A SLICE of pizza without toppings: Plain or Cheese?

What do you call a slice of pizza with no toppings?

  • Plain slice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slice of cheese/Cheese slice

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The extra plain part was a joke..

Although, what you're saying is that an extra cheese pizza isn't plain, right?

So, if you walked into a room with an extra cheese pizza and someone asked: "is that a plain pizza"?

You'd actually say: "No, it's not plain, It's extra cheese." ?

Just sounds weird. Imagine 3 pizzas lined up and pointing at each one -




Just sounds dumb. But, it's just a regional thing just like "soda" and "pop".

I'm from the Midwest and it seems like everyone says "pop".....makes me cringe as much as 98% of people who live in Illinois say "El-inois" :x
Extra cheese is a topping. So you'll ask for a pie with extra cheese. If a pie with extra cheese was displayed next to a "plain" pie they would tell u which one is which because they're going to charge u more for the extra cheese slice (u should be able to visually tell the difference).

(I only hear plain or regular)
I say cheese but it's irrelevant because cheese/plain pizza isn't as good so it's never ordered
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