ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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This thread turning into a D measuring contest
Always happens when there's an argument, and the losing party has to humble brag their salary as if it's relevant lol. 
I haven't studied the UA pairs but here are a few things I've noticed that are unique on the authentic pairs... hopefully this helps someone. Haven't seen these mentioned but it's been hard to keep up with everything. 

The prints should match on both shoes, but not symmetrically. The left side of each shoe should match and likewise for the right. Pic below for reference. I've checked out three authentic pairs in person and all of them had this, so I'm assuming they all do. 

Then on the inside, the stitching down the center should be noticeable. It's rigid and imperfect, and you can actually see and feel where it finishes at the top of the liner. Here's my pair for reference.
5 days in the rain when some people just rolled out of bed that morning and copped in less than an hour.
didn't you camp 5 days in the rain for that size 5? :lol:  

Yes I did! But I am not earning 6 digits as most of the people in this thread [emoji]128514[/emoji]

And the us 5 sells for 2k on FC that was pretty tempting. I let FC eat the 20% comission, dont have to deal with deadbidders, lowballers, fakechecks etc...
5 days in the rain when some people just rolled out of bed that morning and copped in less than an hour.

Most online retailers had no us 5 or 6 in stock. Sizeruns started from us 7 upwards. I knew before that I would have to camp out for this size. 5 days for us 5 [emoji]128075[/emoji]
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Most online retailers had no us 5 or 6 in stock. Sizeruns started from us 7 upwards. I knew before that I would have to camp out for this size. 5 days for us 5 [emoji]128075[/emoji]

No hate on that... even if you did end up reselling. 5 days for waiting on a size. Yeah... honestly, you deserve the cash.

As a fellow tiny foot person I can't be mad at that. I know how rare 5 and 6 were too. Always the uphill struggle.
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No hate on that... even if you did end up reselling. 5 days for waiting on a size. Yeah... honestly, you deserve the cash.

As a fellow tiny foot person I can't be mad at that. I know how rare 5 and 6 were too. Always the uphill struggle.

Thanks man you are absolutely right. Hard af to get the small sizes 90% of the time. I would never have sold for the low like at the 1k ballpark. The common size prices start from as low as 900$ on FC. Us 6 is at 1.5k and us 5 wont go any lower as 2k (all FC prices)
I thought prices were dropping. I'm so confused. That's great, I'm gonna buy that 6 now but still sit on for some years. I can't figure out this market.

Well you are one of the 6 digit persons and surely can afford to sit on the us 6 for some years. You wont loose money thats for sure. You bought the us6 at a very low reselling price. Congrats!
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Well you are one of the 6 digit persons and surely can afford to sit on the us 6 for some years. You wont loose money thats for sure. You bought the us6 at a very low reselling price. Congrats!

Here we go again. If I had known 6 digits was considered rich here I wouldn't have said anything. It was to prove a point but no one was calling out the person saying you're broke if you don't pay resell though. You men bicker more than women, my god, where are the women on this thread. All I asked was a question about the market.

People need more to do in life than just making fun of people who pay resell, camp out, calling people liars or you broke if you don't want to pay resell. Let people be, they aren't bothering you.
I didnt mean to be offensive so please chill. Nobody should be blamed for the money they make. I think its ridiculous to talk about stuff like that in a shoethread. And I dont consider earning 6 digits as rich. Its good its middle class. Really rich people barely talk about money, they simply have it and spend it. Once again, congrats on the auction you have won. Its a good buy you did.
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Here we go again. If I had known 6 digits was considered rich here I wouldn't have said anything. It was to prove a point but no one was calling out the person saying you're broke if you don't pay resell though. You men bicker more than women, my god, where are the women on this thread. All I asked was a question about the market.

People need more to do in life than just making fun of people who pay resell, camp out, calling people liars or you broke if you don't want to pay resell. Let people be, they aren't bothering you.
you're a woman?
I didnt mean to be offensive so please chill. Nobody should be blamed for the money they make. I think its ridiculous to talk about stuff like that in a shoethread. And I dont consider earning 6 digits as rich. Its good its middle class. Really rich people barely talk about money, they simply have it and spend it. Once again, congrats on the auction you have won. Its a good buy you did.
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