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I've gone through 3 movies waiting for em to drop lol. Doctor Strange, Split, and Hacksaw Ridge. Debating whether to pass out or order another movie to wait for YS lol.
the password means nothing..
Let's people know when to get ready 
wack @ss consortium site..matched four times but couldnt check out. then couldnt add new sizes to cart because original size was sold out but wouldnt let me REMOVE from cart smh
wack @ss consortium site..matched four times but couldnt check out. then couldnt add new sizes to cart because original size was sold out but wouldnt let me REMOVE from cart smh
At least you got to try. I couldn't even get in to the site
Password on YS is only for friends and family to cop their pairs... i dont see what this has to do with us? WITH or WITHOUT a password the situation still remains the same.
Password on YS is only for friends and family to cop their pairs... i dont see what this has to do with us? WITH or WITHOUT a password the situation still remains the same.
no its not lmao sometimes there's a password screen for 10 mins sometimes there's a password screen for 2 minutes. you really think they givin f&f 2 mins at 6am in the morning to cop a pair? lol
Woke up for a middle of the night poop. And it is absolutely nuts in here. See y'all in a couple hours
Password on YS is only for friends and family to cop their pairs... i dont see what this has to do with us? WITH or WITHOUT a password the situation still remains the same.

Password page is for admins to get the website ready and load the stock

Friends and Family have separate page 
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