A question for the guys

never was a fan of the girly girls but i dont want no butch neither....if we cant watch football, basketball and boxing together, or throw a football aroundand what not then i'm good....gotta be a balance there
Originally Posted by ShotgunGirl76

Do y'all prefer girlie girls or tomboys when looking for a girl?

you sound like a little kid saying Tom Boy. I think you need to drop that kinda thing. Most of the girls I considered "Tom Boys" grew outta thatstage come HS.

Me personally I like them girly girls. I mean if she is entertained by sports cool, good for her. But if I wanna hoop ill go catch a pick up game with my boys,not my girl.
*Looks at "her" number of posts*

I don't take posts from "girls" on NT seriously unless they have at least 150 posts so...

Am I the only one getting jaded when it comes to chicks posting on NT nowadays? I only take the identities of the regular females for granted.... those whojust pop up randomly i'm like "
... that's probably a dude". It's all MisterP's fault

Next PYP should most def. be a "hold up handwritten tag" one.... just to seperate the real from the fake.

Like why would a female honestly ask this type of question?

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by kevin1479

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Girlie girls ftw. Skirt, Heels > Sneakers, Jeans

That's just me.
u cant expect your girl to wear skirts and heels all the time, so sneakers and jeans are ok but not all the time

but i hear what u saying
Of course, but I was just giving a firm answer.

She did use the word "Tomboy" so....

But yeah, you get what I'm saying.... My girl wears sneakers and jeans sometimes, but she wears them in a girly way

exactly, she has to have balance between the two, cant just be one way all the time
Originally Posted by ShotgunGirl76

Do y'all prefer girlie girls or tomboys when looking for a girl? I'm more of a tomboy and was just wondering if that was a bad thing.

Show us pics and we'll decide
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

*Looks at "her" number of posts*

I don't take posts from "girls" on NT seriously unless they have at least 150 posts so...

Am I the only one getting jaded when it comes to chicks posting on NT nowadays? I only take the identities of the regular females for granted.... those who just pop up randomly i'm like "
... that's probably a dude". It's all MisterP's fault

Next PYP should most def. be a "hold up handwritten tag" one.... just to seperate the real from the fake.

Like why would a female honestly ask this type of question?

i dont mind having a girly girl as long as she's not all materialistic and what not.

it would be nice to have a lil bit of both too so both of you can enjoy doing things together ie. video games, sports...
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

*Looks at "her" number of posts*

I don't take posts from "girls" on NT seriously unless they have at least 150 posts so...

Am I the only one getting jaded when it comes to chicks posting on NT nowadays? I only take the identities of the regular females for granted.... those who just pop up randomly i'm like "
... that's probably a dude". It's all MisterP's fault

Next PYP should most def. be a "hold up handwritten tag" one.... just to seperate the real from the fake.

Like why would a female honestly ask this type of question?


Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I can toss around the football, play softball, play tennis, and do all other types of outdoorsy things with my girl.

I dont' really consider her a tomboy and while she's also not a prissy girly girl...she still knows how to look and act like a lady.

just find a nice balance... you don't have to be either extreme
Yup, you gotta know when to bring out the more feminine side. While at the same time be able to hold your ground, when the going gets tough.

But I've been attracting mostly girly girls, as of recent so no sign of the half tomboy/girl girl anywhere.
i kind of like tom boyish girls
dont really like girlygirls.....all dolled up w/tons of makeup on

and since you say youre a tom boy i want pics
I kinda wondered this for one reason: sometimes when I go out (esp when I had shorter hair) my sexuality is pretty obvious.. Def more tom boy than anything..And dudes still go hard to holla.. I don't get that? Somebody enlighten me
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

I kinda wondered this for one reason: sometimes when I go out (esp when I had shorter hair) my sexuality is pretty obvious.. Def more tom boy than anything.. And dudes still go hard to holla.. I don't get that? Somebody enlighten me
i dunno... if you're cute it doesn't matter, dudes will holla regardless
I'm into girls in general, duke. Not the girls that are too dependent on their girlfriends. I'm a sucker for girls who got that independent thinggoin' on.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

I kinda wondered this for one reason: sometimes when I go out (esp when I had shorter hair) my sexuality is pretty obvious.. Def more tom boy than anything.. And dudes still go hard to holla.. I don't get that? Somebody enlighten me
Because you're a female.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

*Looks at "her" number of posts*

I don't take posts from "girls" on NT seriously unless they have at least 150 posts so...

Am I the only one getting jaded when it comes to chicks posting on NT nowadays? I only take the identities of the regular females for granted.... those who just pop up randomly i'm like "
... that's probably a dude". It's all MisterP's fault

Next PYP should most def. be a "hold up handwritten tag" one.... just to seperate the real from the fake.

Like why would a female honestly ask this type of question?

the funny thing is back then they would be threads where dudes asking questions that would come off like a girl question, and would get flamed on

i think they got new accounts and pretend to be girls to ask these types of question

thats just my theory, cause theres alot of these threads lately
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