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Alright, question for you guys. I got my blue tints and I'm trying to figure out if I can make them work as with insoles out they still have some pressure on the top of my apparently oversized big top. I have a couple of shoe trees lying around but don't want to mess them up if I have to resell them. Does the toe box stretch out vertically at all as you wear them or would using a tree to stretch them work?
Not sure what you are asking? If you plan on wearing them then wear them. If they are slightly snug just heat them up with a blow-dryer and then stuff them and that'll change the shape. I just did this yesterday to my left shoe and it worked perfectly.
Finally got tracking for my Blue Tints from ADC. Didn’t get an email but when I logged into my account I finally had a tracking number
You sir are a baller! :lol: only way I'd walk on the back of a pair of yeezys is if they were totally trashed from regular wear


give em a break bro.. just imagine how much they have had to deliver this past holiday season
lol nah

shoes were originally out for delivery last friday, never came
shoes were out for delivery saturday morning, never came
out for delivery yesterday, never came... that's 3 days it should have been here at my door already.
got fed up and requested to pick it up an UPS center, got there and they couldn't find it
raised my voice a tad bit and cussed a little and oh wow, worker miraculously finds it after she looks one more time
lol and if you knew my UPS driver and the countless times he has effed up, you wouldn't be saying give him a break.
Not sure what you are asking? If you plan on wearing them then wear them. If they are slightly snug just heat them up with a blow-dryer and then stuff them and that'll change the shape. I just did this yesterday to my left shoe and it worked perfectly.

That was somewhat convoluted. End goal is to keep the Yeezys either through stretching them or trading for a half size bigger. My question is if there's a method that's been used or people use that would stretch the fabric to remove the pressure on the top toe or if I'd just be better off trying to swap them now before messing with them.
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