Adidas NMD thread

dude must have deleted it.

basically adidas store employees being as stupid as they are, told the 30 or so people waiting at 8pm outside their store (like they were told to do over the phone), that they couldn't camp outside their store and had to wait outside the mall doors starting at 10pm.

few minutes before 10pm, supposedly there were about 100+ people scattered around with nowhere to line up and they had to stay in the parking lot and couldn't begin lining up until the clock hit 10. i'm guessing as soon as they were allowed to line up everyone just rushed to the front of the line.

guy videotaped the line and security telling everybody to back the hell up and just leave. video looked like a zoo.
that's why I don't do lines at malls generally, too much nonsense
Thanks for typing that out for those of us that missed the video before it was deleted.

That's surprising because an employee from a store in LA told me one week ago that the launch procedure was 8pm in the parking lot on Friday night. I find it hard to believe that employees were telling customers to wait outside the store when launch procedure was determined a week prior. Perhaps things changed last minute, perhaps there was a miscommunication, perhaps managers told their employees the wrong info...

When does FCFS ever work in a civilized manner? If it's true that only six stores got these, they should've dropped on Confirmed to prevent all this nonsense. Yeezy launches are 5-10x the size of this launch so not using Confirmed was a complete miss.
might have been 8pm outside the mall but the employees must have changed plans and they were telling people to wait outside at 10pm when the mall closes at 9pm.

security wasn't told jack about the situation so they wouldn't let people line up outside the doors of the mall and they told everybody to go across the street where there was a parking structure/lot.

While I was leaving the mall, I knew it was gonna get hectic as soon as they let these savages start lining up since there wasn't an actual line to begin with. it was basically a free for all when it hit 10pm to stand in line.
tank coming through clutch with the video lol. that video probably shows less than half the people that were there. crazy 
Wonder how the networking went 
What up guys

Been lurking in this thread for a few weeks, decided to join. Only have a mesh NMD currently so really hoping to cop the blues later. Anyone have a clue what time I should wake up at PST too be sure? I was thinking 6:45 AM but now possibly thinking 5:45.
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