ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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In my opinion the people that have the shoe are just hoping the market value of the shoe doesnt go down, they love the fact they have something exclusive and very elusive to obtain. 
probably Big Mac
thats a special, special sauce 

I joined this website a minute ago just never really posted in here. I would love to know how legit HS is about them dropping online tomorrow. Cause as someone stated before this is the complete opposite of what was stated by ed and vamp....
In my opinion the people that have the shoe are just hoping the market value of the shoe doesnt go down, they love the fact they have something exclusive and very elusive to obtain. 
That's not how economics works. As more shoes are released, the supply goes up and prices will fall. There is nothing they can do to change that.
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these are limited! ye lied! he just said it! on the interview . thats some bs... how u you rant and talk all that nonsense to turn around and make your shoes limited? any collab can sell 10k shoe man! yes im butthurt . and will
soon stop paying attetion to this dudes shoes . im too old to line up and ****
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Spoke with an Adidas rep from, she couldn't confirm that a release would happen on the 21st of feb...
She did say that the worldwide release would be on the 28th of feb...(which we know)
She also said that they may not be using the Adidas app...
But she also told me not to delete the app either...
She just said make sure I'm online on the 28th because a lot of people are after the shoe...

Doesn't sound like it helps much...
But I'm just relaying info I was given from the Adidas rep...
In my opinion the people that have the shoe are just hoping the market value of the shoe doesnt go down, they love the fact they have something exclusive and very elusive to obtain. 
i have the shoe and i want more to come out so i can cop agaion and wear them without worrying about messing them up too bad.

i prefer wearing shoes i have doubles of, that i will admit.

but hoping for nothing to rain on other peoples pararade nah.
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these are limited! ye lied! he just said it! on the interview . thats some bs... how u you rant and talk all that nonsense to turn around and make your shoes limites? any collab can sell 10k shoe man! yes im butthurt lol
I mean a lot of us here predicited this was the case. Although we dont know numbers yet, I had a feeling he had no control over price or quantity. Adidas wont take a huge financial risk on a new silouhette like this. Not a regular sneaker and doesnt cater to all these HB teens wearing every shoe with the same dusty white tee and basketball shorts. Making them limited on the first go around ups the desire.
Also, many credible stores confirmed it. I can't believe there's still people in here who are surprised that this shoe is extremely limited...
i have the shoe and i want more to come out so i can cop agaion and wear them without worrying about messing them up too bad.

i prefer wearing shoes i have doubles of, that i will admit.

but hoping for nothing to rain on other peoples pararade nah.
I'm in the same boat. I want a second pair so I can wear these into the ground
wait im a little confused. 

February 28th is the world wide release?

and the March 26th is the Europe release?

anyone else see why im confused ?
well if this turns out to be limited, my guess is that only the first colorway is limited. Maybe they'll make more of the supposed black 750 boost.
btw only caught the the second half of the interview on 105.1 but my buddy sent me these cliff notes
  • he said they are making black ones but never said they would be the high tops that are out now
  • he said he didnt want them to be a limited release so resellers could sell them for that much. ADIDAS wanted them to be limited.
  • he didnt want them to be $350, ADIDAS did.
  • he said people are saying they look like Uggs which he finds funny because he was going for making something that looks like a sexier ugg.
i dunno if i missed anything else. i tuned in whenhe was talking about how kims a genius because she makes other people around her rich quick lol.
blame addidas huh.. lol ye scared he sell alot of shoes . never going be able to "create" at the level he wants if ge doesn't take a chance and release alot of shoes . blame the brand is getting old. plus i dont those lows they are crap
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