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If you got a confirmation page, that means you got a Order number. Order numbers are pretty solid in making sure your order goes through. If you didn't get an order number or order confirmation but your card was charged, chances are slim for you. 

I got an order number, but I thought it was weird I never got an email confirmation.

The item being shipped email put me at ease, though.
Oh okay, just curious. I'm still salty about OT release on ADC. Carted, added all info, got to complete checkout, clicked andddd blank screen. I waited a bit and nothing happened. Hit the back button, and it said error with cart and shoes were gone. adidas charged me, but I never saw order confirmation page and never received confirmation email. Ended up calling CS and she said order never went through and reversed card charges. Glad I could double up on PBs this go round. Congrats on copping as well.

I got an order number and the order showed up on my ADC account, but never received an order confirmation email.
once again that email does not matter, not one long as you got an ORDER NUMBER you are good

I see that now. Like I said before, I thought it was weird I never got an email confirming the order.

Now I know for the next release.

Thanks guys for all the info!
Got shipping confirmation from Adidas BUT card still hasn't been charged or no pender transaction from ADC... Still thinking I'm not gonna cook haha
Got shipping confirmation from Adidas BUT card still hasn't been charged or no pender transaction from ADC... Still thinking I'm not gonna cook haha
they'll charge when it's actually shipped or they'll charge once they are delivered. No is getting free yeezys except my buddy @yanks
Got that ADC shipping confirmation! First yeezy I ever I got online. Feels good to finally post this, I'm so used to just reading everyone else's shipping post lol.
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