A question for the guys

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I can toss around the football, play softball, play tennis, and do all other types of outdoorsy things with my girl.

I dont' really consider her a tomboy and while she's also not a prissy girly girl...she still knows how to look and act like a lady.

just find a nice balance... you don't have to be either extreme
Dirty, you know damn well you can't throw
I do not like overly high maintenance girls so I'm leaning towards tomboy. As long as she doesn't throw on tan tims unlaced, a durag, spit and allthose other things.
i tend to +@#@ with tomboyish broad, but that never works

i need a girly girl
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by ShotgunGirl76

I'm definitely not a straight up tomboy. I dress up on occasion, it's just not my thing. I would rather sit at home watching basketball or football than hanging out with girls. I love playing sports/football, but in no way do I look like a guy. I've got too big of boobs for all that.

Thanks for the answers, I was just curious.
how gay can you get? what kind of dude poses as a female on a messageboard? whoever you are, and i'm guessing you are an existing male poster on NT, you are clearly trying to get dudes to beast on you and its sad.

"I would rather watch basketball or football than hang out with girls."
"I love playing sports."
"I have big boobs."

uh huh... riiiight. those are exact things a GUY would want their ideal females to say, written from a male perspective. you are a guy.

whoever you are, you are really sad...

Word. No girl would come to a male dominated forum and ask this question as their first post.
Well balanced, can dress mean, but isn't a soft, always crying, emotional simp of a woman.
I act very girly but I dont dress Feminine. I feel uncomfortable wearing heels, dresses etc.
I've always felt as If I'm not "pretty enough."
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