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Adidas really defeated the purpose of the splash page today.

By making it live 30 minutes early, but not releasing the inventory till the tweet, everyone just had to hit "TRY AGAIN" and they were able to go checkout all at once.

That's basically how I copped after failing on everything else this week and going the no sleep route. :smokin
2nd pair I carted is gone....
 Hey to anyone upset they didn't get through right away, I got through the second Adidas tweeted (manually) I checked out right away too but kept getting errors. I have about 25 charges across 5 different cards. I don't know why I couldn't get through even though it was right after the tweet, but no matter how many times I tried to check out , it didn't work.

 Congrats to those who copped.

That sounds like what happened to me with the Tan release... ended up with 12 charges and 1 order...

This go around no pending charges and no orders.... couldn't make it past the review and pay this time. On to the next one....
Any Canadians know wtf is going on with ADC CA? They tweeted that they dropped but still nothing but the splash.
Only thing consistent for me are the Ls ... sadly, even though I seem to fail throughout ADC's process, and while random, it still seems the most fair. I just wish once you got through, ADC was more stable. Between the inventory issues, not being able to see what size are available (mobile), the inability to advance past pages, and not processing payment, you want to throw all your devices out the window. Ehhh, on to the next one ... and trying again on ADC at that  
Anyone cop a size 16? Lol. They charged me but didn't put my order through. That was probably my only chance at copping a pair in my size :frown:
Struck out on everything, can't even tell you how many times I had them carted on ADC, but I did pick up a pair last night from someone who had them available for order, paid something crazy but I really wanted them, especially after being sold a UA pair from ebay a few days ago that I was told were legit, figured I'd rather just pay the difference for the peace of mind. Oh well, it'll be the only pair I paid a premium for, but I won't give up hope at one day getting lucky for a pair at retail.
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i'm not salty cuz i already have a pair of PB's

but I'm salty cuz all these sites BEAT ME

it's the chase more so the Catch it seems
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