Adidas NMD thread

im an idiot, sat with it in cart and decided to **** around lol

oos now
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25+ per certain size. could have had a 9.5, but theres too much coming out and im not a fan of city socks.
definitetly my favorite pair of CS thats dropped so far. Im not gunna lie, the $15 shipping stopped me from the impulse
Damn, now I'm even happier I passed on the Wool CS.  These were the joints I was hoping for. Makes the likely L this afternoon for the 750s even easier to stomach. 

Definitely giving a sideways glance at the number they had in stock, but Packer seems to always have random drops and even more random stock numbers.  I'm used to them releasing at midnight or some other crazy hour when everyone is asleep so this is quite a surprise. 
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