitler only had one ball.  But you didn't hear that from this intellectual.

EDIT:  The irony of you appealing to the 'mature' is astounding.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I've had some spiritual experiences from when my Grandma died. When she was alive she was the most spiritual person I've ever known. I don't mean like going to church and stuff but she was always reading books about the afterlife,peoples experiences with the dead,God and she was always praying. She was ready to leave Earth and go to the afterlife and she would always say that when she goes,we shouldn't be sad,in fact we should be happy for her because she's in a much better place and is happy. I always thought thought that she was kind of going crazy because of old age even though I am religious myself. When she died I became really depressed and sad and one day while I was asleep,I had a sort of dream/vision or experience. I was lying in bed and out of nowhere she comes into the room and asks me why I'm sad and I said cause she's gone. She reassured me that she is doing well and not to be sad. I was in absolute shock because this was real. She got back up and told me to go eat and get ready because I had to leave soon and I actually did have to go somewhere and I had no idea how she knew. The crazy thing is that when I told her goodbye,she was walking to the door and actually walked right through my roommate and left and My roommate woke me up to go get ready because we were leaving soon....

I can't explain it,it was just an incredible experience and I got to see my Grandma one last time.

Ever since,I always feel her presence whenever I'm feeling down and I just know that she's looking down on me. She isn't really dead,she's just gone from her physical body and has left Earth but she's still very much alive. Probably in the afterlife.

I've also heard crazy stories from my friends and some of them who don't believe in god that have had crazy experiences and have seen supernatural things at funerals,experiences with dead loved ones and near death moments where it's an absolute miracle that the person didn't die.

Some of them have even started believing in a higher being and religion after their experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I still think you were dreaming.
Dreams have the potential to be magnificent but they are only the product of the intense emotions and memories that you have. It could very well be that they are a result of your memories. 

To me it honestly sounds like your subconscious reminded you of your pressing details in life and yet used your mind as a vehicle to remind you of it. Its just the brain at work. I know you miss your grandmother but in all reality its just your intense feelings and memories that you had. 
Maybe but the thing that I don't get is how the heck did she know that I was about to eat and go somewhere. Also how was I able see my roommate walking up to my bed as she was passed through him and left only to actually wake up and see him in the exact same place that I saw him in the dream? Also how did my Grandma tell me the same thing in the dream that my roommate told me in real life before he told me while I was asleep?

I don't think that my subconscious can cause something in my dream to predict what is gonna happen in real life.
There have been many times when I've had VIVID dreams to the point where I felt I was just there. Its super intense. I've had feelings like I was in a war-zone only to know I'm not even in the damn military or been shot at but I live these ultra real dreams. Most of it HAS to come from things that I've seen on TV or heard from others. Your brain just combines these experiences and builds these realities around you. 
In much of the same way your "grandma" might have SEEMED to know what you had to do, but it was really YOU knowing what you had to do. You knew what you needed to do but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Thats what depression often does. You know you have $++@ to do or that you should be doing something else but you can't move to do it cause you're so out of wack mentally. I would know. I've been really depressed at times and just laid in bed knowing I should get up but its the mentality that you need to get up and get out and make your way that makes me overcome it. 

The notion of Deja Vu is very interesting and i'm not denying it, i'm just not willing to accept it because I know that there are explanations for so many other things. I'm just waiting until a reasonable one comes along as yet, there currently are none. 
Your grandma very well could have been a projection of your subconscious mind. You know what you needed to do and that you had to leave, so the projection your mind gave you (holographic lucid dream of Grandma) of your mind just telling your Self what you already knew.


Their is a paranormal world out there where spirits live on and voluntary come into our dreams or reality to comfort/scare the bejesus out of us.
I still don't get how my roommate was in the exact position I dreamed him to him and how she said something in the dream before my roommate said the EXACT same thing in real life.

The way it ended and connected right into real life as if it was happening in real life absolutely blows my mind. so your subconscious can pretty much perfectly predict the immediate future??
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I've had some spiritual experiences from when my Grandma died. When she was alive she was the most spiritual person I've ever known. I don't mean like going to church and stuff but she was always reading books about the afterlife,peoples experiences with the dead,God and she was always praying. She was ready to leave Earth and go to the afterlife and she would always say that when she goes,we shouldn't be sad,in fact we should be happy for her because she's in a much better place and is happy. I always thought thought that she was kind of going crazy because of old age even though I am religious myself. When she died I became really depressed and sad and one day while I was asleep,I had a sort of dream/vision or experience. I was lying in bed and out of nowhere she comes into the room and asks me why I'm sad and I said cause she's gone. She reassured me that she is doing well and not to be sad. I was in absolute shock because this was real. She got back up and told me to go eat and get ready because I had to leave soon and I actually did have to go somewhere and I had no idea how she knew. The crazy thing is that when I told her goodbye,she was walking to the door and actually walked right through my roommate and left and My roommate woke me up to go get ready because we were leaving soon....

I can't explain it,it was just an incredible experience and I got to see my Grandma one last time.

Ever since,I always feel her presence whenever I'm feeling down and I just know that she's looking down on me. She isn't really dead,she's just gone from her physical body and has left Earth but she's still very much alive. Probably in the afterlife.

I've also heard crazy stories from my friends and some of them who don't believe in god that have had crazy experiences and have seen supernatural things at funerals,experiences with dead loved ones and near death moments where it's an absolute miracle that the person didn't die.

Some of them have even started believing in a higher being and religion after their experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I still think you were dreaming.
Dreams have the potential to be magnificent but they are only the product of the intense emotions and memories that you have. It could very well be that they are a result of your memories. 

To me it honestly sounds like your subconscious reminded you of your pressing details in life and yet used your mind as a vehicle to remind you of it. Its just the brain at work. I know you miss your grandmother but in all reality its just your intense feelings and memories that you had. 
Maybe but the thing that I don't get is how the heck did she know that I was about to eat and go somewhere. Also how was I able see my roommate walking up to my bed as she was passed through him and left only to actually wake up and see him in the exact same place that I saw him in the dream? Also how did my Grandma tell me the same thing in the dream that my roommate told me in real life before he told me while I was asleep?

I don't think that my subconscious can cause something in my dream to predict what is gonna happen in real life.
There have been many times when I've had VIVID dreams to the point where I felt I was just there. Its super intense. I've had feelings like I was in a war-zone only to know I'm not even in the damn military or been shot at but I live these ultra real dreams. Most of it HAS to come from things that I've seen on TV or heard from others. Your brain just combines these experiences and builds these realities around you. 
In much of the same way your "grandma" might have SEEMED to know what you had to do, but it was really YOU knowing what you had to do. You knew what you needed to do but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Thats what depression often does. You know you have $++@ to do or that you should be doing something else but you can't move to do it cause you're so out of wack mentally. I would know. I've been really depressed at times and just laid in bed knowing I should get up but its the mentality that you need to get up and get out and make your way that makes me overcome it. 

The notion of Deja Vu is very interesting and i'm not denying it, i'm just not willing to accept it because I know that there are explanations for so many other things. I'm just waiting until a reasonable one comes along as yet, there currently are none. 
Your grandma very well could have been a projection of your subconscious mind. You know what you needed to do and that you had to leave, so the projection your mind gave you (holographic lucid dream of Grandma) of your mind just telling your Self what you already knew.


Their is a paranormal world out there where spirits live on and voluntary come into our dreams or reality to comfort/scare the bejesus out of us.
I still don't get how my roommate was in the exact position I dreamed him to him and how she said something in the dream before my roommate said the EXACT same thing in real life.

The way it ended and connected right into real life as if it was happening in real life absolutely blows my mind. so your subconscious can pretty much perfectly predict the immediate future??
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I've had some spiritual experiences from when my Grandma died. When she was alive she was the most spiritual person I've ever known. I don't mean like going to church and stuff but she was always reading books about the afterlife,peoples experiences with the dead,God and she was always praying. She was ready to leave Earth and go to the afterlife and she would always say that when she goes,we shouldn't be sad,in fact we should be happy for her because she's in a much better place and is happy. I always thought thought that she was kind of going crazy because of old age even though I am religious myself. When she died I became really depressed and sad and one day while I was asleep,I had a sort of dream/vision or experience. I was lying in bed and out of nowhere she comes into the room and asks me why I'm sad and I said cause she's gone. She reassured me that she is doing well and not to be sad. I was in absolute shock because this was real. She got back up and told me to go eat and get ready because I had to leave soon and I actually did have to go somewhere and I had no idea how she knew. The crazy thing is that when I told her goodbye,she was walking to the door and actually walked right through my roommate and left and My roommate woke me up to go get ready because we were leaving soon....

I can't explain it,it was just an incredible experience and I got to see my Grandma one last time.

Ever since,I always feel her presence whenever I'm feeling down and I just know that she's looking down on me. She isn't really dead,she's just gone from her physical body and has left Earth but she's still very much alive. Probably in the afterlife.

I've also heard crazy stories from my friends and some of them who don't believe in god that have had crazy experiences and have seen supernatural things at funerals,experiences with dead loved ones and near death moments where it's an absolute miracle that the person didn't die.

Some of them have even started believing in a higher being and religion after their experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I still think you were dreaming.
Dreams have the potential to be magnificent but they are only the product of the intense emotions and memories that you have. It could very well be that they are a result of your memories. 

To me it honestly sounds like your subconscious reminded you of your pressing details in life and yet used your mind as a vehicle to remind you of it. Its just the brain at work. I know you miss your grandmother but in all reality its just your intense feelings and memories that you had. 
Dude.  You're an
Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I've had some spiritual experiences from when my Grandma died. When she was alive she was the most spiritual person I've ever known. I don't mean like going to church and stuff but she was always reading books about the afterlife,peoples experiences with the dead,God and she was always praying. She was ready to leave Earth and go to the afterlife and she would always say that when she goes,we shouldn't be sad,in fact we should be happy for her because she's in a much better place and is happy. I always thought thought that she was kind of going crazy because of old age even though I am religious myself. When she died I became really depressed and sad and one day while I was asleep,I had a sort of dream/vision or experience. I was lying in bed and out of nowhere she comes into the room and asks me why I'm sad and I said cause she's gone. She reassured me that she is doing well and not to be sad. I was in absolute shock because this was real. She got back up and told me to go eat and get ready because I had to leave soon and I actually did have to go somewhere and I had no idea how she knew. The crazy thing is that when I told her goodbye,she was walking to the door and actually walked right through my roommate and left and My roommate woke me up to go get ready because we were leaving soon....

I can't explain it,it was just an incredible experience and I got to see my Grandma one last time.

Ever since,I always feel her presence whenever I'm feeling down and I just know that she's looking down on me. She isn't really dead,she's just gone from her physical body and has left Earth but she's still very much alive. Probably in the afterlife.

I've also heard crazy stories from my friends and some of them who don't believe in god that have had crazy experiences and have seen supernatural things at funerals,experiences with dead loved ones and near death moments where it's an absolute miracle that the person didn't die.

Some of them have even started believing in a higher being and religion after their experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I still think you were dreaming.
Dreams have the potential to be magnificent but they are only the product of the intense emotions and memories that you have. It could very well be that they are a result of your memories. 

To me it honestly sounds like your subconscious reminded you of your pressing details in life and yet used your mind as a vehicle to remind you of it. Its just the brain at work. I know you miss your grandmother but in all reality its just your intense feelings and memories that you had. 
Dude.  You're an
i can't roll with you on this one, rilla...

but, i too, just realized i have experienced sleep paralysis....
i can't roll with you on this one, rilla...

but, i too, just realized i have experienced sleep paralysis....
Originally Posted by Murda He

People that say things like this:

As if that is a more respectable implication.

...should be hanged.

If you can't at least respect the fact that people see the world in various ways, you don't deserve life. Why? Because Hitler killed Jews and we hate him for that, right? Eggs-actly. And you ain't that much different if you actually think in this way. You really ain't... You may not be a murderer but you're wishing away someone's existence. People will always have variation, be it religious or genetic. Accept it. At least Hitler had the "balls" to stand up in front of the world and actively hate on Jews, homosexuals, Catholics, blacks, and whoever else. Not you, not the closet hater. You're a hater AND a coward
. You just log onto the Internet and post sarcastic insults about the very core beliefs of people, but don't act on all that hate in the slightest way in real life.. How....weak.

Note: I removed the screen name cuz it ain't important. I'm not picking on dude OR singling him out. But what he posted IS the problem in a nutshell. The fact is that the guy that said this comment is just one of many that don't realize how ignorant !#%* like this really is. It's sad, but it's typical of a lot of people across various belief systems - not just Atheism. But with atheist, unlike most other religious groups, they claim to have a high level of modern intelligence and perspective whereas most religions value tradition and history. And yet, these atheists still cling to hate and intolerance as if this were the Neo-Crusades. They're so progressive, and yet they still act immature and medieval with the cynicism, sarcasm, disrespect, and bashing.  How hypocritical. We really have to get better as a planet or we won't have one left. Whether you believe in God and the End Times or man and WW3, either one could arise from thinking and saying things like what I've quoted.


But this is the internet...
.... where racists, pedophiles, chauvinists, and the religiously intolerant can all get together and "harmlessly" add more and more negativity to the world. Because of course no one is held accountable behind an avatar and S/N. And who's gonna clean up all this negative energy. Not a soul
. Will civilization erupt because of Internet intolerance? Quite possibly. Who's gonna be the first to stop attacking and start embracing other cultures? I TRY.

I REALLY, REALLY TRY..... to show ya'll the way.

But no one but itsgettinhot hears me talking.

Para ejemplo, outside of NT, Anton is much less of a troll. But amongst some of you other Atheists, I don't even recognize dude no more. And after reaching out to dude over a year ago to ASK him what he believed in, I found a lot of common ground actually. Occasionally we catch up with each other and have these same threads one on one. And usually they end with a "I hear you.. I can see how that could make sense, but I think differently". AND THAT'S FINE!! But in THESE threads, like the rest of you, he focuses on the differences and skips over the likenesses because it's easier to be sarcastic and humorous if you ignore the holes in your arguments and only play your strengths. But isn't that what kids do? Aren't we more mature than that by now? My God

It's that herd mentality we ALL have, myself included. Everyone lusts validation.... but at some point, you gotta grow up. It's gotta be about being fair and tolerant. You can't change people. Plus, being "right" is overrated. It's not like it's a Christian tax on goods and life would be cheaper as a Jew. I've never heard the lady at the DMV say this line is for atheists and this express line is for muslims. Come on ya'll... let.it...go.  I'm not gonna tread on other people's toes in this lifetime over what I believe happens (or doesn't happen) afterward.


In all seriousness... if you're mature and reading what I just wrote.... how could you disagree?

Killing ppl because they laugh at others and don't respect them for making implications about the devil causing earthquakes is something I hope no one else agrees with. You need to look in a mirror man. Cuz you're coming off as a huge hypocrite/. You talk about the internet where pedophiles, and racists, coming to add more negativity to the world when you're asking to hang those ppl. You're no better than them. Stop with this crusade on those who add negativity to the world through the internet. How about you stop ppl who are doing more damage in the real world. Trying to equate the end time to the possibility of a third world war? These are not the similarities.

You're not advocating tolerance or maturity. Kill anyone who thinks or says things like that cuz they'll be the end of the world. Disgusting.

It's even more sad cuz you been trying to get on dudes for adding all the emoticons to their posts and that's all yours is filled with.

So "I hear you.. I can see how that could make sense to a select few radicals who have given up on being reasonable, but I think differently and vehemently disagree".
Originally Posted by Murda He

People that say things like this:

As if that is a more respectable implication.

...should be hanged.

If you can't at least respect the fact that people see the world in various ways, you don't deserve life. Why? Because Hitler killed Jews and we hate him for that, right? Eggs-actly. And you ain't that much different if you actually think in this way. You really ain't... You may not be a murderer but you're wishing away someone's existence. People will always have variation, be it religious or genetic. Accept it. At least Hitler had the "balls" to stand up in front of the world and actively hate on Jews, homosexuals, Catholics, blacks, and whoever else. Not you, not the closet hater. You're a hater AND a coward
. You just log onto the Internet and post sarcastic insults about the very core beliefs of people, but don't act on all that hate in the slightest way in real life.. How....weak.

Note: I removed the screen name cuz it ain't important. I'm not picking on dude OR singling him out. But what he posted IS the problem in a nutshell. The fact is that the guy that said this comment is just one of many that don't realize how ignorant !#%* like this really is. It's sad, but it's typical of a lot of people across various belief systems - not just Atheism. But with atheist, unlike most other religious groups, they claim to have a high level of modern intelligence and perspective whereas most religions value tradition and history. And yet, these atheists still cling to hate and intolerance as if this were the Neo-Crusades. They're so progressive, and yet they still act immature and medieval with the cynicism, sarcasm, disrespect, and bashing.  How hypocritical. We really have to get better as a planet or we won't have one left. Whether you believe in God and the End Times or man and WW3, either one could arise from thinking and saying things like what I've quoted.


But this is the internet...
.... where racists, pedophiles, chauvinists, and the religiously intolerant can all get together and "harmlessly" add more and more negativity to the world. Because of course no one is held accountable behind an avatar and S/N. And who's gonna clean up all this negative energy. Not a soul
. Will civilization erupt because of Internet intolerance? Quite possibly. Who's gonna be the first to stop attacking and start embracing other cultures? I TRY.

I REALLY, REALLY TRY..... to show ya'll the way.

But no one but itsgettinhot hears me talking.

Para ejemplo, outside of NT, Anton is much less of a troll. But amongst some of you other Atheists, I don't even recognize dude no more. And after reaching out to dude over a year ago to ASK him what he believed in, I found a lot of common ground actually. Occasionally we catch up with each other and have these same threads one on one. And usually they end with a "I hear you.. I can see how that could make sense, but I think differently". AND THAT'S FINE!! But in THESE threads, like the rest of you, he focuses on the differences and skips over the likenesses because it's easier to be sarcastic and humorous if you ignore the holes in your arguments and only play your strengths. But isn't that what kids do? Aren't we more mature than that by now? My God

It's that herd mentality we ALL have, myself included. Everyone lusts validation.... but at some point, you gotta grow up. It's gotta be about being fair and tolerant. You can't change people. Plus, being "right" is overrated. It's not like it's a Christian tax on goods and life would be cheaper as a Jew. I've never heard the lady at the DMV say this line is for atheists and this express line is for muslims. Come on ya'll... let.it...go.  I'm not gonna tread on other people's toes in this lifetime over what I believe happens (or doesn't happen) afterward.


In all seriousness... if you're mature and reading what I just wrote.... how could you disagree?

Killing ppl because they laugh at others and don't respect them for making implications about the devil causing earthquakes is something I hope no one else agrees with. You need to look in a mirror man. Cuz you're coming off as a huge hypocrite/. You talk about the internet where pedophiles, and racists, coming to add more negativity to the world when you're asking to hang those ppl. You're no better than them. Stop with this crusade on those who add negativity to the world through the internet. How about you stop ppl who are doing more damage in the real world. Trying to equate the end time to the possibility of a third world war? These are not the similarities.

You're not advocating tolerance or maturity. Kill anyone who thinks or says things like that cuz they'll be the end of the world. Disgusting.

It's even more sad cuz you been trying to get on dudes for adding all the emoticons to their posts and that's all yours is filled with.

So "I hear you.. I can see how that could make sense to a select few radicals who have given up on being reasonable, but I think differently and vehemently disagree".
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