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website raffles is still all luck and honestly chances are not in your favor. As far as the footapps, it only JUST rolled out nationwide, there was like 85% of the country in the dark with old raffle ticket system and backdooring employees. You were able to make use of the footapps because you travel to Atlanta anyway. Most people aren't leaving their state so they weren't entering Atl anyway. Not saying you didn't put in work or you don't deserve it. You just put in the extra extra mile (literally) that most people won't do for shoes.
I get what you're saying. But even driving 2.5 hours won't guarantee you a pair. No matter how badly you want them there is an element of randomness to it, it's all about how much you can tip the odds in your favor. I stayed up all night for creams and struck out on YS and ADC and every place that dropped them, that doesn't mean I didn't try or didn't put the effort in. The point is that a majority of places do raffles (even adc with their splash system is a raffle to an extent) and raffles inherently are determined by luck, not time put in. Some people are VERY unlucky and because of this, haven't hit on a pair.

Gotta keep in mind
When these first released in 2015 it was easier to cop. Percentages have dropped since then

And thanks to bots/scripts it's even more harder online
That’s true. But if you look at it that way, then no option to buy yeezys or any limited shoe is gauranteed in that sense. The only way to GAURANTEED yeezys in that sense is if everyone had a fair chance a copping. I hate to sound cliche but life’s not fair and neither is copping shoes. Put in work and reap the results. I’m 1000% sure that your ability to cop directly correlates to how much effort you put in
I’m not arguing if there is way to guarantee yourself a pair.

Yes it correlates to how much work you out in but the point I am trying to make that there is a statistical possibility that someone has struck out on every pair and put in the same if not more work than you. So you saying that if you haven’t gotten a pair then you must not have put the work in is inherently wrong due to the fact that the majority of chances to buy these shoes are random and raffled off.
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I’m VIP platinum for all 3 stores. Just check my Spent $ all 3 reset to zero. That might be reason I got waitlist to all 3 ???
I'm glad everyone's hitting, it isn't as easy as everyone says it is but a bit of trying goes a long way. Good luck tonight to anyone stayin up.
website raffles is still all luck and honestly chances are not in your favor. As far as the footapps, it only JUST rolled out nationwide, there was like 85% of the country in the dark with old raffle ticket system and backdooring employees. You were able to make use of the footapps because you travel to Atlanta anyway. Most people aren't leaving their state so they weren't entering Atl anyway

This is true. I have to remember everyone is not as fortunate or able to travel. I travel a lot nationwide so that is minimal to me. But I understand your point
Me being that I live in Alabama but I do business in Atlanta probably helps. And trust me, that 2.5 hour drive is usually my last resort after I strike out on online raffles. But when all else fails and fta Cumberland comes through I gas up the Camaro and make it in to a day trip. I’m not saying should have to do that just to get a pair, but with all the options to get pairs I’d say if you don’t try for all the raffles and you don’t go get em (seeing it a couple hours away) you don’t want em enough. It’s all about footwork and dedication. Guys run around thier metro all day trying to secure pairs for hours. It’s no different to me.
I’m in the minority here but I’m in Idaho and NO ONE gets them in the entire state. So it’s raffles or online for me. I’d have to drive 8 hours 1 way just for a shot. It’s crazy how many raffles I’ve put in for the last year... but that’s the way it is.
I’m not arguing if there is way to guarantee yourself a pair.

Yes it correlates to how much work you out in but the point I am trying to make that there is a statistical possibility that someone has struck out on every pair and put in the same if not more work than you. So you saying that if you haven’t gotten a pair then you must not have put the work in is inherently wrong due to the fact that the majority of chances to buy these shoes are random and raffled off.

I see your point. My opinion may be skewed because the apps have blessed me every release. And like you said most of the country was in the dark on apps until recently so yea I see your point
I’m VIP platinum for all 3 stores. Just check my Spent $ all 3 reset to zero. That might be reason I got waitlist to all 3 ???

Two of my accounts got reset and I hit on them. I think it's just our time to reup with Footlocker. I'll have to buy some garbage before the next release.
Yea and it's so easy copping when people are eating multiple pairs. Like you really need 3 or 4 pairs at 1 time. Flip outta here
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