Age of Consent Discussion (USA)

Always 18 n over for me...

But if u bout that, let this guide u

Surprised to see Florida at 18:lol:
My post from Kelly thread:

The law is very finicky. I'm sure a group of psychologist can research the average age people mature mentally at. I think the working theory is 25. However, try to push legislation to increase the age of consent to 23-25 and they'll laugh at you. Those lawmakers or their constituents aren't trying to toss out the opportunity to **** 18 year olds when their 50. That's why "barely legal" porn was so big.
My post from Kelly thread:

The law is very finicky. I'm sure a group of psychologist can research the average age people mature mentally at. I think the working theory is 25. However, try to push legislation to increase the age of consent to 23-25 and they'll laugh at you. Those lawmakers or their constituents aren't trying to toss out the opportunity to **** 18 year olds when their 50. That's why "barely legal" porn was so big.
Those old white men are on some of the oldest **** possible that it’s troubling. Trump himself pays for porn stars that look like his daughter and is best buds with a proven pedo. Said he had “good taste in women”.
The older I get the younger I want(legally).Hate broads my age (31) and older. Me and r. Kelly share a birthday next week. The outrage with dating younger chicks is always dudes. Women dgaf
Take this into account too, when you’re older where the hell are you meeting your sweet 16 year olds trying to scooo them up? Y’all hitting up the high school parties?

All over hip hop reddit. Sent it in the Drake thread here this morning an no one said nothin
The older I get the younger I want(legally).Hate broads my age (31) and older. Me and r. Kelly share a birthday next week. The outrage with dating younger chicks is always dudes. Women dgaf
“Younger” isn’t what this discussion is even about my dude. We’re taking beyond “younger”
Edit: never mind. I'm not that interested in their rationale.
Again, age of consent at 18 is perfectly fine with me, though I shoot for 25 plus.

What's the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old physically and emotionally? If we're honest nothing.

Why do we put an age on maturity? I know 30 year old women that still behave like they are in high school.
Women dgaf because it's easier for them to get away with it :lol: There's an entire thread full of female pedophiles getting slaps on the wrist :smh:

Another reason they probably don't care is because they know they used to fantasize about older men when they were "underage"
What's the difference between a 16 year old and an 18 year old physically and emotionally? If we're honest nothing.

Why do we put an age on maturity? I know 30 year old women that still behave like they are in high school.
Straight up I used to be the young cat with the older chicks. And those chicks end up acting immature just like the young ones. It makes no difference in the age, in terms of maturity. No pedo.
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