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Not really a bot but made this for the launch. Could beat the CAPTCHA but not the stupid cart system. 

You put in a product id, size, and it'll generate your cart URL. Click it and check out. 
couple of questions:

1. did you write this before or after the last release?

2. If the answer to question 1 is after, is safe to assume you basically got pass the splash, captha, etc. saw the actual link. Copy, and pasted it in say you wrote this GUI in java (maybe) to automate everything. 

3. If you did this by doing a directory traversal, (which would be kinda cool) did you have to do this after adidas went live?
couple of questions:

1. did you write this before or after the last release?

2. If the answer to question 1 is after, is safe to assume you basically got pass the splash, captha, etc. saw the actual link. Copy, and pasted it in say you wrote this GUI in java (maybe) to automate everything. 

3. If you did this by doing a directory traversal, (which would be kinda cool) did you have to do this after adidas went live?
Wrote it before the last release. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do based off of the previous BD links. They were mostly GET and all you had to do was hammer it until you managed to get one into your cart. 

They updated it to a POST and thought it would be the same but rather a POST instead of a get. But to my surprise, the Ultra Boosts (black,white, gray) had a captcha infront of it. Thought I was **** out of luck with the CAPTCHA but managed to figure out a way to get passed it. I used that to do my tests.

Everything is HTML/JavaScript. I have a node server making the actual requests to get the cart links. 

No Directory Traversal, just simple inspecting the calls and trying to reverse engineer it. 
Wrote it before the last release. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do based off of the previous BD links. They were mostly GET and all you had to do was hammer it until you managed to get one into your cart. 

They updated it to a POST and thought it would be the same but rather a POST instead of a get. But to my surprise, the Ultra Boosts (black,white, gray) had a captcha infront of it. Thought I was **** out of luck with the CAPTCHA but managed to figure out a way to get passed it. I used that to do my tests.

Everything is HTML/JavaScript. I have a node server making the actual requests to get the cart links. 

No Directory Traversal, just simple inspecting the calls and trying to reverse engineer it. 

I get the feeling my 10 yr old son (who I've been sending to coding camp) would understand this. I think I'll have him translate. :rolleyes
couple of questions:

1. did you write this before or after the last release?

2. If the answer to question 1 is after, is safe to assume you basically got pass the splash, captha, etc. saw the actual link. Copy, and pasted it in say you wrote this GUI in java (maybe) to automate everything. 

3. If you did this by doing a directory traversal, (which would be kinda cool) did you have to do this after adidas went live?
i'd never write a script with java. that's enterprise level ****. not worth the overhead. js/ruby is much more easier
Some bots are written using Java to leverage the Multithreading and what not. That way you can have a lot of threads trying to cart your products. 
I really don't understand much of all this coding talk, but I like that y'all are not hiding this in any secret society and make it visible for us coding noobs.
Wrote it before the last release. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do based off of the previous BD links. They were mostly GET and all you had to do was hammer it until you managed to get one into your cart. 

They updated it to a POST and thought it would be the same but rather a POST instead of a get. But to my surprise, the Ultra Boosts (black,white, gray) had a captcha infront of it. Thought I was **** out of luck with the CAPTCHA but managed to figure out a way to get passed it. I used that to do my tests.

Everything is HTML/JavaScript. I have a node server making the actual requests to get the cart links. 

No Directory Traversal, just simple inspecting the calls and trying to reverse engineer it. 
aahhhh ok, the brute force appoarch. i did something similar with nike back when they first started the whole "you are now in line" deal. man i wish i could simulate the traffic on my own web server to test my methods of bypassing the splash page. heck at one point in time just putting in the sites actual 32 bit IP worked and not resolve the DNS name. 
 it worked like a champ unless that IP was  VIP. and it it was VIP just brute force it until you got lucky. 
Yea man that's the idea, we all need to eat. Can't let only the rich and greedy get in on the bots. Hopefully we can shake it up and get the other footsites to do something about it y'know? 

Tyler Durden style.
I thought people where lying about receiving the 2015 PB until I opened my box from ADC and got the 2015 pair. Same box and no extra padding not that I really care but I guess this was a mix with the new release and the old one
let me come down to south beach. I don't have any talents to bring down there, but I just want some shrimp. 
Lmaooooooooo love the honesty.

Yea man that's the idea, we all need to eat. Can't let only the rich and greedy get in on the bots. Hopefully we can shake it up and get the other footsites to do something about it y'know? 

Tyler Durden style.

I applaud and rep the sentiments. I do urge caution with what is publicly posted since NT isn't a members only group and lurkers can lurk. our posts show up in a Google search. It would be best to keep the code in DMs unless you're trying to tip off footsites to their security holes.

Edit: I reread what you're trying to do. My bad for misinterpreting.
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