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People definitely eat on online raffles but the lack of common sense for alot of the salty folks taking L's is actually hilarious.

Tens of thousands of people enter these raffles and people are entering expecting to win every time. Your odds are at the very least 1 : 1000, if not worse. Those are the same odds given by some bookies for Hugh Hefner admitting he's a virgin.

How distracted or inept do people have to be in math class to not understand basic probability?
I wish some retailers (Such as END ) will do a preference for people with a certain selling in buys from them, like 4 or 5k, that way regular consumers could eat, I don't know why but Kith seems to be always fair with people who's recurrent with them 

And about the basic probability  I recently read this ( so well people registered on those raffles could have had just 1 or 2 years of math at best lol 
Man, that article just illustrates how stupid some kids are...

What use is there of skipping school to be the freshest kid on the block?

Would rather be a highly educated adult with a healthy salary able to afford resell prices than one decked out in hype but can barely afford rent...
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Man, that article just illustrates just how stupid some kids are...

What use is there of skipping school to be the freshest kid on the block?

Would rather be a highly educated adult with a healthy salary able to afford resell prices than one decked out in hype but can barely afford rent...
Kids in the uk seems to be really lost in a bubble , they put a name in the article of this shady *** white kid , I look his instagram out of curiosity, bro if those are the models kids are looking up nowadays, don't mind Trump world is ducked up 

13 years and buying vetements/supreme at resell : No future, once their parents go away those kids are gonna be left all empty and stupid by consumerism 
Easily the ugliest. Don't understand the hype at all
yeah they look like some kid got some white yeezys and drew all over them with a sharpie. 
Kids in the uk seems to be really lost in a bubble , they put a name in the article of this shady *** white kid , I look his instagram out of curiosity, bro if those are the models kids are looking up nowadays, don't mind Trump world is ducked up 

13 years and buying vetements/supreme at resell : No future, once their parents go away those kids are gonna be left all empty and stupid by consumerism 
It's clearly a thing in North America as well.

But here's the thing, I'm totally okay with kids like Benjamin Kickz. Started off using his parent's money but he was entrepreneurial enough to stretch $1 into $100.

Kid's got a natural knack for marketing and networking.

But he's the rare few. Every kid skipping school thinking they can accomplish this is simply naive and both they and their parents need a healthy reality check.
It's clearly a thing in North America as well.

But here's the thing, I'm totally okay with kids like Benjamin Kickz. Started off using his parent's money but he was entrepreneurial enough to stretch $1 into $100.

Kid's got a natural knack for marketing and networking.

But he's the rare few. Every kid skipping school thinking they can accomplish this is simply naive and both they and their parents need a healthy reality check.
Kids are losing their childhood thinking about money so early, sad. But the all world is that way I think, Money is the ruler, no matter how you put it. Those kids in the article and kid doing line are putting their discipline and hard work in all the wrong places. 

Benjamin Kicks, the kid was well into Js and Nike before all this nonsense started, I don't care about him he did good and that's it. 

Who knows maybe their parents are stupid as well? Or by some means rich and can let their kids go around playing big man on IG ... One way or another we're doomed 
Kids are losing their childhood thinking about money so early, sad. But the all world is that way I think, Money is the ruler, no matter how you put it. Those kids in the article and kid doing line are putting their discipline and hard work in all the wrong places. 

Benjamin Kicks, the kid was well into Js and Nike before all this nonsense started, I don't care about him he did good and that's it. 

Who knows maybe their parents are stupid as well? Or by some means rich and can let their kids go around playing big man on IG ... One way or another we're doomed 
A lot of kids have it easy in the US anyways, relatively- so at least they're applying themselves in some way. Any opportunity for them to learn discipline and the value of a dollar I'm all for it, but I don't know that its actually happening in most cases (for some reasons you both have stated). Basic education is necessary for all in my eyes (history, reading, basic math, etc), but education itself is overly emphasized in our country to an extreme (IMO of course). The amount of people that go in to debt and never even finish college or even pursue/use their degree if they get it is crazy. A lot of great jobs can be had through trade schools,certifications, and through the military. They force feed the idea of 4 year degrees and debt for a reason, but at the end of the day its all about finding what job best suits you and your capabilities, and one that you'll be relatively happy with. I don't where you guys went to school, but my high school encouraged auto-tech, welding, cosmetology, IT, even agriculture- and realistically those are better options for a lot of people.
A lot of kids have it easy in the US anyways, relatively- so at least they're applying themselves in some way. Any opportunity for them to learn discipline and the value of a dollar I'm all for it, but I don't know that its actually happening in most cases (for some reasons you both have stated). Basic education is necessary for all in my eyes (history, reading, basic math, etc), but education itself is overly emphasized in our country to an extreme (IMO of course). The amount of people that go in to debt and never even finish college or even pursue/use their degree if they get it is crazy. A lot of great jobs can be had through trade schools,certifications, and through the military. They force feed the idea of 4 year degrees and debt for a reason, but at the end of the day its all about finding what job best suits you and your capabilities, and one that you'll be relatively happy with. I don't where you guys went to school, but my high school encouraged auto-tech, welding, cosmetology, IT, even agriculture- and realistically those are better options for a lot of people.
Your highschool is rare! I reckon more schools need to offer those sorts of courses.

I'm definitely inclined to agree with your eval. of overvaluing a university/college education but I also consider trades, certification, or even self-learning etc as education as well.

These kids (and adults) are out here making these brands literally they're lifeblood. Not only is it unsustainable, but it really ***** up your basic hierarchy of needs. Hyped clothes or sneakers are NOT the basics. Putting food on the table, roof on your head, etc are and you get it by learning and applying to a craft.

There's also a pretty severe deficiency in financial education/literacy/health in youth that kids paying resell for Yeezys and Supreme really highlights. I cringe for when the brutal reality of adulthood hits these kids lol.

I know this is not the forum for this **** but damn is it ever frustrating.
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Benjamin kicks is nothing more than a spoiled rich kid.

Let's not forget this is the same kid who had a tantrum when people wouldn't sell him shoes.

Full out, "eff you dad!", in tears, tantrum.

Kids should be out playing and getting in trouble. Do normal kid stuff. NOT looking up to you tubers who push materialistic agendas
Oh man, I hope I can score a pair of these. Last time I provided my girl and mate all the local raffles. They both got a W and I took an L :frown:
Your highschool is rare! I reckon more schools need to offer those sorts of courses.

I'm definitely inclined to agree with your eval. of overvaluing a university/college education but I also consider trades, certification, or even self-learning etc as education as well.

These kids (and adults) are out here making these brands literally they're lifeblood. Not only is it unsustainable, but it really ***** up your basic hierarchy of needs. Hyped clothes or sneakers are NOT the basics. Putting food on the table, roof on your head, etc are and you get it by learning and applying to a craft.

There's also a pretty severe deficiency in financial education/literacy/health in youth that stuff like kids paying resell for Yeezys and Supreme really highlights. I cringe for when the brutal reality of adulthood hits these kids lol.

I know this is not the forum for this **** but damn is it ever frustrating.
There have been times when I'm in line for raffles or pick ups, and kids in line will be talking about calling in sick to their part time job, skipping class, etc to be in line.

In my mind I'm just thinking that attitude like this will never get you anywhere in life. I've trained/mentored fresh grads/co-op students who have never had an office job before, and let me tell you, work ethics are worse than ever. All they ever look for is the easiest way to do a particular task, or complain when they don't get their way.
There have been times when I'm in line for raffles or pick ups, and kids in line will be talking about calling in sick to their part time job, skipping class, etc to be in line.

In my mind I'm just thinking that attitude like this will never get you anywhere in life. I've trained/mentored fresh grads/co-op students who have never had an office job before, and let me tell you, work ethics are worse than ever. All they ever look for is the easiest way to do a particular task, or complain when they don't get their way.

Work smarter. Not harder.
There have been times when I'm in line for raffles or pick ups, and kids in line will be talking about calling in sick to their part time job, skipping class, etc to be in line.

In my mind I'm just thinking that attitude like this will never get you anywhere in life. I've trained/mentored fresh grads/co-op students who have never had an office job before, and let me tell you, work ethics are worse than ever. All they ever look for is the easiest way to do a particular task, or complain when they don't get their way.

I hear the same thing. I usually go on my lunch break and I've heard everything from: "I skipped my midterm to be here" to "I'm ****** for rent if I cop these".

Seriously man ... what in the actual ****?
Work smarter. Not harder.
A lot of my work is Excel based. I teach them formulas to work smarter, but even that is 'too much work' for them. I then tell them just to copy paste it lol.

I'm not punishing them by making them work harder than they have to. I want them to finish their tasks/reports as fast as possible, but they don't want to learn the functions to make their life easier.
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