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I don't think chocolates will be any easier to get then these. Be careful when shopping, a lot of fakes out there

I know your right on the chocolates, but not much else I can do but try like everyone else. Hopefully Adidas allows me to checkout next time.
I know your right on the chocolates, but not much else I can do but try like everyone else. Hopefully Adidas allows me to checkout next time.
Yea I Feel You. If I had to depend solely on online I would have a very tiny collection :lol:
Thanks for advise, but I am not being sneaky. I just need to provide for my family, today. Not 3 days later

also, my size goes for $2,500 on Flight currently
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Thanks for advise, but I am not being sneaky. I just need to provide for my family, today. Not 3 days later
you depend on a pair of shoes to provide for your family? 
Where did 3 days come from? Anyways you will get your money faster from Ebay then shipping your shoes to fc and waiting for them to sell
Thanks for advise, but I am not being sneaky. I just need to provide for my family, today. Not 3 days later

also, my size goes for $2,500 on Flight currently

but with FC you dont get paid until the shoe sells

meaning yo pair can just sit and not sell until weeks later
Thanks for advise, but I am not being sneaky. I just need to provide for my family, today. Not 3 days later

also, my size goes for $2,500 on Flight currently
first off, if you need to feed your family TODAY, and not 3 days later, then wouldn't it be smart to sell it to the buyer whose already paid you than to wait who knows how long before your pair sells on FC because the market is going to get real crowded right now.

And secondly, you're not getting $2.5 if thats what FC is listing it at. 
After market pairs I only trust Goat, Stock X or FC to buy from. That's it.
So I won a pair via raffle and submitted so many raffles that I could not remember my size, well they are a 10 and I'm a 7.  I've sold on ebay before but not sure if ebay, or using these consignment places above would be best.  Thanks for providing their info, as I was just going to search this thread for recommendations.  I will look into them.
my order is not showing the size? Please help .. Anyone who has the same promblem?
omg if someone asks this one more time! Lls it mean your not getting them. Get ready for a cancelled email. Damn I mean have anyone ever ordered from adidas before.
I give some people the benefit of the doubt for never ordering from Adidas before because besides yeezys, they have no interest in the 3 Stripes. But I can't give the benefit of the doubt to people who don't read at least ONE page in this thread where it is asked once in every page of 1458 pages
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Anybody have any experience shopping from Vices Ltd in Denver ? They have yeezys for $1600, said they cop from a store in Atlanta and a store in Texas . Debating on pulling the trigger on a 9.5 (going down 1/2 from true size)
you guys assume the worse. I'm taking final exams this week, pshh

All I am saying is that I was offered $1,200 out the door and getting Pm's for $1,500. with these offers I should be shopping by now

Sorry you guys feel so strongly about my move making.
omg if someone asks this one more time! Lls it means your not getting them. Get ready for a cancelled email. Damn I mean have anyone ever ordered from adidas before.

If adidas fix their checkout maybe ppl will not be asking these questions. I only ordered from adidas maybe twice, because their checkout sucks
I give some people the benefit of the doubt for never ordering from Adidas before because besides yeezys, they have no interest in the 3 Stripes. But I can't give the benefit of the doubt to people who don't read at least ONE page in this thread where it is asked once in every page of 1458 pages
I agree, that question has been asked a trillion times.  People don't want to put in the work because it's such a long thread.
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