How many 3.0s have you copped this year?

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    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 33 42.9%
  • 3+

    Votes: 27 35.1%

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Are we complaining about 65.6 grams? You won't see less fortunate people complaining if their shoes weighs 1kg and now people are complaining if its 65.6 grams heavier?
Both of u doing math and ****. The UB thread just become the homework thread. It's never that serious guys. Someone just stop replying.
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Both of u doing math and ****. The UB thread just become the homework thread. It's never that serious guys. Someone just stop replying.

Its not that serious?!?!? We have dudes taking cages off to take weight off!! This is very serious.

I kid, I kid.
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When a shoe is 'friends and family', do we know roughly how many are produced? Are we talking 50 or 500?

NMD friends and family specifically if that helps.
right, how dare I average 6 posts per day. I'm such a terrible father. I also shouldn't talk to friends on the phone, text people, or take dumps for more than 10 minutes. That would be child abuse. Cool if I read a magazine? Watch Sportscaster? Listen to some music? Please let me know. I'll do better next time.

Only person "getting panties in a bunch" is you. You posted an opinion, and so did we. Ironic how your opinion is ok, and ours isn't, right? Crazy thing is I was the one posting "people shouldn't care what others do with their money even if they don't agree". But you're acting like I'm the captain of this lynching. Thats ok. I'll be the captain of this ship for you if you need to send your anger in this direction. I'm ok with that.

by the way, its more than 48 months (9741/48). Been here for about 57 months. Get it right if you're going to try and clown. 1 year equals 12 months in these parts.

Next up......Shaving down the boost to get .04 ounces off the weight.

One day, you'll realize how ridiculous your comment was about taking weight off. Its one thing to say you like the way it looks, but then you had to go get silly and talk about taking weight off the shoe. Thats when looney tunes occurred. THE most ridiculous comment in the history of NT comments. And there have been some terrible ones. Shot right past "UN-DS Anxiety."
The fact that you literally called me out might have something to do with the fact that I called you out for having 10,000 posts since 2011. I also thought it was tacky that a fully grown man with teenage children would use a term like "fam."
UB's are heavy comment could possibly be the craziest comment I've read on NT. Signature worthy. Imagine if there was a negative rep function? He'd be in rep debt.

I wish they had that feature here.

Fam is just plotting a response right now. Cooking something up in the lab to come back to. Its going to be strong.
Do you have short-term memory loss, bud? My point is, you can wear UBs without laces or even the cage and laces, if you so please and the performance is not drastically different.

We can agree to disagree for however long but I don't have as much time as you obviously do to devote to constant back and forth about a matter of personal preference and I'd prefer to just leave it. 
Bruh[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] just checking back in after my night out. Pretty amazing stuff. Sally just give it up dude quit while you're behind.
Crazy how someone knows you have kids and is over the age of 40, "but they don't have time to be on this site".

And the kids are 4 and 9. Not quite teenagers yet. Let me know if you need to know anything further. You can friend me on Facebook and see what we do on the weekends.

I'm officially closing the book on this argument. I'm the fool for engaging any further.
See Adidas...This is what happens when you don't give us Cream restocks. We are left to talk amongst ourselves and we all fools.
"I realized I dun f'd up on uncaging my UBs so I'm gonna put them up for sale on grailed for $120 above retail."

My UBs were too light and it was messing up my form. I added ankle weights and reinforced the cage for a 200% increase in cage weight. Im skraight now.

Uncaging for weight savings reminds me of every time a new iPhone is introduced ... it's our thinnest iPhone to date ... lol
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NASCAR teams would be proud of this weight talk. Pm's being sent to some for consultant gigs over at Chip Ganassi racing
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