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Has nothing to do with how much you spend. I've hit for infant TD's at Miami Beach and twice for the Beluga's at Aventura. I just hate driving back and forth from Tampa :lol:
Damn man you drive to Miami.. I'm in Tampa too but I driving to Orlando for Confirmed and to check in at Florida mall
Has nothing to do with how much you spend. I've hit for infant TD's at Miami Beach and twice for the Beluga's at Aventura. I just hate driving back and forth from Tampa
Hillsborough County all the way down to Miyayo? DAMN!!!! I salute you, homie lol
Has nothing to do with how much you spend. I've hit for infant TD's at Miami Beach and twice for the Beluga's at Aventura. I just hate driving back and forth from Tampa :lol:
Damn man you drive to Miami.. I'm in Tampa too but I driving to Orlando for Confirmed and to check in at Florida mall

Yeah, I might make it out there for confirmed. Already did check ins on Tuesday since my cousin is at UCF and he just gave me the codes. Good luck to you!

Has nothing to do with how much you spend. I've hit for infant TD's at Miami Beach and twice for the Beluga's at Aventura. I just hate driving back and forth from Tampa :lol:

Hillsborough County all the way down to Miyayo? DAMN!!!! I salute you, homie lol

I just happened to be in Fort Lauderdale for business and drove to the zone in Miami and hit. Hated wasting entire Saturday picking up the pairs. Good luck getting yours sir!
Yeah, I might make it out there for confirmed. Already did check ins on Tuesday since my cousin is at UCF and he just gave me the codes. Good luck to you!
I just happened to be in Fort Lauderdale for business and drove to the zone in Miami and hit. Hated wasting entire Saturday picking up the pairs. Good luck getting yours sir!
Ah okay, I dig. Thanks, I just want one damned pair! Here in LA, that might be akin to finding a damned needle in a haystack 
Entered all the local raffles in the detroit area, hoping to finally hit on one. I went to the dark side and found some cracked versions of the major bots, might as well give it a shot with those too
I think its over saturation.
There's no "ohhh man, you got yeezys" anymore.
That might the reaction amongst sneaker heads but the masses still say "Ohhh man, you got Yeezys." Reason being is half if not more don't wear them lmao. They put them on to walk around the house and post pics on IG. I'm in Los Angeles and I have yet to see anything other than PB's or TD's out in the wild. I've NEVER seen anyone rocking a pair of 750's.
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i remember seeing someone post that even though you locked in before platinum theres a way to update it. 

is that true? cuz the cs rep told me once you lock in as vip you cant be upgraded to platinum.

LLLLs for days
That might the reaction amongst sneaker heads but the masses still say "Hohhot man, you got Yeezys." Reason being is half if not more than those who have them don't wear them lmao. They put them on to walk around the house and post pics on IG. I'm in Los Angeles and I have yet to see anything other than PB's or TD's out in the wild. I've NEVER seen anyone rocking a pair of 750's.
I rocked my 750's to the Bulls/Heat game last Saturday night.  

Watching D-Wade shoot around courtside.  
Entered all the local raffles in the detroit area, hoping to finally hit on one. I went to the dark side and found some cracked versions of the major bots, might as well give it a shot with those too
Michigan will eats. We shall prosper.

Why you say that? I actually drove to Redford and grand river mr alans

Not hopeful at all unless they got a lot or something
That might the reaction amongst sneaker heads but the masses still say "Hohhot man, you got Yeezys." Reason being is half if not more than those who have them don't wear them lmao. They put them on to walk around the house and post pics on IG. I'm in Los Angeles and I have yet to see anything other than PB's or TD's out in the wild. I've NEVER seen anyone rocking a pair of 750's.

I rocked my 750's to the Bulls/Heat game last Saturday night.  

Watching D-Wade shoot around courtside.  

View media item 2263220

Sick ****** seats :x
Been too busy to keep up here. 

What's the word on Black/White sizing? Similar to Red/Copper/Green (i.e. size up 1/2 from Beluga) or similar to Beluga? Thanks
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