that's f'd up
Repost from Reddit so people can read here:
Tomorrow at 11:30 am, SlamJam Milan is going to open their doors for the Adidas World Tour Consortium worldwide release of their 8 in-store pairs of Solebox x Adidas Ultraboost - and they will go directly into the hands of criminals. Normal sneakerheads won't have a chance to buy these shoes. Would be "entrepreneurs" chasing their reseller's greed won't succeed either. The people who wake up early tomorrow for a chance to get in line, if lucky, will be turned away at the site of 10 thugs waiting already in line. If not, they'll be met with threats of violence or the actualization of it if they refuse to back down.
Earlier today, three friends and I were in the Navigli district of Milan where we were staying for the weekend: we had hopes of maybe being able to purchase a pair of Solebox x Adidas shoes and were incredibly surprised to find that there was no one camped out in front of the store - nor was it open. We decided not to take any chances and decided that if we were going to get a pair in our sizes, we should camp out. Gathering our stuff, we returned to the storefront at 2:30 pm and sat our ***** on the pavement - chatting and studying for the exams we'll have to take when we return home. Eventually, the store opened later in the afternoon and I approached the clerk, asking him details about the release: he said (in fluent English) that a day or two earlier, 5 guys had arrived and started a list - but that this was not store policy: since these people were not outside, he saw no problem in us being the front of the line: after all, there were 8 pairs and that was enough. At no point did he ask us to leave and he saw us sitting outside before he unlocked the store.
Around 4 pm, 3 men approached us in line and asked us if we were in line for the Solebox release. They then informed us that they already had a list and that there were 10 people ahead of us. Our response was firm: if you weren't in line in front of the store, you weren't in line and, as their list was not the store's list, it was not valid. They responded by telling us that they had rented a room above a nearby store (presumably via AirBnB) and that they were in line. Again, we pointed out that this was not how a line works and stood our ground. After a few minutes, a fourth man showed up - he reiterated that they were the list, despite the fact we explained that none of them were present before we arrived. My girlfriend, the only one of the group who spoke fluent italian, insisted that they would need to go to the back of the line - only to be told that all the shoes were theirs. He continued to subtly threaten us by saying that "for better or worse, none of you will be getting shoes - because if one of mine does not get them, you certainly will not." - at this point, I'm barely able to follow the conversation or pick up on the threat until he called out to the store owner:
"Tell these ******* to leave or when you come back in the morning, you'll find a scene on your hands." At this point, my girlfriend froze and one of my companions immediately told me that they had just explicitly threatened us - when she responded to this, the Fourth Man said that if we didn't leave they would come back at night and really give us trouble. He then went in and spoke to the owner leaving two of his lackeys to watch us while we deliberated what to do - under no circumstances were these shoes worth physical harm or potential violence: but threats of violence should not go rewarded.
I entered the store to talk to the clerk, but he was talking to the Fourth Man - when I asked him why this was happening: why were there only 8 pairs and why did he tell me that there was no problem waiting - but he suddenly didn't understand or speak English anymore. At this point, the lackeys entered and listened to what was being said - now speaking only in Italian to my girlfriend with sparing glances at us, he said that these people were his friends and that "lining up in front of the store is not aesthetically pleasing" before quietly saying to her "I'm alone here, I'm the only one who has to deal with this - all alone."
This 180 in position was scarier than any of the tough talking these guys were making before. The store clerk spoke only in Italian so that these guys could listen and we decided at that point it was time to go - this wasn't four guys talking tough, these were ******* thugs out to make money at whatever the cost. We packed our stuff and retreated to the safety of our friend's apartment gathering for our next move, deciding that the best bet would be to get this story out there: these guys are going to use intimidation and a real possibility of violence to get what they want - which is the means to make money. And while this is one release, there will be more - and their success here will only prove that their methods work. They're a problem for us today, but next week we'll be safe at home in America and they'll just be a problem for everyone left here.
Adidas doesn't really have anything to do with this directly, but they partnered with Slam Jam as a collaborator for the Consortium World Tour - a store that likely won't report this incident, because at the end of the day the shoes will be paid for. And when it's their turn to release a collaboration, those pairs won't go into the hands of fans but to these thugs so that they can sell them and line their pockets with money more legal than selling drugs and easier than real work. So my parting message is this:
If you're in Milan, Italy and planning on going to SlamJam to buy Solebox pairs - be careful. There is a very real danger to your safety in the area and I do not doubt for a moment that they would even hesitate to harm you.
If you're thinking of buying pairs for resale prices, please make sure NOT to buy any solebox pairs which originate from Italy. Do your due diligence, ask questions from the seller, but if you see it originates from Milan or anywhere in Italy then please do not buy them. These thugs can buy all the pairs they want: just don't help them sell them.