? about getting rejected

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Would you prefer a female told you the truth e.g. "I'm not interest in you/ I don't find you attractive" or a cover up e.g. "I'm a+@%#+/ I have a boyfriend?" I was arguing with a couple friends about this after watching that True Life episode about peer pressure and how big dudespazzed out on his friend after he was rejected by a female.
"...and the truth shall set you frreeeeee!"
Well...good question...i would prefer the first one,cause if she tells me she got a boyfriend i just might try 2x harder..yes i know i am mestup.
I'd rather be told that I'm ugly etc., etc. than maybe if I didn't have a boyfriend. People who lie over nonsense tells you a lot about theircharacter.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

I've never been rejected so I cannot relate.
it must be nice
Would you prefer a female told you the truth e.g. "I'm not interest in you/ I don't find you attractive" or a cover up e.g. "I'm a +@%#+/ I have a boyfriend?"

id prefer the truth.
fake numbers suck too
Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

I've never been rejected so I cannot relate.
it must be nice
Would you prefer a female told you the truth e.g. "I'm not interest in you/ I don't find you attractive" or a cover up e.g. "I'm a +@%#+/ I have a boyfriend?"

id prefer the truth.
fake numbers suck too

i feel u son but for real for real i think id actually rather b lied to.cuz when they tell me the truth it actually messes up my whole night. Besides i can always tell when they lyin anyways so id rather them try to b nice about itthen real ignorant to me. But thats just my opinion.
Originally Posted by Mr Whomp Whomp

Would you prefer a female told you the truth e.g. "I'm not interest in you/ I don't find you attractive" or a cover up e.g. "I'm a +@%#+/ I have a boyfriend?" I was arguing with a couple friends about this after watching that True Life episode about peer pressure and how big dude spazzed out on his friend after he was rejected by a female.
I mean all in all, rather its the truth or a lie, its still the same outcome REEeee-Jection. Really how many FEMALES are going to tell you thetruth, especially if they dont know you. When you try to get a female either you are going to get her or your not so it really doesnt matter what she tellsyou, just keep it moving to the next broad.

703 Hwy wrote:
I've never been rejected so I cannot relate.
, Come on man you in Northern Va...Spanish Freaks Galoreespecially on that 703 highway.
Naw but forreal forreal she can just say she's not interested or something I don't need her to pick me apart while i'm right there
this broad told me no then pulled out her phone, we been talkin ever since
broad wanted me to chase her
sometimes im not sure if its a chase situation or an aborter

so yea straight up
Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

703 Hwy wrote:
I've never been rejected so I cannot relate.
, Come on man you in Northern Va...Spanish Freaks Galore especially on that 703 highway.
thats why i love livin out here,



O yea I love coming out their when I get the chance
I usually get rejected AFTER females find out my age....I remember when I was 19, I was messing with a 28-year-old 7th grade school teacher
....Whew...shewas BEAUTIFUL...She thought I was 22 at the time...But one day she was pointing out how frizzy her hair was in her DL photo...and she asked to see mine becauseI was laughing so hard...Totally forgetting about the age thing, I showed it to her...WOOPS!...end of that lil' fling...

I never got rejected on first sight though....Im in a Relationship now anyway, plus my "players card" has been revolked by the wifey ... its time forme to settle down...
tell her shes not all that anyway if she says that, its all about MENTAL WARFARE BABY~!

-The Truth!
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