adult braces


Jul 5, 2013
I'm 25... My teeth game is cool...

Above average...

But I want my **** to be outstanding.

Can somebody put me on game?

I figure if I get it now, I won't have to worry when I'm 45.

I plan on having a career where I interact with a lot of people so I want my teeth game to be super proper.
I don't need them because my teeth are en Pointe but invisalign is a choice for ratchet teeth
shouldve done it as a kid

go with the classic metal braces. get it corrected much faster

invisalign works but it takes longer, and you need to take it out to eat. remember, it only works in your mouth. also, need new aligner every couple weeks, which can be painful cause your teeth needs to adjust to them. lot more expensive and certain adjustments to your teeth cannot be made with invisalign

my teeth game on point though
gonna try and find my before and after pics that my ortho took when i was a kid
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I've been thinking about traditional braces also, but I won't go through with it. I would look into Invisalign though.

How long does Invisalign take?
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Are your teeth really crooked? If so I say go with the classic metal braces but if they are ok and you just wanna make them nice and straight and don't care about how long it takes without compromising your yamb game then I say Invisalign.
And if you go through with braces depending on how fast you want it you would have to go through with getting it tightened as well as doing other things if you want to correct your teeth
Aye let's see some pics fam
My nephew had braces for 5 years, from age 10-15...his teeth her ****** up to the max.
I had em for 3 years.

Depending on how bad your teeth are, you might could just use Invisalign, or better yet just get some veneers added on to your current teeth to make it look more symmetrical
also, what type of dental insurance you got? some plans dont fully cover invisalign, veneers. they consider that cosmetic
I got mine at 25 too. Glad I did it wore them for two years my teeth were jacked. Metal is fastest, but the confidence a nice smile gives you :pimp:
 Lingual braces is also an option,  their braces that go behind the teeth instead of the front.  Never had any braces but I've looked into them before.
I got mine at 27. Mine weren't really that bad. Just my bottom 4 and my top corners were a little off. Only had them on for about 1 1/2 years. I do have to wear my retainer at night though.
I got mine put on at 25. I'm 27 now, and I still need them for about 9-10 more months.

My teeth weren't jacked up severely, but I always wanted a great smile for my life going forward - so it was an investment for me.

If you have to get any teeth pulled like I did, your mouth structure will change and you will go through phases where you don't even recognize your teeth anymore. It even hinders your ability to speak normal for a temporary amount of time, but you'll adjust.

I got gaps that I've never had before, but that's only because the spacing phase is in progress for me, and their all closing up - but it's a pain to deal with it nonetheless.

Bottom line, go for it. Especially if you have dental coverage to cover at least half the costs like I did. I ended up paying $2,700 out of pocket. I can see the progress already, and I can't wait to see the final results.
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I had braces from 8/2001 to 2/2004 (9th Grade to 11th grade) I was 14, so about 2 in the half years. I had a gap and a huge overbite growing up. I get complimented on my smile very often. Not to toot my horn, but here is a pic of me about a few weeks ago.

View media item 1391446
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Teeth on a girl are very important to me... One the few things I truly care about... If they're a little naturally crooked, it's OK... But if they're yellow and jacked, hell no...

I was blessed with pretty much a perfect set of teeth, and try to take as good care of them as possible...
I remember hating my braces as a teenager. Hated that my mom made me get the time. Now I appreciate her doing that for me.

A nice smile cannot be understated in terms of how something that simple can enhance your life. Straight teeth don't necessarily mean your more deserving than someone else but in this world it can help you make a good first impression, as shallow as that is.

If your meeting clients and from a business side of will def help.

But don't get it twisted...lot more things important than your oral structure. Keep everything else in line with that nice smile.
Haha I know man I never use to smile, it only took 2 months to get them straight surprisingly.
They look good now tho :pimp: I got braces twice. Once in 4-5th grade to straighten my teeth (werent crooked badly but my mom wanted me to have straight teeth) after that I had to get them a 2nd time in my junior year of HS because I grew an underbite by correcting my teeth too early the first time but I'm happy to not need them anymore :pimp:
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