How many 3.0s have you copped this year?

  • 0

    Votes: 17 22.1%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 33 42.9%
  • 3+

    Votes: 27 35.1%

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Should have kicked it off with a bang... instead we get lame 2.0 multis which even in the apex of UB hype sat on shelves... They have to know that everyone is here for the 1.0s and they should have dropped creams or burgs and then another coloroway every 2 weeks on a schedule... Instead... you get no information and a drop that seems like they just found a boatload of the multis while cleaning out the back of a warehouse... adidas could fu*k up a wet dream....
i think we hold adidas up to some high pedestal. To be honest, i bet it literally is a 'whoa we found some extra pairs in the warehouse, lets make the most of this and release them as a marketing 'unvaulted' campaign'. i can't help but simply think that as a company on the large, this niche UB / boost community is probably such a small percentage of the market that they really have no real reason to cater to the requests of the few, when it comes to general release shoes. I think when it comes to collaborations, those specific companies working with adidas probably had 'some' idea of the colors , exclusivity, or knit patterns they could use but again that's a specific subset of the market.
i think we hold adidas up to some high pedestal. To be honest, i bet it literally is a 'whoa we found some extra pairs in the warehouse, lets make the most of this and release them as a marketing 'unvaulted' campaign'.

This is definitely not the case.
Yeah this is a campaign for a re-release of older models... they are for sure not old stock... Adidas has done nothing to help itself though... they could have tightened this up and hyped it up like Nike does airmax day... but alas their marketing team is nonexistent...
Yeah this is a campaign for a re-release of older models... they are for sure not old stock... Adidas has done nothing to help itself though... they could have tightened this up and hyped it up like Nike does airmax day... but alas their marketing team is nonexistent...

Yeah adidas is really lazy when it comes to “telling the story”.
Lately I've been considering unloading all of my Boosts and pretending that this chapter of my sneaker collecting never happened. Well I wouldnt go that far, but the thought did cross my mind. :ohwell:
I guess Wex's photos of his own closet and reposting the Kardashians will only go so far. I'm a general lurker nowadays when it comes to boost. My favorite was actually the 93/16 boosts, which have been discontinued. I will be trying for the multi's tomorrow.
Glad I sold my used MC 2.0 for profit when I did.

Just got back from NY on vacation and walking in uncaged UBs 15-20k steps a day wasn't as friendly on feet as the Mids. I preferred something more firm and ended up using my Nike Safaris towards the end of the trip.

They might have to reformulate the boost or at least come out with better bounce silos.

He was never part of Adidas until now.
You're misreading that post. He's worked at adidas for a long time, he's the one who made the Kanye deal happen. That post is referring to when he first got his job there many years ago, and that it took him 3 years of trying to get the job.

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It was trending on twitter where people shared their rejections from jobs. So he was just sharing his experience of being rejected.
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