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Decisions now: Do I trade my TDs for a set of black V2s + cash? Or do I trade my belugas + cash for a black V2? 

Keep what you have and move on. Once you make the trade you'll be kicking yourself for trading TD's/belugas. Obviously doesn't apply if you have more than one pair though.
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None of those are retro+ cws, and with releases every week, 4-5 good cws a year is disgraceful.. literally 95% of their releases, including all GR retro+ cws are outlet-bound garbage.

Retro+ Colorways are heat to: Alt 5s, Wool 12s, Suede 11s, Master 12s, all the Low top 11s that dropped this year, a few of the city series 10s from this year were even dope.

But again to each their own. One man's trash or "Garbage" (in your words) are another man's treasure
Decisions now: Do I trade my TDs for a set of black V2s + cash? Or do I trade my belugas + cash for a black V2? 

I think Belugas gonna be worth more than the Black V2s. They dropped 3 black V2s.... And people were able to cop ALL 3 on the foot apps/confirmed. 
Because something being on sale means it has no value. :rofl:

We have nothing to discuss.

If they were actually good products that weren't overproduced, they wouldn't go on sale. The problem is that those terrible GR retro+ cws JB puts out are overproduced and overpriced. Do you actually think those Mango 9 lows were a good product? I'd honestly rather wear Crocs than put those atrocities on.
If they were actually good products that weren't overproduced, they wouldn't go on sale. The problem is that those terrible GR retro+ cws JB puts out are overproduced and overpriced. Do you actually think those Mango 9 lows were a good product? I'd honestly rather wear Crocs than put those atrocities on.

once again, nothing to discuss. think don't type.
damn they did US dirty.... maybe it's because everyone who is scripting, bot-ing, and hacking is all from the US ... SMH 
Man can't believe I struck out.. hopefully resell dies a bit. I need at least 1 9.5 from this drop :smh:
 Just so you guys know this is my first ever yeezy cop (FINALLY!) 

 I managed to get AIO bot to work but you NEED a server as well as proxies.

I've been getting by without proxies so far but I might try for the next release I dunno
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