African Americans are the most diverse race when it comes to dating.

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I'd actually say caucasians are the most diverse race when it comes to dating. How often do you see black/ asian couples?
you ever been to the bay??? they love us out here

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

question: are all lightskinned blacks mixed with white or some distant white relatives?

no. as far as i can see in my ancestry everyone in my fam is black with the exception of a few native americans...i have several family members and friends who are pale yellow and they're not mixed
There had to be some kind of mixing prior to your knowledge in the days of shackles and chains.
Unless your Ancestors are East African descendant. If that's you in youravy, I doubt you're an East African descendant. They tend to be lighter and have defined features like high cheek bones, with very finer noses cuzthe're mixed with Middle Eastern/Arabic heritage. For example Egyptians/Eritreans.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

One race in 200 years.. watch.

I hope so

I also am a FIRM believer in this
. However I don't know if it'llbe that soon, ya never know though
It's really inevitable
I bagged a indian woman, nothing major. Women are intrested in longeviety if you know what I mean. I always got a chick or should I say, a chick always got me.
The brothers act like they really doin it. Most of the chicks yall baggin are some overweight low selfesteem white chick without options.
Dudes act like all we get is overweight white girls. We get what we want at the end of the day so its cool. If you ask me its the main reason we are so hated.
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

black females dont get along with everyone mostly........attitude smh
not to mention they are the least attractive of all the races
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RiverXBear

It dont matter what race you are.

Im white mixed with native American and a small bit of Hispanic.

I stay with hispanic and black girls thats it.

If your Swagger is hot you can get with any race .

Usage of this word in serious context means YNS.

Originally Posted by A Thrilla

Dudes act like all we get is overweight white girls. We get what we want at the end of the day so its cool. If you ask me its the main reason we are so hated.
with the combination of having Knowledge = Power and Innate Strength = Power I tooalso feel we are hated on because of this but most "blacks don't realize this" nor do the people that Hate, they just Hate to Hate. However Ibelieve the powers that be are VERY AWARE OF THIS but I love all races and have so many differentraces of friends so I just bathe in the hate and keeps me shinin
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