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A few more things you failed to realize

4. You were never around during any drops so I def didnt get any info from you.

5. 99% of my cops were manual and not on any bot or with anyones bd.

6. You introduced us to a new communication channel and charged each us for it. Your card didnt pay for anything of mine.

Good luck doing Gods work bruh 
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Which side has the Black Widow? Cuz she's hotter than the Scarlet Witch. That's the side I wanna be on.

Thank you @OVOMIKE for moving us off the fashion thread!
Sure, we were salty right? I'm pretty sure we were minding our own business about to oop some carts for SNS and Finishline flu game carts and then all of the sudden the account wasn't accessible. We were doing God's work bro and ya'll devised a plan to starve the people.

View media item 2029352

Last time I trusted you with it, your boy CriesenbergHeat went AWOL and sabotaged it. Only thing I starved the people of is your ploy to milk em down the road with your private ATC you cooked on the side.

Fool me once...
A few more things you failed to realize

4. You were never around during any drops so I def didnt get any info from you.
5. 99% of my cops were manual and not on any bot or with anyones bd.
6. You introduced us to a new communication channel and charged each us for it. Your card didnt pay for anything of mine.

Good luck doing Gods work bruh 


deny all you want but if links had authors you'd be guilty of copy right infringement . Sound like a gf who gets dumped and then tries to say her dude gave her wack D' smh

let's see what type of moves you guy's make now. guarantee the following will see the difference. The soul is gone, just the skeleton is there

I promise I'm not even mad. Just wasn't going for the whole, "scam", business and "not to be trusted with financial info", non sense. True evidence that you guys were upset about getting cut out. People are going to buy the carts regardless because they know we cook. Can't deny the chefs.

Everything could've been discussed without all of the going behind backs to finesse passwords and all that. If MfGooze wanted the CookInSilence twitter account why didn't he ask for the credentials when he left? Why didn't he pm me or email me? or tweet at us? Why did he wait till we rebuilt it? Why didn't he say there was a problem? You guys chose to move and operate like snakes when problems were always invited to be solved openly within the group. You guys weren't there when we had 140 followers and I was up BD'in FTB Kobes to the TL. :lol: didn't want the twitter then but as soon as we get ready to unleash the headless captcha and bypass and Finishline bd then all of the sudden ya'll have to finesse the twitter from us? Makes sense. We'll make a brand new one and let people decide who's shrimpin.
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I's not even hard to figure out. Look at the history of my posts and my avy was removed because it displayed meth getting hit in the head with a shrimp. I pushed this thing. Never been banned close to 10 years on here. Always had the same SN, had a new one when we moved from yuku but never used it because I was able to get my OG back. These other guy's have like 10 different NT profiles and use it to rep each other and spread confusion. I'm not with that.

I think I got my point across.

Ya'll betrayed the fam for follows. So here, here's more follows. Hey please follow @ShrimpSupply

The twitter was intended for monetizing our platform, not for fame because at the end of the day, no one gives af about you. They want their shoes. So when you're not oopin, or you're not succeeding on your carts, you will be forgotten as quickly as you came.

Back to talking about the honorable Neek and ASSC
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as we get ready to unleash the headless captcha and bypass and Finishline bd then all of the sudden ya'll have to finesse the twitter from us? Makes sense. We'll make a brand new one and let people decide who's shrimpin.

Cool headless captcha bypass, I too have one. It's called BNB, it can be had for $200 and it's regularly updated.

View media item 2029413
No back channel dealings required.
Cool headless captcha bypass, I too have one. It's called BNB, it can be had for $200 and it's regularly updated.

View media item 2029413
No back channel dealings required.

Show me your screenshot during SZN bro.

I'm not even provoked to go there about you and your bot because I already know you were just upset because you wanted your fellow canadian booted. Take that battery out of your back and do your own thing man. This argument/ dispute isn't for you. I'm used to arguing with you about boxing, not this bs. You're your own man...stop letting people influence you . Let them speak for themselves.
Show me your screenshot during SZN bro.

I'm not even provoked to go there about you and your bot because I already know you were just upset because you wanted your fellow canadian booted. Take that battery out of your back and do your own thing man. This argument/ dispute isn't for you. I'm used to arguing with you about boxing, not this bs. You're your own man...stop letting people influence you . Let them speak for themselves.

Show me yours and I'll show you mine bby :wink:

I'm not upset, my fellow Canadian went AWOL with the twitter and got to remain in... Willingly chose to not be in a group where that was not swiftly rectified and I'm sure others would feel the same.

Paid my monetary dues and I left.

I cooked then, I cook now;
No Harm, no foul.
I do not like a group so shifty
I do not like it Kay Eye EnGee
Is this shrimp group part of that bigger group called SupNt ???

I've seen some of their post they seemed real organized compared to the shrimp group.
Settle this beef via the next drop. who cooks the most wins. The other must vanish

Good idea but we're aiming at memphis type numbers, so this contest wouldn't be helping us reach our targets or over all brand goals. We need to have 1000 people say that they got yeezys/ shoes of their hearts desire because of us. This lil clique beef is only relevant right now because it was brewing for the last few days and came to an over boil. Very shortly the entertainment value will drop and no one will care anymore.

Then it will be time for the real work to get put in. Arguments cant produce that.

SZN coming.
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